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v3.1.0 Release: Advanced Execution Features and Documentation Clarity

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@marquezpsergio marquezpsergio released this 14 Apr 11:20
· 12 commits to main since this release

New Contributors

We are excited to present v3.1.0 of our Dockerized Acestream project. This release builds on our previous efforts to streamline your experience, introducing features that make setup and operation even more straightforward and efficient.

What's New in v3.1.0:

  • Easier Execution: Simplified setup processes with enhanced script automation make launching and managing Acestream more intuitive.
  • Docker Compose Integration: We've integrated Docker Compose more deeply into the setup process, allowing for more straightforward management of container configurations and deployments.
  • Enhanced Documentation: The documentation has been overhauled to provide clearer instructions and better examples, ensuring users of all levels can easily get started and maximize the potential of Acestream in Docker.
  • Optimization Upgrades: Various optimizations have been implemented to improve the performance and stability of the Docker containers, ensuring a smoother streaming experience.

This version is a testament to our commitment to responding to user feedback and continuously improving our software. Your insights and suggestions have been invaluable in shaping this release.

Thank you for your continued support. Dive into v3.1.0 and enjoy a refined and robust Acestream experience that’s easier to use than ever before!

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0