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How to install and run

  • npm i
  • npm run start


PWA basics

1) Start application

Just run npm start, discover what application can do. Try to create some items, refresh page. Items are saved / persisted inside Local Storage of browser.

What happen if npm start process is stopped and we do refresh?

2) Install PWA

Our application already have installed PWA - we used Angular CLI command ng add @angular/pwa. What has been add?

  • Add file ngsw-config.json
    • Configuration of Service Worker (what to cache, when ...)
  • Add file src/manifest.webmanifest
    • Required file to enable PWA, must be accessible from web, browser try to find id
    • Configuration of 'splash screen'
  • Icons src/assets/icons
    • Referenced from manifest, used in mobile application

3) Run as PWA with Service Worker

Find app.module and enable Service Worker

ServiceWorkerModule.register('ngsw-worker.js', {
    enabled: false, // change to 'true'

Start with npm run.

What has changed? Can application work as offline?

4) Install PWA on desktop

In browser url bar is icon to install application - install it.

What happen if we install application on desktop?

See also:

  • chrome://apps/
  • chrome://serviceworker-internals/?devtools

5) Install PWA on mobile

Start wirth command npm run start-pwa. I use ./ngrok http 8080 to be able to access website from mobile.


  • finish presentation
  • finish coding session stuff (branches, ...)

chrome://serviceworker-internals/?devtools chrome://apps/

Custom install notification

  • Open app.component.ts and in ngOnInit explore two listener functions
    • beforeinstallprompt is run if browser support PWA and could be installed
    • appinstalled is run if PWA is supported but it has been already installed
  • Open app.component.html and uncomment fancy install bar
  • Open app.component.ts and implement installPwa

See also:

3) Badge notification

  • Open notifications.ui.service.ts and implement notification service with navigator browser API. See:
  • Open todo.db.service.ts and implement usage of Notification service
    • Quick challenge - in 5 minutes discover where we need to implement notifications?
  • Try on web app - where is add badge?

See also:


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