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MarkdownExtended CGI server handler

A CGI script to parse Markdown files with the PHP-MarkdownExtended package.

The script of this package is a shell script to use as a CGI binary to automatically parse the contents of certain files of the server written in Markdown syntax (based on the file extension) and display the result instead of the raw content of the file. All the features of the markdown-extended command are available and configurable, such as using a template to construct a rich HTML rendering.

How does it work?

The idea behind the feature described here is quite simple: replace the default rendering of a server when loading the URI of a Markdown syntax file by its rendering after the syntax transformation. Instead of having the raw content of the file in your browser (the default behavior of a web-server for static files), you will have a rich HTML content.

This works by asking to the server to treat concerned files, filtered by their extensions, with a special script that makes the transformation and returns the result.


To make the CGI script work, you will need three things:

  • a copy of this package,
  • a web server with a CGI binaries directory and running PHP 5.3 or higher,
  • a copy of the PHP-MarkdownExtended package tool (you must install it by yourself - you can install it in a global or user's bin/ directory or locally in your CGI binaries directory).

For a complete fresh installation (NOT including the markdown-extended package), you can use:

$ wget --no-check-certificate
$ tar -xvf master.tar.gz
$ cd mde-cgi-master
$ ln -s "$(pwd)/" {path to your server CGI binaries}/
$ ln -s "$(pwd)/mde-template.html" {path to your server CGI binaries}/

You may ensure the binary script have execution rights for your server user running:

$ chmod a+x {path to your server CGI binaries}/

Doing so, the CGI script is ready to handle Markdown files. You now need to adapt your server configuration to let it transmit the treatments to the script. See the Configuration section below for more information.

The CGI script

The script is a Bash shell script that will only transmit the request to the markdown-extended command with special options.

To adapt the markdown-extended work to your needs, you can define some environment variables to override the defaults defined in the script. The default values are defined in the case where you followed the usage described above by making a symbolic link to the local version of the script.

Basically, you need two files paths for the default handler to work:

  • the path to a working markdown-extended command (this can be the default bin/markdown-extended script of an installed package or a markdown-extended.phar archive)
  • the path to a template file to use.

The following variables are available:

  • MDE_DEBUG : enable the CGI debug mode ; information are written but the parsing will not be done ; it defaults to false

  • MDE_BASEPATH : the base directory path to use for all links of the script (this is optional if you define the MDE_BIN and MDE_TEMPLATE as absolute paths)

  • MDE_BIN : the path to the markdown-extended parser binary script to use ; this defaults to a global or "per-user" installed version of the markdown-extended OR a ${MDE_BASEPATH}/markdown-extended script

  • MDE_TEMPLATE : the path to a template file to include parsed content in ; this defaults to ${MDE_BASEPATH}/mde-template.html

  • MDE_CHARSET : the default character set to use while parsing Markdown content ; it defaults to utf-8

  • MDE_OPTIONS : the options to pass to the parser ; this defaults to --template=${MDE_TEMPLATE}

  • MDE_PHP_BIN : the path to the php program to use to call the parser ; the default system's command will be used by default

The script is designed to handle a query string in two ways:

  • using ?plain will render the raw content of the file (not parsed) ; a automatic link is added in the footer of the default template)
  • using ?debug will render some information about the environment which can be useful during installation and configuration ; the output stops after the rendering (no content of the file is rendered).

Server's configuration

Server running Apache

As the CGI script uses some internal Apache's features, you will need to enable the following Apache modules:

You will need to add the configuration below to concerned virtual host, which means you can use these configurations in a global httpd-vhosts.conf or a single .htaccess file.

# enable CGIs and follow symbolic links
Options         +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks

# add 'sh' scripts as CGI-scripts
AddHandler      cgi-script  .sh

# display '.md' files as text if something went wrong (you can add any extensions)
AddType         text/html   .md .mde .markd .mdown .markdown

# treat '.md' files by the CGI handler
AddHandler      mde         .md .mde .markd .mdown .markdown
Action          mde         /cgi-bin/ virtual

To define a configuration variable, write:

SetEnv MDE_BIN {custom path to}/markdown-extended

Server running Nginx

this documentation part has to be done, sorry :(

About the template

The HTML template proposed in this package is VERY simple. It is just the basic structure of an HTML content with the basic elements of a MarkdownExtended content. You can (of course) build you own template following the notation described in the original package.

A rich version using Bootstrap is available in the mde-master branch of my other package HTML5 quick template.


A CGI script to parse Markdown files with the PHP-MarkdownExtended package







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  • Shell 90.1%
  • HTML 9.9%