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What's MLflow?

MLflow provides some functionalities to improve ML model trackability, reproduciblity, reusability, and also deployability. For trackability and reproduciblity, it provides a logging framework and a simple Web UI to manage training logs (e.g., datasets, features, and hyperparameters) about built ML models (MLflow Tracking). For reusability, it automatically resolves dependencies requird by a training script before learning models (MLflow Projects); it uses conda or docker to do so (conda used in this example and all the dependencies listed in conda.yaml). For deployability, it implements a simple command to deploy saved models in the MLflow logging framework into ML inferrence engines, e.g., stand-alone REST servers and the Amazon SageMaker (MLflow Models).

To install MLflow, type a command below:

$ conda install -c conda-forge mlflow

Walmart dataset

In this example, we use the Walmart dataset used in the research project of the ADA Lab @ UCSD. The dataset consists of three tables with foreign-key constraints: S_sales, R1_indicators, and R2_stores. A target variable y is weekly_sales in S_sales and |y|=5 (y={2, 3, 4, 5, 6}). So, you need to join the three tables before building a model and a join graph of the Walmart dataset is as follows:

                                                       _ R2_stores{store, ...}
 S_sales{weekly_sales, sid, dept, ..., purchaseid, store}
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^                      /
         R1_indicators{purchaseid, ...} _/

For more learning task details, see 5. EXPERIMENTS ON REAL DATA in the Hamlet paper. The dataset is automatically downloaded when running a MLflow project:

$ git clone
$ cd mlflow-blog-sample-201905
$ mlflow run .
Downloading 'RealWorldDatasets' and saving it in ./dataset
XGBoost model (max_depth=3, learning_rate=0.1, subsample=1.0):
  RMSE: 0.933979

$ cd dataset/RealWorldDatasets/Walmart
$ ls
R1_indicators.csv R2_stores.csv S_sales.csv

$ head -n1 S_sales.csv

$ head -n1 R1_indicators.csv

$ head -n1 R2_stores.csv

Run a MLflow project for training

This is how to run the training script:

$ mlflow run . -P max_depth=12,16,20 -P learning_rate=0.01,0.1 -P subsample=0.8,1.0

This run loads the dataset and then builds ML models by XGBoost. The arguments (max_depth, learning_rate, and subsample) define XGBoost parameters for training and the script builds 12 models (3 max_depth, 2 learning_rate, and 2 subsample) in the run.

MLflow first resolves all the dependencies requreid by the script and then invokes it. It uses Spark to load the dataset and joins the three tables above to make a single Spark DataFrame (sdf) for training:

    sdf = spark.sql(
        "SELECT " \
            "CAST(TRIM(BOTH '\\'' FROM weekly_sales) AS INT) weekly_sales, " \
            "CAST(TRIM(BOTH '\\'' FROM sid) AS INT) sid, " \
            "CAST(TRIM(BOTH '\\'' FROM dept) AS INT) dept, " \
            "CAST(TRIM(BOTH '\\'' FROM AS INT) store, " \
            "CAST(TRIM(BOTH '\\'' FROM type) AS INT) type, " \
            "size, " \
            "temperature_stdev, " \
            "fuel_price_avg, " \
            "fuel_price_stdev, " \
            "cpi_avg, " \
            "cpi_stdev, " \
            "unemployment_avg, " \
            "unemployment_stdev, " \
            "holidayfreq " \
        "FROM " \
            "S_sales s, " \
            "R1_indicators i, " \
            "R2_stores st " \
        "WHERE " \
            "s.purchaseid = i.purchaseid AND " \
            " =")

It converts to a Pandas DataFrame and splits the DataFrame into two parts: training and test data. Then, it tries to build 12 models with different parameters in individual MLflow execution contexts; each context builds a XGBoost model and stores training logs and the built model in the MLflow logging framework:

    # Converts into a Pandas DataFrame
    df = sdf.toPandas()

    # Splits `df` into two parts: training (`X_train` and `y_train`) and
    # test data (`X_test` and `y_test`)

    # Creates an execution context for a single run with given parameters (`md`, `lr`, and `ssr`)
    with mlflow.start_run(run_name=args.run_name) as run:
       clf = xgb.XGBClassifier(max_depth=int(md), learning_rate=float(lr), nthread=-1, subsample=float(ssr)), y_train)

       # Computes a metric for the built model
       pred = clf.predict(X_test)
       rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, pred))

       # For better tracking, stores the training logs (the three parameters and the metric)
       # and the built model in the MLflow logging framework
       mlflow.set_tag('training algorithm', 'xgboost')
       mlflow.log_param('max_depth', md)
       mlflow.log_param('learning_rate', lr)
       mlflow.log_param('subsample', ssr)
       mlflow.log_metric('RMSE', rmse)
       mlflow.sklearn.log_model(clf, 'model')

To check the training logs and the built models above, you can launches a tracking server:

$ mlflow ui
[2019-05-24 14:08:44 +0900] [10955] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.9.0
[2019-05-24 14:08:44 +0900] [10955] [INFO] Listening at: (10955)
[2019-05-24 14:08:44 +0900] [10955] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2019-05-24 14:08:44 +0900] [10958] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 10958

When accessing in your browser, you can see a MLflow web UI below:

As you see, the run with max_depth=12, learning_rate=0.1, and subsample=0.8 is the best in the top. In a detaild page for the run, you can find the corresponding model located in /Users/maropu/Desktop/mlflow-blog-sample-201905/mlruns/0/7d1c4faeeaaa4179a6088c2f456dfe77/artifacts/model below.

By using a mlflow pyfunc serve command, you can launch a stand-alone REST server and deploy the model in it. Besides this, you can also deploy into other ML inference services (for example, the MLflow sagemaker tool for deploying models to Amazon SageMaker). For more details, please see the MLflow Models document.

$ mlflow pyfunc serve -p 4321 -m /Users/maropu/Desktop/mlflow-blog-sample-201905/mlruns/0/7d1c4faeeaaa4179a6088c2f456dfe77/artifacts/model
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json; format=pandas-split" --data '{"columns":["sid", "dept", "store", "type", "size", "temperature_stdev", "fuel_price_avg", "fuel_price_stdev", "cpi_avg", "cpi_stdev", "unemployment_avg", "unemployment_stdev", "holidayfreq"],"data":[[159739, 1, 42, 3, 39690, 68.403, 6.617, 3.829, 0.598, 128.742, 2.454, 8.466, 1.071]]}'


An example code for MLflow






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