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GameAnalytics extension for Adobe AIR (iOS & Android)


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GameAnalytics | Extension for Adobe AIR (iOS & Android)

ActionScript 3 API for the GameAnalytics native libraries.

Native SDK versions

  • iOS v2.2.2
  • Android v3.3.0

Getting started

Create a game in the GA dashboard. Each platform has a separate game in the dashboard. That means you will have a different pair of key and secret for iOS and Android.

When setting up your Android game in the GA dashboard, pay attention to the Bundle Identifier settings. AIR apps for Android have their identifier prefixed with air. (unless you manually override this behavior). Thus the settings in the GA dashboard must reflect this.

Additions to AIR descriptor

First, add the extension's ID to the extensions element.


If you are targeting Android, add the two following extensions from this repository as well (unless you know these libraries are included by some other extension):


Modify the manifestAdditions so that it contains the following permissions and meta data:

        <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

            <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="23" />


                <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />



After your descriptor is set up, add the GameAnalytics ANE package from the bin directory to your project so that your IDE can work with it. The Google Play Services ANEs are only necessary during packaging.

Important: iOS app submission

The GA SDK for iOS uses Advertising Identifier (IDFA). Make sure to read this guide when submitting the app to the App Store to avoid rejection.

API overview

The extension exposes most of the native APIs and for the most part you do not need to worry whether the target device is running iOS or Android.

Configuration, initialization

There are some values that must be set before the analytics can be intialized, like app build and game's key/secret.

// Required values (at least 1 platform must be set)
    // iOS specific
    .setBuildiOS( "0.6.14")
    .setGameKeyiOS( "iOS-KEY" )
    .setGameSecretiOS( "iOS-SECRET" )
    // Android specific
    .setBuildAndroid( "1.0.0")
    .setGameKeyAndroid( "Android-KEY" )
    .setGameSecretAndroid( "Android-SECRET" )

Optionally, you can also configure the available currencies, item types and custom dimensions. These values specify what data your app is working with and what values can be used with the rest of the API.

    .setCustomDimensions01( new <String>[ "ninja", "samurai" ] )
    .setCustomDimensions02( new <String>[ "whale", "dolphin" ] )
    .setCustomDimensions03( new <String>[ "horde", "alliance" ] )
    .setResourceCurrencies( new <String>[ "gems", "coins" ] )
    .setResourceItemTypes( new <String>[ "boost", "lives" ] );

Finally, you can intialize the extension using:

if( GameAnalytics.init() ) {
    // Extension and the native library has been successfully initialized


For a quick overview about what data you can track in your app, visit the official docs.

Business event

With the business event, you can include information on the specific type of in-app item purchased, and where in the game the purchase was made.

GameAnalytics.addBusinessEvent( "USD", 199, "coinPack", "coin_pack_100", "storeScreen", "**receipt**", "**signature**", true );
  • The signature parameter is applicable for Android only. If set to null the purchase will be registered as not validated.
  • The last Boolean parameter is applicable for iOS only. When set to true, the native SDK will attempt to retrieve the purchase receipt automatically (provided the receipt is null).

Resource event (virtual currencies)

Use this event to track when players gain (source) or lose (sink) resources like virtual currency and lives.

GameAnalytics.addResourceEvent( GAResourceFlowType.SOURCE, "gems", 100, "reward", "videoAd" );

Progression event

Use this event to track when players start and finish levels in your game. This event follows a 3 hierarchy structure (for example World, Level and Phase) to indicate a player’s path or place in the game.

GameAnalytics.addProgressionEvent( GAProgressionStatus.FAIL, "winterArea", "level01", "wave04", 1337 );

Error event

You can use the Error event to log errors or warnings generated by your players’ in-game behaviour.

GameAnalytics.addErrorEvent( GAErrorSeverity.WARNING, "Player has insanely high score. CHEATER!" );

Design event

Track any other concept in your game using this event type. For example, you could use this event to track GUI elements or tutorial steps. Visit the official docs to learn how to design such events.

GameAnalytics.addDesignEvent( "guiClick:volume:on" );

Custom dimensions

You can tag your players with any piece of information that might help you in your analysis using Custom Dimensions. These dimensions can be used to analyze user segments that you define, for example, A/B test groups or whether or not a user is in the Warrior Guild.

There are three Custom Dimensions available to send. These dimensions are sent with every event type, excluding the Design event.

To set the individual dimensions, use the following methods:

GameAnalytics.setDimension01( "ninja" );
GameAnalytics.setDimension02( "dolphin" );
GameAnalytics.setDimension03( "horde" );


Generated ActionScript documentation is available in the docs directory, or can be generated by running ant asdoc from the build directory.

Build ANE

ANT build scripts are available in the build directory. Edit to correspond with your local setup.


The ANE has been written by Marcel Piestansky and is distributed under Apache License, version 2.0.

The README contains information that was taken directly from the GA docs.


August 8, 2016 (v1.1.0)

  • UPDATED GameAnalytics iOS and Android SDKs
  • ADDED advertisingId and isLimitedAdTracking APIs
  • ADDED prefix to iOS functions to minimize chance of duplicate symbol errors

July 19, 2016 (v1.0.2)

  • UPDATED AIRExtHelpers.framework for compatibility with other ANEs

June 9, 2016 (v1.0.1)

  • UPDATED iOS framework deploy target to iOS 7.0, FIXED incorrect init conditional checks

June 5, 2016 (v1.0.0)

  • Public release


GameAnalytics extension for Adobe AIR (iOS & Android)







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