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A BASIC-like compiler for retro computers.

BASIC is over 50 years old and may not be the most respected of computer languages, but it, at least the BBC variant of BASIC, is not that bad really. It's just missing a few things, like structures, maps, memory management, a standard library, function pointers, vectorization and a decent compiler and tool chain. There's a suspicion that adding these features to the language in a natural way without compromising its simplicity, might result in quite a nice programming environment. At least this is the theory to be put to the test in the Subtilis project.

The tentative plan for the project is to first create a compiler for a subset of the existing BBC BASIC V features and then figure out a way of adding modern constructs to the lanuage. To start with there will probably only be three target OSes, RISCOS 3 and RISCOS 4 and the native ARM processor mode of PiTubeDirect.

Subtilis is not a BBC BASIC compiler and it never will be. It ressembles and is inspired by BBC BASIC, but it will not compile BBC BASIC programs. It is likely to diverge more and more from BBC BASIC as its development continues and new features are added. It should, however, be fairly easy to modify existing BBC BASIC programs so that they can be compiled with Subtilis.

Please see the Subtilis documentation for more details.

Subtilis is still very much in its infancy and is not recommended for use by anyone other than its author. Nevertheless, if you want to play around with it, please visit the GettingStarted page.


BASIC-like compiler for retro computers







No releases published


