This is a modified version of the Caffe deep learning framework ( that can be used for working with the FV-MTL with CCE-LC method presented in our paper: "Implicit and Explicit Concept Relations in Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Label Video/Image Annotation".
This modification is based on the official Caffe source code of caffe_rc3. It contains one additional layer, the cost_sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_layer
, that implements the CCE-LC cost function of our paper. The caffe.proto
file was also modified accordingly.
The caffe_rc3 version extended with the cost_sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_layer
and the modified caffe.proto
file can be found in folder code_caffe-rc3_fvmtl_ccelc.
See for the latest installation instructions of Caffe. This version was tested with: Cuda 8.0 cudnn v4.0 python 2.7 ubuntu 14.04
This is a modification of the Sigmoid Cross-Entropy Loss Layer ( The cost sigmoid cross entropy loss layer implements the CCE_LC method of our paper.
Parameters (CostSigmoidCrossEntropyLossParameter cost_sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss_param
From ./src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto:
message CostSigmoidCrossEntropyLossParameter {
enum Constraint {
Label_cor = 1;
No_const = 2;
CorMatrix = 3;
optional Constraint constraint = 1 [default = No_const];
optional float constraint_weight = 2 [default = 1.0];
optional int32 missing_label = 3 [default = -2]; // the number that indicates a missing label in the ground truth
optional bool double_neurons = 4 [default = false];
optional float constraint_cor_threshold = 5 [default = 1.0];
optional bool cost_multiplier = 6 [default = false];
A sample example with the way that a caffe model can be trained using the proposed FV-MTL with CCE-LC cost function can be found in the example_prototxt_files folder.
Also the Matlab scripts that create the required input files for training a caffe model using the ResNet-50-fvmtl_ccelc_ext1_2048.prototxt can be found at the example_input_files folder.
For more details see the guidelines in each of these two folders (example_prototxt_files and example_input_files).
Caffe is released under the BSD 2-Clause license. The BVLC reference models are released for unrestricted use.
Please, cite our paper if you use this code:
F. Markatopoulou, V. Mezaris, I. Patras, "Implicit and Explicit Concept Relations in Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Label Video/Image Annotation", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, accepted for publication.
This work was supported by the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement H2020-687786 InVID, and by Nvidia corporation with the donation of a TitanX GPU.