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Angular Signals with Fine-Grained Rendering


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Angular Signals JSX

Angular Signals JSX logo

This library is a fork of Ryan Carniato's VueRX JSX, which implements a DOM Expressions runtime using the signals found in @angular/core v16.0.0-next.4 (since versions after that are too tied into Angular's runtime to be useful on their own). This implementation provides considerably better performance than pairing Angular's signals with their dirty-checking Zone.js change detection methods.

It accomplishes this with using Babel Plugin JSX DOM Expressions. It compiles JSX to DOM statements and wraps expressions in functions that can be called by the library of choice. In this case effect wraps these expressions ensuring the view stays up to date. Unlike with Angular's ChangeDetector, only the changed nodes are affected and the whole tree is not re-rendered over and over.

See it as a top performer on the JS Framework Benchmark.

To use call render:

import { render } from "angular-signals-jsx";

render(App, document.getElementById("main"));

And include 'babel-plugin-jsx-dom-expressions' in your Vite config.

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import babel from "@rollup/plugin-babel";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      exclude: "node_modules/**",
      babelHelpers: "bundled",
      extensions: ["ts", "tsx"],
      plugins: [
            moduleName: "angular-signals-jsx"

For TS JSX types add to your tsconfig.json:

"jsx": "preserve",
"jsxImportSource": "angular-signals-jsx"


But, how does it stack up against the most popular JavaScript frameworks out there? Pretty favorably:

JavaScript frameworks benchmark results table - popular implementations

Okay, but what about against other Angular implementations? Blows them out of the water:

JavaScript frameworks benchmark results table - Just Angular implementations


> npm install angular-signals-jsx babel-plugin-jsx-dom-expressions



Angular Signals JSX works with function components. It also ships a specialize map function for optimal list rendering that takes an array as it's first argument.

const list = signal(["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"]);

    () => list(),
    item => (

Angular Signals JSX also supports a Context API.

Alternatively this library supports Tagged Template Literals or HyperScript for non-precompiled environments by installing the companion library and including variants:

import { html } from "angular-signals-jsx/html"; // or
import { h } from "angular-signals-jsx/h";

There is a small performance overhead of using these runtimes but the performance is still very impressive. Tagged Template solution is much more performant that the HyperScript version, but HyperScript opens up compatibility with some companion tooling like:

Further documentation available at: Lit DOM Expressions and Hyper DOM Expressions.


Angular Signals with Fine-Grained Rendering







  • TypeScript 90.1%
  • JavaScript 9.9%