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Terraform module that allows a single CodeBuild project to be used for a limitless amount of GitHub repository sources

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Current implementation of AWS CodeBuild (as of: 6/19/21) doesn't allow for dynamic repo and branch source. CodeBuild does allow for up to 12 secondary sources, although the buildspec would have to have additional logic to explicitly switch to the secondary source that was trigger via the CodeBuild Webhook. Another painful workaround is to create a Codebuild project for each repository. If each repo requires the same CodeBuild configurations, this can lead to multiple copies of the same CodeBuild project but with different sources. This can consequently clutter your AWS CodeBuild workspace especially if there are hundreds of repositories are included in this process.




  1. Github event is performed (e.g. user pushes new file, opens PR, etc.) that falls under one of the repository's event filters
  2. Github webhook sends a POST HTTP method request to the API Gateway's (AGW) REST API
  3. AGW request integration maps the request to a format friendly format {'headers': <Webhook headers>, 'body': <Webhook payload>} Processed request is passed to the request validator function.
  4. Request validator function compares the sha256 value from the request header with the sha256 value created with the Github secret value and request payload. If the values are are not equal, then an error response is sent to the Github webhook. If the values are not equal, the Lambda function validates the payload against the filter groups defined for that repository. If the payload passes atleast one filter group, then the Lambda function succeeds invokes the next Lambda function asynchronously.
  5. The second Lambda function triggers the Codebuild project with the repository's respective CodeBuild configurations ONLY for that build (after this build, CodeBuild project reverts to original configurations). The main attribute that is changed is the source configurations for the build which allow one CodeBuild to use a dynamic source.
  6. CodeBuild performs the defined buildspec logic. User can define a global or repo-level buildspec that can be used for CI/CD, building AMIs, etc.

Non-Provider related Requirements

  • The environment in which the Terraform module is applied must have pip within it's $PATH. The resource "null_resource" "lambda_pip_deps" {} installs the PyGithub package locally via pip and then is used within the payload validator function.


Minimal viable configuration:

module "dynamic_github_source" {
  source                         = ""
  create_github_secret_ssm_param = true
  github_secret_ssm_value        = var.github_secret_ssm_value
  codebuild_buildspec            = file("buildspec.yaml")
  repos = {
    "test-repo" = {
      filter_groups = [
            type = "event"
            pattern = "push"

Configure repo specific codebuild configurations via codebuild_cfg within repos:

module "dynamic_github_source" {
  source                         = ""
  create_github_secret_ssm_param = true
  github_secret_ssm_value        = var.github_secret_ssm_value
  codebuild_name                 = "test-codebuild"
  codebuild_buildspec            = file("buildspec.yaml")
  repos = {
    "test-repo" = {
      codebuild_cfg = {
        environmentVariablesOverride = [
            name  = "TEST"
            value = "FOO"
            type  = "PLAINTEXT"
      filter_groups = [
            type = "event"
            pattern = "push"
            type = "file_path"
            pattern = ""
            type = "event"
            pattern = "pull_request"
            type = "pr_action"
            pattern = "(opened|edited|synchronize)"
            type = "file_path"
            pattern = ".*\\.py$"
            type = "head_ref"
            pattern = "test-branch"


Name Version
terraform >=1.0.0
aws >= 2.23
github >= 4.4.0


Name Version
aws >= 2.23
local n/a


Name Source Version
codebuild v0.1.0
github_webhook_request_validator v0.1.4
lambda_trigger_codebuild terraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws 3.3.1


Name Type
aws_iam_policy.lambda resource
local_file.repo_cfg resource
aws_iam_policy_document.lambda data source


