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Union types


A union type describes a value that can be one of several types.


We have haxe.ds.Either<L,R> and EitherType<T1,T2> to allow some kind of dual type, but the syntax is a bit verbose and also limited to two types or externs only as far I'm aware of. I'd love to see it being changed to a nicer syntax and let it become part of the language.

Detailed design


It can be uses with | to separate each type:

  • Float|String is the type of a value that can be a float or a string
  • Float|String|Bool is the type of a value that can be a float, string or a boolean.

It should be invalid to repeat a type multiple times: Float|Float

Union types should be usable as in various forms:

// parameter
function foo(value:Float|String) { 

foo(3.14); // valid
foo("hey"); // valid
foo(true); // compile error: parameter 'value' should be Float or String

// return type
function qux(value):Float|String 
	return "great!"; // valid

function bar(value):Float|String  
	return 1.3; // valid

function baz(value):Float|String 
	return true; // compile error: function foo() should return Float or String

// typedef
typedef FloatOrString = Float|String;

// variables
var value:Float|String;

Let's say we have two types: TypeA and TypeB. If the both have a field with the same type, it should be possible to safely access the field without a specified cast. If a variable is present but the types are different, it will lead in a error.

class TypeA {
	public var a:String = "any";
	public var b:Int = 5;
	public function new() {}
class TypeB {
	public var a:String = "a";
	public var b:String = "b";
	public var c:String = "c";
	public function new() {}

var value:MyType = TypeA|TypeB;
value.a; // valid 
// valid because TypeA.a and TypeB.a are string

value.b; // compile error: cannot unify field "b" of TypeA and TypeB
// invalid because 'TypeA.b' and 'TypeB.b' are of different types

value.c; // compile error: MyType has no field "c" (hint: cast to TypeB)
// invalid because only TypeB has a field 'c'

Union type should also be usable as type parameter constraint.

function foo<T:String|Float>(a:T) {

Again, here if valid fields are used, no cast is needed (uses TypeA and TypeB of previous example):

function foo<T:TypeA|TypeB>(value:T):String {
	return value.a;

Union type switch

It would be great for to allow switching on these types. Not sure if this needs a different proposal. I'm also not sure if we need something in the pattern matcher, or need a new switch-like keyword, I leave that up to the team, since I cannot judge what is the best here. I know TypeScript uses switch(value.kind).

Anyway, this is the idea:

function foo(value:Float|String) {
	switch(typeof value) { // I'm open for any syntax here
		case Float: 
			trace("Float!" + value);
		case String:
			trace("String!" + value);

It would translates to something like this.

function foo(value:Float|String) {
	if (, Float)) {
		 trace("Float!" + value);
	} else if (, String)) {
		 var value:String = cast value;
		 trace("String!" + value);
		 trace("String!" + value.toUpperCase());

Since it does pattern matching, it can give errors like this:

var value:Float|String
switch(typeof value) {
	case Float: 
	case String: 
	case Bool: // Compiler error: Invalid case Bool; is not Float or String

When the user didn't switch, then (s)he needs to do the cast her/himself:

var value:Float|String;

if (, String)) {
	var a:String = cast value; // allowed, safe

var b:String = value; // Allowed, since it could unify to String
var c:Bool = value; // Error: cannot cast Float or String to Bool.

Impact on existing code

  • It shouldn't break existing code since this is an addition to the awesome type system we already have.
  • It shouldn't break runtime too, since the type checking should be done compile time.
  • I'm not sure if there can be issues with operator overloading "@:op(a | b) public function or(type1:Type, type2:Type)` with abstracts. In theory that could break existing code.


I can imaging using union types could cause performance hit on certain targets, since it is some kind of dynamic.

Opening possibilities

This would make the type system richer. It should also make writing externs nicer. I can imaging the union type switch can also very nice when working with Any / Dynamic.

Unresolved questions

  • How should the syntax of the union type switch look like?
  • I'm not sure if one should be able to define something like Class<String|Float> or how to deal with that.
  • Is it possible to use such union types with abstracts: abstract Bla(String|Float) and if can one create functions like @:to function foo(v:String|Float)?