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My personal project I am developing while exploring Django and scraping in Python 🔭

Webb In Space

It's showing what the Webb telescope is observing right now.

Screenshot of Webb In Space App

The application is divided into three parts:

Scraping the data:

  • It scrapes this page looking for new reports and saved them into /data_source/cycle_{number}/ folder as new txt file.
  • Use command: python observation_plan_scout.

Parsing the data:

  • It searches the data_source folder looking for new files. Then parses the data in these files and saves them into the database.
  • Use command: python report_parser.

Showing the data on the web page:

  • Homepage shows what is the current target of the Webb's observation.

How to install

🐍 Python 3.9 required

  • Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Apply migrations: python migrate
  • Create your .env file:
# Example for development
  • Run the app: python runserver

Built With

  • Django - Python web framework
  • Bootstrap - Front-end framework
  • Chart.js - JavaScript charting library
  • Mermaid - JavaScript-based diagramming and charting tool