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ReliefWeb light-weight map viewer proof-of-concept

Code by Crisis Camp London crew


is an RSS feed parser, from

gets latest map details from ReliefWeb via RSS feed.  At present we have feed
URLs hard-coded as we don't have the details of how to generate the feed URLs
automatically.  This takes three parameters via HTTP GET request: the country
requested, the document type requested, and a keywork search term.  The country
and document type are currently ignored, and the only keywords recognised are
"idp" and "hospitals" - anything else will be ignored and treated as if the box
was blank.
To save bandwidth and improve performance, we store copies of the maps locally
and can generate scrollable tilesets.  For each item in the RSS feed, we check
whether there is a local copy of the PDF, and get a copy if there isn't.  If a
copy has previously been made but no tile-set yet generated, we link to the file
on our server and tell the user that the tiles haven't yet been generated.  If
the tiles have been generated, we link to both the tile viewer and the original
PDF file.
When getting a copy of a file from ReliefWeb, from the RSS feed we get the URL
of a landing page that links to the actual PDF file, so we download this HTML
file and use a regular expression to extract the URL of the PDF.

is a note of the URLs of the RSS feeds which have been copied into mapsearch.php

mapfiles (directory)
is where the maps copied from ReliefWeb are stored.  They are named according to
the guid in the RSS feed, and are initially stored in this directory.  Once a
tile-set have been generated from a file, the tiles and the original PDF are
moved into a sub-directory which has the guid as its name.  The other files in
this directory (documented below) are from Harry Wood, and are also available
from his site at

are two tile viewers.  They both do much the same thing.

is a GPLed Bash script by Ian C. Stevens ( that "Cuts
an image into tiles suitable for use with Google Maps."

is run with the name of a PDF file as its only argument.  It uses ImageMagick to
covert the PDF to a PNG image, and then runs  It does this
at different sizes, for different zoom levels.  It then makes all the tiles it
has generated world-readable and moves them in the appropriate sub-directory.
TODO: This is *VERY* slow, and cannot be run in parallel.

runs on each PDF file in a directory, in turn.  If you have a lot of
PDFs, this can take several days to complete.  You have been warned! :)


API for accessing Reliefweb data and sample applications






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