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Jim is a task runner, similiar to


  • Go 1.13+
  • Modules


$ go get


To create a new task that you can run with jim. You need to create a package level function with the following API in your module:

func <name>(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
	return nil

You can place these functions anywhere in your application in any package. You don't need to follow any naming conventions or use any special build tags. Your function need only take a context#Context and a slice of string, and return an error.

See the ./examples/ref application for the full code.

├── db
│   ├── seed
│   │   └── users.go
│   └── seed.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── ref.go
└── task
    └── task.go

3 directories, 6 files

The go.mod file:

module ref

go 1.13

Example task ref/db/seed/users.go

package seed

import (

// Users puts all of the users into all of the databases
func Users(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
	fmt.Println("loading users", args)
	return nil

Running a Task via CLI

To run the above mentioned task we can use the jim command:

$ jim db/seed.Users 1 2 3 4

loading users [1 2 3 4]

Let's break down the db/seed.Users bit, shall we? The last part, Users is the name of the function that will be run. This MUST match capitalization.

The db/seed part is converted to the package <module path>/db/seed which, hopefully, contains a Users function that matches the correct API.

Running a Task via API

To run your task via the API in your application, give it a context.Context, some arguments, and you're good to go. :)

Getting Task Help

The jim -h flag, followed by the task will print the GoDoc for that function.

$ jim -h db/seed.Users

package seed // import "ref/db/seed"

func Users(ctx context.Context, args []string) error
    Users puts all of the users into all of the databases

Listing Available Tasks

$ jim list