Name Description Type Default Required
api_description Description for API-Gateway string null no
api_name Name of API-Gateway string "github-webhook" no
codebuild_artifacts Build project's primary output artifacts configuration
see for more info:
type = optional(string)
artifact_identifier = optional(string)
encryption_disabled = optional(bool)
override_artifact_name = optional(bool)
location = optional(string)
name = optional(string)
namespace_type = optional(string)
packaging = optional(string)
path = optional(string)
{} no
codebuild_assumable_role_arns List of IAM role ARNS the Codebuild project can assume list(string) [] no
codebuild_buildspec Content of the default buildspec file string null no
codebuild_cache Cache configuration for Codebuild project
type = optional(string)
location = optional(string)
modes = optional(list(string))
{} no
codebuild_create_source_auth Determines if a CodeBuild source credential resource should be created. Only one credential
resource is needed/allowed per AWS account and region. See more at:
bool false no
codebuild_cw_group_name CloudWatch group name string null no
codebuild_cw_stream_name CloudWatch stream name string null no
codebuild_description CodeBuild project description string null no
codebuild_environment Codebuild environment configuration
compute_type = optional(string)
image = optional(string)
type = optional(string)
image_pull_credentials_type = optional(string)
environment_variables = optional(list(object({
name = string
value = string
type = optional(string)
privileged_mode = optional(bool)
certificate = optional(string)
registry_credential = optional(object({
credential = optional(string)
credential_provider = optional(string)
{} no
codebuild_name Name of Codebuild project string "dynamic-github-source-build" no
codebuild_role_arn Existing IAM role ARN to attach to CodeBuild project string null no
codebuild_role_policy_statements IAM policy statements to add to CodeBuild project's role
sid = optional(string)
effect = string
actions = list(string)
resources = list(string)
[] no
codebuild_s3_log_bucket Name of S3 bucket where the build project's logs will be stored string null no
codebuild_s3_log_encryption Determines if encryption should be disabled for the build project's S3 logs bool false no
codebuild_s3_log_key Bucket path where the build project's logs will be stored (don't include bucket name) string null no
codebuild_secondary_artifacts Build project's secondary output artifacts configuration
type = optional(string)
artifact_identifier = optional(string)
encryption_disabled = optional(bool)
override_artifact_name = optional(bool)
location = optional(string)
name = optional(string)
namespace_type = optional(string)
packaging = optional(string)
path = optional(string)
{} no
codebuild_source_auth_token GitHub personal access token used to authorize CodeBuild projects to clone GitHub repos within the Terraform AWS provider's AWS account and region.
If not specified, existing CodeBuild OAUTH or GitHub personal access token authorization is required beforehand.
string null no
codebuild_tags Tags to attach to Codebuild project map(string) {} no
codebuild_timeout Minutes till build run is timed out string null no
common_tags Tags to add to all resources map(string) {} no
enable_codebuild_cw_logs Determines if CloudWatch logs should be enabled bool true no
enable_codebuild_s3_logs Determines if S3 logs should be enabled bool false no
github_secret_ssm_description Github secret SSM parameter description string "Secret value for Github Webhooks" no
github_secret_ssm_key SSM parameter store key for github webhook secret. Secret used within Lambda function for Github request validation. string "github-webhook-secret" no
github_secret_ssm_tags Tags for Github webhook secret SSM parameter map(string) {} no
lambda_trigger_codebuild_function_name Name of AWS Lambda function that will start the AWS CodeBuild with the override configurations string "dynamic-github-source-build-trigger" no
repos Map of keys with GitHub repo names and values representing their respective filter groups used to select
what type of activities will trigger the associated Codebuild project.
<repo full name (e.g user/repo)> : {
filter_groups: List of filter groups that the Github activity has to meet. The activity has to meet all filters of atleast one group in order to succeed.
[ (Filter Group)
type: The type of filter
event - List of Github Webhook events that will invoke the API. Currently only supports: push and pull_request.
pr_actions - List of pull request actions (e.g. opened, edited, reopened, closed). See more under the action key at:
base_refs - List of base refs
head_refs - List of head refs
actor_account_ids - List of Github user IDs
commit_messages - List of commit messages
file_paths - List of file paths
pattern: Regex pattern that is searched for within the activity's related payload attribute. For type = event, use a single Github webhook event and not a regex pattern.
exclude_matched_filter - If set to true, labels filter group as invalid if matched
codebuild_cfg: CodeBuild configurations used specifically for the repository. See AWS docs for details:

filter_groups = optional(list(list(object({
type = string
pattern = string
exclude_matched_filter = optional(bool)

codebuild_cfg = optional(any)
{} no


Name Description
api_deployment_invoke_url API invoke URL the github webhook will ping
codebuild_arn ARN of the CodeBuild project that will be triggered by the Lambda Function
codebuild_name Name of the CodeBuild project that will be triggered by the Lambda Function
request_validator_agw_cw_log_group_name Name of the CloudWatch log group associated with the API gateway
request_validator_cw_log_group_arn ARN of the Cloudwatch log group associated with the Lambda function that validates the incoming requests
request_validator_function_arn ARN of the Lambda function that validates incoming requests
request_validator_function_name Name of the Cloudwatch log group associated with the Lambda function that validates the incoming requests
trigger_codebuild_cw_log_group_arn ARN of the Cloudwatch log group associated with the Lambda function that triggers the downstream CodeBuild project
trigger_codebuild_cw_log_group_name Name of the Cloudwatch log group associated with the Lambda function that triggers the downstream CodeBuild project
trigger_codebuild_function_arn ARN of the Lambda function that triggers the downstream CodeBuild project with repo specific configurations
trigger_codebuild_function_name Name of the Lambda function that triggers the downstream CodeBuild project with repo specific configurations


Terraform module that allows a single CodeBuild project to be used for a limitless amount of GitHub repository sources







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