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Install Marmara from Precompiled Binaries

Marmara Credit Loops edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 12 revisions

Installing Marmara Credit Loops from Pre-compiled Binaries

One can download and unzip our pre-compiled binaries. This is the simplest method and hence requires no compiling procedure.


Verify that your system is up to date.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Install the dependency packages

sudo apt-get install libgomp1

Downloading Assets from Releases

Go to Releases and download Marmara linux binaries .zip from Assets and follow the instructions given below.

Make sure to follow the following instructions on the downloaded directory or any other directory where you moved or copied.

sudo apt install unzip
sudo chmod +x komodod komodo-cli

Start and Run the Marmara Chain

To start the chain, open the command prompt and execute the following sets of commands:

./komodod -ac_name=MCL -ac_supply=2000000 -ac_cc=2 -addnode= -addnode= -addnode= -addressindex=1 -spentindex=1 -ac_marmara=1 -ac_staked=75 -ac_reward=3000000000

To stop the chain:

./komodo-cli -ac_name=MCL stop

Backup Your Wallet

Backing up the wallet.dat file is very essential as it holds the assets of one. On a Linux machine, the file could be found in: ~/.komodo/MCL/wallet.dat

One method to backup this file is to archive a copy of the file.

#Copy the wallet.dat file
cp -av ~/.komodo/MCL/wallet.dat ~/wallet.dat

#Rename the wallet.dat file
mv ~/wallet.dat ~/2020-08-09-wallet_backup.dat

# Make an archieve of the wallet.dat file
tar -czvf ~/2020-08-09-wallet_backup.dat.tgz ~/2020-08-09-wallet_backup.dat

# Move the final file to a secure location

Enabling UFW

This step is not required for installing MCL but can be used for server security purposes.

  • Check the status of UFW by
sudo ufw status
  • UFW package can be installed by executing the following command
sudo apt install ufw
  • Activate UFW and allow connections by executing the following commands
echo y | sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow "OpenSSH"
sudo ufw allow 33824
sudo ufw allow out 33824


Issue the following command in a terminal to install the command line tools:

xcode-select –-install

Download the .zip file from Releases page under Assets here to your macOS machine and extract the files. Change directory to the location of komodod & komodo-cli on the terminal.

Run the following command:


Start and Run the Marmara Chain

To start the chain, open the command prompt and execute the following sets of commands:

./komodod -ac_name=MCL -ac_supply=2000000 -ac_cc=2 -addnode= -addnode= -addnode= -addressindex=1 -spentindex=1 -ac_marmara=1 -ac_staked=75 -ac_reward=3000000000

To stop the chain:

./komodo-cli -ac_name=MCL stop

Backup Your Wallet

Backing up your wallet.dat file is very critical. One method to backup this file is to archive a copy of the file.

On MacOS, the wallet.dat file is located here: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Komodo/wallet.dat


Downloading Files from Releases

Download the .zip file from Releases page under Assets here to your Windows computer and extract&place the files (komodod.exe & komodo-cli.exe) in a new folder on the Desktop called MCL or any other location you prefer (remember the location and use that).

For this guide, we are using MCL directory on Desktop.

Create the Directory for the Zcash Parameters

Open the command line prompt and execute the following command:

mkdir “%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\ZcashParams”

Download following files and move them into the newly created directory i.e. MCL.

Start and Run the Marmara Chain

To start the chain, open the command prompt and execute the following sets of commands:

cd Desktop\MCL\
komodod.exe -ac_name=MCL -ac_supply=2000000 -ac_cc=2 -addnode= -addnode= -addnode= -addressindex=1 -spentindex=1 -ac_marmara=1 -ac_staked=75 -ac_reward=3000000000

To stop the chain:

cd Desktop\MCL\
komodo-cli.exe -ac_name=MCL stop

Backup Wallet

Backing up the wallet.dat file is very critical. One method to backup this file is to create a copy and archive it.

On Windows machine, the file is located below:


Making Marmara Credit Loops

Start the chain as with pubkey as instructed in the usage guideline here