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209 lines (137 loc) · 7.66 KB

File metadata and controls

209 lines (137 loc) · 7.66 KB


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This module, intended for use with Apache Isis, provides a merge capability of input data into an PDF (Portable Document Format) template.

The module consists of a single demo domain service, org.isisaddons.module.pdf.fixture.dom.templates.CustomerConfirmation. It provides a single action method that loads a.pdf template and populates it with the details of an Order entity.

The implementation uses Apache PDFBox for reading and writing the PDF documents.

Caution: This is just an example project! It provides a demo domain service with a single action demonstrating how to generate a random document out of your domain entity.

Screenshots and Usage

The following screenshots and code fragments show an example app's usage of the module.

Installing the Fixture Data

Installing fixture data...

... creates a single demo Order entity, with properties of different data types and a collection of child (OrderLine) entities:

The .pdf template

The template .pdf is created with Libre Office Writer by using Form controls (View > Toolbars > Form Controls). Each form control is used as a placeholder for a detail in the Order entity class. At the end the document is exported as a PDF document with a form. Read an article in the web with the exact steps how to create such document and to export it as a PDF with form.


Evince (a PDF viewer):

Generating the Document

In the example app's design the CustomerConfirmation example domain service is in essence an intelligent wrapper around the CustomerConfirmation.pdf template. It contributes one actions to Order - downloadCustomerConfirmation().

The .pdf is simply loaded as a simple resource from the classpath:

public class CustomerConfirmation {

    private byte[] pdfAsBytes;

    public void init() throws IOException {
        pdfAsBytes = Resources.toByteArray(Resources.getResource(this.getClass(), "CustomerConfirmation.pdf"));

Then, in loadAndPopulateTemplate(Order) helper method we create the PDDocument out of the template bytes and populate its form controls with the order details:

private PDDocument loadAndPopulateTemplate(Order order) throws Exception {
        PDDocument pdfDocument = PDDocument.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(pdfAsBytes));

        PDAcroForm pdfForm = pdfDocument.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm();

        List<PDField> fields = pdfForm.getFields();
        SortedSet<OrderLine> orderLines = order.getOrderLines();
        for (PDField field : fields) {

            String fullyQualifiedName = field.getFullyQualifiedName();
            if ("orderDate".equals(fullyQualifiedName)) {
            } else if ("orderNumber".equals(fullyQualifiedName)) {
            } else if ("customerName".equals(fullyQualifiedName)) {
            } else if ("message".equals(fullyQualifiedName)) {
                String message = "You have ordered '" + orderLines.size() +"' products";
            } else if ("preferences".equals(fullyQualifiedName)) {

        int i = 1;
        Iterator<OrderLine> orderLineIterator = orderLines.iterator();
        while (i < 7 && orderLineIterator.hasNext()) {
            OrderLine orderLine =;

            String descriptionFieldName = "orderLine|"+i+"|desc";

            String costFieldName = "orderLine|"+i+"|cost";

            String quantityFieldName = "orderLine|"+i+"|quantity";

        return pdfDocument;

And finally in the downloadCustomerConfirmation contributed action the CustomerConfirmation just creates and returns a org.apache.isis.applib.value.Blob with the PDF mime type and content:

@NotContributed(NotContributed.As.ASSOCIATION) // ie contributed as action
    @MemberOrder(sequence = "10")
    public Blob downloadCustomerConfirmation(
            final Order order) throws Exception {

        try (PDDocument pdfDocument = loadAndPopulateTemplate(order)) {

            final ByteArrayOutputStream target = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            final String name = "customerConfirmation-" + order.getNumber() + ".pdf";
            final String mimeType = "application/pdf";
            final byte[] bytes = target.toByteArray();

            return new Blob(name, mimeType, bytes);

The streamed to the browser PDF document looks like:

How to run the Demo App

The prerequisite software is:

  • Java JDK 7 (nb: Isis currently does not support JDK 8)
  • maven 3 (3.2.x is recommended).

To build the demo app:

git clone
mvn clean install

To run the demo app:

mvn antrun:run -P self-host

Then log on using user: sven, password: pass

How to configure/use

You can either use this module "out-of-the-box", or you can fork this repo and extend to your own requirements.

Forking the repo

If instead you want to extend this module's functionality, then we recommend that you fork this repo. The repo is structured as follows:

  • pom.xml // parent pom
  • fixture // fixtures, holding a sample domain objects and fixture scripts
  • integtests // integration tests for the module; depends on fixture
  • webapp // demo webapp (see above screenshots); depends on fixture

The project is just a demo how to generate a PDF filled with your entity's details and stream it back to the user.. The versions of the modules are purposely left at 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT because they are not intended to be released.

Change Log

Legal Stuff


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.


In addition to Apache Isis, this module depends on:

  • org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox (ASL v2.0 License)