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Problem 1

I added 4 cores in the setting in virtual box to allow the Virtual Linux System on my mac to run the mass_spring executable on potentially 4 cores. The following results are shown below in a table after running on different grid sizes for grid0, grid1, grid2, and grid3.

Table of Results: Values are in seconds

Grid Size thrust::system::omp::par thrust::system::detail::sequential::seq
grid0 148.637 155.018
grid1 141.23 178.846
grid2 292.818 139.668
grid3 419.49 322.858

The assumptions for the results in the table are:

  • Plane Constraint
  • Applying Sphere Constraint 1, Move around Sphere
  • Applying Sphere Constraint 2, Remove Nodes Within Sphere

It is clear from the table that for the larger grid sizes (i.e 0 and 1) the sequential procedure using thrust is faster and thus the parallel method is at a disadvantage, however as the grid size is refined (i.e. 2 and 3) the parallel procedure from thrust starts to pick up and create an advantage as seen in grid sizes 2 and 3.

Problem 3

In Problem 3 we were asked to write a SelfCollisionConstraint, which I did. In order to show this, I removed ther sphere constraint 3 metioned above so that the following assumptions were true in the implementions results for part 3.

  • Plane Constraint
  • Sphere Constraint 1, Move around sphere
  • SelfCollisionConstraint

Finally in the construction of the SpaceSearcher I had the following result

SpaceSearcher Constuction Time: 0.00635327

Take Away

The take away here is that as the number of nodes increases and theres is more work to compute the more the parallel has a real effect on computing time. However, when the grid size is large and very coarse, sequential procedure is much better.