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Certificate Authorities

rjrudin edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 1 revision

Recognized file extensions

Prior to 3.13.0, only files ending in ".crt" were processed.

Starting in 3.13.0, files with one of the following extensions are processed:

  • .cer
  • .crt
  • .der
  • .p12
  • .p7b
  • .p7r
  • .pem
  • .pfx
  • .spc

In all versions, if you need to add to this list, you'll need to modify the ResourceFilenameFilter object belonging to DeployCertificateAuthoritiesCommand - e.g.

DeployCertificateAuthoritiesCommand command = new DeployCertificateAuthoritiesCommand();
ResourceFilenameFilter filter = (ResourceFilenameFilter)command.getResourceFilenameFilter();