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Firebase Invites extension for Adobe AIR (iOS & Android)


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Firebase Invites | Native extension for Adobe AIR (iOS & Android)

Firebase Invites is a cross-platform solution for sending personalized email and SMS invitations, on-boarding users, and measuring the impact of invitations. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of getting users to install your app. Firebase Invites makes it easy to turn your app's users into your app's strongest advocates.

Development of this extension is supported by Master Tigra, Inc.


  • Receiving Firebase invitations and associated deep links
  • Sending invitations via native UI

Firebase Invites SDK versions

  • iOS v1.1.0
  • Android v9.4.0

Getting started


FirebaseInvites extension requires FirebaseConfig and FirebaseCore extensions. See the instructions for each extension and add them to your project.

For iOS support, copy the frameworks from bin/ios-frameworks to AIR_SDK_LOCATION/lib/aot/stub directory on your computer.

If you plan on sending invitations from iOS, your users will need to be signed in into your app with their Google account. To add this feature to your app, you can use Google Identity extension developed by distriqt.

Additions to AIR descriptor

After you deal with the prerequisites, add the extension's ID to the extensions element.


If you are targeting Android, add the following extensions from this repository as well (unless you know these libraries are included by some other extensions):


For iOS support, look for the iPhone element and make sure it contains the following InfoAdditions and Entitlements:




In the snippet above, replace:

  • {APP-PACKAGE-NAME} with your app package name (value of id element in your AIR app descriptor).
  • {REVERSED-CLIENT-ID} with your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID value from your GoogleService-Info.plist file. The value starts with com.googleusercontent.apps.
  • {DYNAMIC-LINK-DOMAIN} with your Dynamic Link domain value from the Firebase project console (see image below). The value must be without https:// and the trailing slash so that the value of the entitlement will look like this:

Firebase dynamic link domain

For Android support, modify manifestAdditions element so that it contains the following:

        <manifest android:installLocation="auto">

                <!-- FirebaseInvites BEGIN -->
                         <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
                         <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
                        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                        <data android:host="{DEEP-LINK-HOST}" android:scheme="{DEEP-LINK-SCHEME}" />
                <!-- FirebaseInvites END -->



In the snippet above, replace:

  • {DEEP-LINK-HOST} with the host which your invitation deeplinks will refer to, for example if one of your deeplinks is then the host will be
  • {DEEP-LINK-SCHEME} with your deeplink scheme, usually http or https.

You may add more than one pair of host and scheme.

Finally, add the FirebaseInvites ANE or SWC package from the bin directory to your project so that your IDE can work with it. The additional Android library ANEs are only necessary during packaging.

API overview


To be notified when an invitation is received, specify a callback method that accepts single parameter of type FirebaseInvitation:

FirebaseInvites.addInvitationReceivedCallback( onFirebaseInvitationReceived );
private function onFirebaseInvitationReceived( invitation:FirebaseInvitation ):void {
    trace( );
    trace( invitation.deepLink );
    trace( invitation.matchType );

It is recommended to add the callback before initializing the extension to receive any invitations which result in launching your app.

You can add more than one callback, or remove specific callback using:

FirebaseInvites.removeInvitationReceivedCallback( onFirebaseInvitationReceived );


Now proceed with ANE initialization. The init method should be called in your document class' constructor, or as early as possible after your app's launch and after FirebaseCore.configure() is called:

if( FirebaseInvites.init() ) {
    // successfully initialized

You may pass in true to the init call to enable extension logs.

Sending invitations

To send a Firebase invitation, use FirebaseInvites.dialog getter. It is a builder object that can be used to predefine values for an invitation dialog which is presented using native UI:

    .setTitle( "Invitation title" )
    .setMessage( "Hi, try this cooking app!" )
    .setAppDescription( "App description in email" ) // iOS only
    .setCallToActionText( "INSTALL NOW!" ) // Email call-to-action button label
    .setCustomImageURL( "" )
    .setDeepLink( "" )
    .setErrorCallback( onFirebaseInviteError )
    .setSuccessCallback( onFirebaseInviteSuccess )

You should specify both error and success callbacks with the following signature:

private function onFirebaseInviteError( errorMessage:String ):void {
    trace( "FirebaseInvites | onFirebaseInviteError:", errorMessage );

private function onFirebaseInviteSuccess( invitationIds:Vector.<String> ):void {
    trace( "FirebaseInvites | onFirebaseInviteSuccess invitation ids:", invitationIds );

For a complete set of parameters for the dialog, see the included docs for FirebaseInvitesDialogBuilder class.


  • iOS 8+ (You can build for iOS 7 but the FirebaseInvites functionality will not be available)
  • Android 4+
  • Adobe AIR 20+


Generated ActionScript documentation is available in the docs directory, or can be generated by running ant asdoc from the build directory.

Build ANE

ANT build scripts are available in the build directory. Edit to correspond with your local setup.


The ANE has been written by Marcel Piestansky and is distributed under Apache License, version 2.0.


August 16, 2016 (v1.0.0)

  • Public release


Firebase Invites extension for Adobe AIR (iOS & Android)







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