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Js Suffix Trie

Js Suffix Trie is a suffix trie implementation that is originally written in CoffeeScript, but a JavaScript compilation is also available.

You can install Node.js to compile CoffeeScript, use the CoffeeScript core compiler or try the Js2coffee online converter.

About suffix tries

  • A suffix trie (not to be confused with a suffix tree) stores unique string values in a tree-like way.
  • It provides fast lookup
  • It saves memory when handling larger amounts of strings
  • It does not keep order or indices

For more information about suffix tries:

Possible applications

  • whitelists or blacklists
  • large arrays of string (e.g. email adresses)
  • autocomplete (e.g. tagging)
  • dictionary (e.g. Wordfeud)




Creates an empty instance



Adds the specified string to the trie. Returns true if the string is not already in the trie, otherwise false


Removes the specified string from the trie. Returns true if the string was found, otherwise false.


Returns true if the specified string is in the trie, otherwise false.


Returns a new trie representing all strings of the original trie that match the prefix


var trie = new JsSuffixTrie;
trie.subTrie("foo").toArray();  // returns ["foo", "foobar"]
trie.size();                    // returns 2


Returns an array containing all the strings in the trie that match the prefix


var trie = new JsSuffixTrie;
trie.find("foo");   // returns ["foo", "foobar"]


Calls the specified callback for each item in the trie. Returns the size of the trie.


var trie = new JsSuffixTrie;
trie.each(function (index, item) {
    console.log("#" + index + ": " + items);


Returns the number of items in the trie


Creates a new array containing all item from the trie.


Creates a JSON serialization of the internal structure of the trie. The trie can be recreated with JsSuffixTrie.fromJSON()


Creates an instance an adds each item in the array to the trie.


var array = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
var trie = JsSuffixTrie.fromArray(array);


Recreates a JsSuffixTrie that has been serialized to JSON.


var trie = new JsSuffixTrie;
var json = trie.toJSON();
var originalTrie = JsSuffixTrie.fromJSON(json);


I benchmarked the JavaScript version on Ubuntu 11.04 x64

Js Suffix Trie benchmark results


  • Internet Explorer benchmarks
  • More detailed benchmarks
  • rewriting #each without recursion