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This is a python WSGI application that prints the DNS SRV records used for XMPP. You can see it running at

Source available at


  • python dns library. Use to query DNS servers directly.
  • python jinja2 library. Used to render the HTML templates.
  • (optional) python gevent library. Only needed if you execute the script directly to run a standalone web server.
  • (optional) gunicorn3. Only needed if you want to use the included systemd service
    • On Ubuntu: apt-get install gunicorn3
    • (be sure paths, user and permissions are set properly).
      Copy check_xmpp_dns.service to /etc/systemd/system/check_xmpp_dns.service and copy tmpfiles.d_gunicorn.conf to /etc/tmpfiles.d/gunicorn.conf
  • (optional) black. For auto formatting.

Local development

It's easy to run the application locally:

virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then open http://localhost:8080/ in a web browser.

Alternatively you can use gunicorn with --reload to restart the server automatically when the code changes:

. venv/bin/activate
pip install gunicorn
./venv/bin/gunicorn --bind --reload check_xmpp_dns:application

How to deploy to a real server

While you can use the "local development" steps above to run the script on a real server, it's wise to run it as a service, instead.

See the notes about gunicorn3 in the dependency section above for some rough instructions on running the script as a systemd service.

Another option is to run the script directly. It starts a plain HTTP server on port 8080 using the gevent WSGI server. You could proxy traffic to this port from another web server.

Or you can use any other WSGI server to start the script's 'application' method.


Python cgi script that prints the DNS SRV records used for XMPP.






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