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RSS Feed Generator Bundle

Use this bundle to generate rss feeds inside your Symfony application.

❤ Many thanks to @eko (Vincent Composieux) for giving me the inspiration to program this bundle.


composer require markocupic/rss-feed-generator-bundle

Option A: Add this to your config/bundles.php.


return [
    // ...
    Markocupic\RssFeedGeneratorBundle\MarkocupicRssFeedGeneratorBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Option B: In a Contao ❤ environment register the rss feed generator bundle in the Contao Manager Plugin class of your bundle.



namespace Contao\CoreBundle\ContaoManager;
use Contao\CoreBundle\ContaoCoreBundle;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Bundle\BundlePluginInterface;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Bundle\Config\BundleConfig;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Bundle\Parser\ParserInterface;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Config\ConfigPluginInterface;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Routing\RoutingPluginInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderResolverInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface;
use Markocupic\RssFeedGeneratorBundle\MarkocupicRssFeedGeneratorBundle;
use Acme\MyBundle\AcmeMyBundleBundle;

class Plugin implements BundlePluginInterface, RoutingPluginInterface, ConfigPluginInterface
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getBundles(ParserInterface $parser)
        return [
            // Register RSS feed generator bundle
            // register other bundles

Use dependency injection to require the feed factory in your controller.

# config/services.yml

      - '@Markocupic\RssFeedGeneratorBundle\Feed\FeedFactory'
      - '@database_connection'
      - '%kernel.project_dir%'
    public: true

Create the feed

// Use the feed factory to generate the feed object
$rss = $this->feedFactory->createFeed(\Markocupic\RssFeedGeneratorBundle\Feed\Feed::ENCODING_UTF8);

 // Add one or more attributes to the root element
    'xmlns:tourdb' => '',

// Add one or more attributes to the channel element
    'foo' => 'bar',

Add feed Channel elements

Use the Item class inside the feed factory method FeedFactory::addChannelField().

The Item::__constructor($elementName, $strValue, $arrOptions, $arrAttributes) takes four arguments:

  1. (string) element name
  2. (string) content
  3. optional: (array) options (at the moment cdata, and filters)
  4. optional: (array) with attributes
    new Item('title', 'Demo feed')

    new Item('link', '')

Make cdata elements and insert attributes:

// Add CDATA element and an attribute
    new Item('description', 'Check our news feed and have fun!', ['cdata' => true], ['attrName' => 'Here comes the attribute value'])

Filter od replace content

// filter or replace values
$arrFilter = ['Ferrari' => 'Italia', 'car' => 'country'] ;
    new Item('description', 'Ferrari is my favourite car!', ['filter' => $arrFilter])
// Will result in:
// <description>Italia is my favourite country!</description>

Add channel items

Use FeedFactory::addChannelItemField(), ItemGroup() and Item() to generate channel items.

The ItemGroup::__constructor($elementName, $arrItemObjects, $arrAttributes) takes three arguments:

  1. (string) element name
  2. (array) with Item objects
  3. optional: (array) with attributes
// Retrieve data from database and add items
$results = $this->getEvents($section);

if (null !== $results) {
    while (false !== ($arrEvent = $results->fetch())) {
        // Use a new instance of ItemGroup to add a collection of items all of the same level.
            new ItemGroup('item', [
                new Item('title', $arrEvent['title']),
                new Item('link', $arrEvent['link']),
                new Item('description', $arrEvent['description'], ['cdata' => true]),
                new Item('pubDate', date('r',(int) $arrEvent['tstamp'])),
                new Item('author', $arrEvent['author']),
                new Item('guid', $arrEvent['uuid']),
                new Item('tourdb:startdate', date('Y-m-d', (int) $arrEvent['startDate'])),
                new Item('tourdb:enddate', date('Y-m-d', (int) $arrEvent['endDate'])),

Nested items

// Append nested items with ItemGroup.
    new ItemGroup('item', [
        new Item('title', 'Title'),
        new Item('link', ''),
        new ItemGroup('nestedItems', [
            new Item('subitem', 'Some content'),
            new Item('subitem', 'Some content'),
        ], ['foo'=> 'bar']),


    <nestedItem foo="bar">
        <subitem>Some content</subitem>
        <subitem>Some content</subitem>

Render and send content to the browser.

return $rss->render();

Render and save content to the filesystem.

return $rss->render('public/share/myfeed.xml);

Generate RSS 2.0 feed inside a controller in a Symfony bundle



namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller\Feed;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder;
use Markocupic\RssFeedGeneratorBundle\Feed\FeedFactory;
use Markocupic\RssFeedGeneratorBundle\Item\Item;
use Markocupic\RssFeedGeneratorBundle\Feed\ItemGroup;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class FeedController extends AbstractController
     * @var FeedFactory
    private $feedFactory;

     * @var Connection
    private $connection;

     * @var string
    private $projectDir;

     * @Route("/_rssfeed", name="rss_feed")
    public function printLatestEvents(): Response

        $rss = $this->feedFactory->createFeed('utf-8');

            new Item('title', 'Acme news')

            new Item('description', 'Enjoj our news.')

            new Item('link', '')

            new Item('language', 'de')

            new Item('pubDate', date('r', (time() - 3600)))

        // Retrieve data from db
        $results = $this->getEvents($section);

        // Add some channel items
        if (null !== $results) {
            while (false !== ($arrEvent = $results->fetch())) {
                $eventsModel = $calendarEventsModelAdapter->findByPk($arrEvent['id']);

                    new ItemGroup('item', [
                        new Item('title', $arrEvent['title']),
                        new Item('link', $arrEvent['link']),
                        new Item('description', $arrEvent['description'], ['cdata' => true]),
                        new Item('pubDate', date('r', (int) $eventsModel->tstamp)),

        return $rss->render($this->projectDir.'/public/share/rss.xml');

Filter & search and replace strings

The extension will filter by default some characters. Linebreaks will be replaced with a whitespace, etc. Please have a look at the Plugin Configuration.

Overriding these defaults is pretty easy and can be done in config/parameters.yml. Please use regular expressions for the search patterns.

# config/parameters.yml
    '/</': '&lt;'
    '/[\n\r]+/': ' '
    '/&#40;/': '('
    '/&#41;/': ')'
    '/\[-\]/': ''
    '/\&shy;/': ''
    '/\[nbsp\]/': ' '
    '/&nbsp;/': ' '
    '/&/': '&amp;'


simple rss feed generator







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