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This project uses an x300 temperature logger unit to record temperatures from eight ds18b20 waterproof temperature sensors. A node.js script queries the x300 unit's internal log file every 5 minutes and saves the data to a mariadb database. Seperately, we have a web server running using server.js that hosts both web services to query the database, and a static website to display the data.

Clone the project

git clone

Install software dependencies

npm install

Setup database

Install ubuntu 16.04 and install here
Start ubuntu from start menu, create user and password

Update ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade

Get required software from package manager:
sudo apt-get install -y mariadb-server

Start mariaDB server: sudo service mysql start

create new database user and set password. This needs to be done using 'root':
sudo mysql -u root

you are now at the mysql prompt. Now create the user and grant all privileges (replace 'hawdis' and 'abc123'):
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'hawdis'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abc123';

quit mysql:

log back in as your new user:
mysql -u hawdis -p

create new database:

quit mysql:

Start Database in WSL ubuntu (after it is setup, info below)

Start mariaDB server: sudo service mysql start

Set up cron

cron is a special file that will execute tasks at a predefined interval.
crontab -e

The entry below will run the 'getLog.js' node script every 5 minutes to pull new temperature data. Enter this on an empty line, where 'hawdis' is your username/home directory:

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/node /home/hawdis/x300-display/getLog.js

Persistently start and keep the node/express server script running (optional):

install pm2:
sudo npm install pm2 -g

create symlink for pm2 to enable user run:
sudo ln -s /opt/nodejs/bin/pm2 /usr/bin/pm2

start pm2 (replace 'hawdis' with your username/home directory):
pm2 start /home/hawdis/x300-display/server.js
pm2 startup
sudo env PATH=$PATH:/opt/nodejs/bin /opt/nodejs/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 startup systemd -u hawdis --hp /home/hawdis


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