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Doula Cooperative of Rochester


Build: CircleCI

Getting Started

$ npm run tools
$ firebase login
$ yarn install
$ yarn serve

Development Workflow

  1. Create a branch for your updates.
  2. Make changes & push to have your

Development Accounts/Access

Owner: Mark Goho

  1. Firebase:
  2. GitHub:
  3. CircleCI:
  4. Slack:
  5. .github && .circleci privileges - Only known committers are allowed to submit changes to some files

Modify the Doula List

  1. Branch (recommendation: <doula-name>)
  2. Update: src/templates/partials/_doulas.pug
  3. Ensure any new profiles have a corresponding jpg and webp file in src/img/headshots (the filename needs to match the name key of the partial). Photos must be 200p wide by 280p tall (see: the-doulas.pug) <- Contact @markgoho for new/updated images. They require special care & handling.
  4. Stop your server, then build and serve: yarn serve

Rollback a Bad Deployment

Oh no! Something is very broken!! No worries... put the site back into a working state instantly by selecting the previous configuration here, then clicking rollback:

Manual Deploy

WARNING: Don't do this. Make sure your changes are set and the rest of the site is functional.

$ yarn deploy