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correct implementation based on array
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now also taking combinations of subexpressions into account
also probably much faster than the digraph based approach.
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Martin Rehfeld committed May 13, 2012
1 parent 6c248f2 commit 6cc784b
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Showing 2 changed files with 146 additions and 89 deletions.
210 changes: 135 additions & 75 deletions apps/countdown/src/cd_solver.erl
Expand Up @@ -4,91 +4,150 @@

%% only exported for eunit
-export([add/2, subtract/2, multiply/2, divide/2, available_indexes/2]).
-export([add/2, subtract/2, multiply/2, divide/2]).

-define(OPERATORS, [{'+', fun add/2},
{'-', fun subtract/2},
{'*', fun multiply/2},
{'/', fun divide/2}]).

-record(vertex, {result, used}).
-record(edge, {operator, operand}).
-record(solution, {result, expression}).

solutions(Target, Numbers) ->
{G, Root} = build_graph(Numbers),
best_solutions(G, Root, Target).

build_graph(Numbers) ->
G = digraph:new([acyclic]),
Used = 0,
Root = digraph:add_vertex(G, #vertex{result = 0, used = Used}),
{add_next_level(G, Root, available_indexes(Used, length(Numbers)), Numbers),

add_next_level(G, VStart, AvailableIndexes, Numbers) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Index, G1) ->
add_operations(G1, VStart, Index, Numbers, ?OPERATORS)
end, G, AvailableIndexes).

add_operations(G, VStart, Index, Numbers, Operators) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Operator, G1) ->
add_compute_step(G1, VStart, Index, Numbers, Operator)
end, G, Operators).

add_compute_step(G, #vertex{result=N1,used=Bitmap0}=VStart, Index, Numbers, Operator) ->
N2 = lists:nth(Index, Numbers),
{OperatorName, OperatorFun} = Operator,

case OperatorFun(N1, N2) of
no_op -> G;
not_allowed -> G;

Result ->
Bitmap1 = Bitmap0 bor (1 bsl Index),
Vertex= #vertex{result = Result, used = Bitmap1},
VNew = digraph:add_vertex(G, Vertex),
digraph:add_edge(G, VStart, VNew, #edge{operator = OperatorName, operand = N2}),
%% error_logger:info_msg("New Op ~p~n",
%% [digraph:edge(G, lists:nth(1, digraph:out_edges(G, VStart)))]),
add_next_level(G, VNew, available_indexes(Bitmap1, length(Numbers)),
A = initialize_solutions(Target, Numbers),
A1 = combine(A, Target, ?OPERATORS, Numbers),
BestSolutions = best_solutions(A1),
error_logger:info_msg("Best solution(s):~n~s~n", [string:join(format_solutions(BestSolutions), "\n")]),

%% @doc: Seed an array with the base expressions.
%% The solutions array uses a bitmap of used numbers for a given expression as
%% index and has elements of the form:
%% [{DeltaToTargetValue, ExpressionString}, ...]
initialize_solutions(Target, Numbers) ->
MapSize = 1 bsl length(Numbers),
A = array:new(MapSize, {default, []}),

F = fun(Index, Array) ->
UsedBitmap = bitmap_for_index(Index),
Number = lists:nth(Index, Numbers),
Delta = abs(Target - Number),
Expression = integer_to_list(Number),
S = #solution{result=Number, expression=Expression},
Solutions = orddict:from_list([{Delta, S}]),
array:set(UsedBitmap, Solutions, Array)
lists:foldl(F, A, lists:seq(1, length(Numbers))).

best_solutions(A) ->
BestPerUsedNumbers = best_per_used_numbers(A),

best_per_used_numbers(A) ->
F = fun(_UsedBitmap, Solutions, Acc) ->
OrderedSolutions = orddict:to_list(Solutions),
BestSolution = lists:nth(1, OrderedSolutions),
[BestSolution | Acc]
array:sparse_foldl(F, [], A).

best_of_best(Solutions) ->
OrderedSolutions = lists:keysort(1, Solutions),
{LowestDelta, _} = lists:nth(1, OrderedSolutions),
lists:takewhile(fun ({D, _}) -> D =:= LowestDelta end, OrderedSolutions).

format_solutions(Entries) ->
F = fun(Entry) ->
{Delta, #solution{result=Result, expression=Expression}} = Entry,
io_lib:format("~s = ~p # delta: ~p", [Expression, Result, Delta])
lists:map(F, Entries).

combine(A, Target, Operators, Numbers) ->
combine(A, Target, Operators, Numbers, array_length(A)).

combine(A, Target, Operators, Numbers, NumberOfSolutions) ->
%% error_logger:info_msg("combine(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, ~p)~n", [A, Target, Operators, Numbers, NumberOfSolutions]),
FJ =
fun(J, Solutions2, {I, Solutions1, Array}) ->
case I band J of
0 -> % Bitmaps do not overlap
NewArray = combine_solutions(I, J, Solutions1, Solutions2, Array, Target),
{I, Solutions1, NewArray};

_ -> % Bitmaps *do* overlap
{I, Solutions1, Array}

FI =
fun(I, Solutions, Array) ->
{I, Solutions, NewArray} = array:sparse_foldl(FJ, {I, Solutions, Array}, Array),

A1 = array:sparse_foldl(FI, A, A),

case array_length(A1) of
NumberOfSolutions -> % no new solutions found
IncreasedNumberOfSolutions ->
combine(A1, Target, Operators, Numbers, IncreasedNumberOfSolutions)

available_indexes(Bitmap, Size) ->
lists:filter(fun(Index) ->
Mask = bnot (1 bsl Index),
Bitmap bor Mask =:= Mask
end, lists:seq(1, Size)).

best_solutions(G, Root, Target) ->
Vertices = digraph:vertices(G),
Deltas =
lists:map(fun(V) ->
{abs(V#vertex.result - Target), V}
end, Vertices),
OrderedDeltas =
lists:sort(fun(A, B) ->
{Delta1, _Vertex1} = A,
{Delta2, _Vertex2} = B,
Delta1 =< Delta2
end, Deltas),
{_BestDelta, BestVertex} = hd(OrderedDeltas),
Solutions = [{BestVertex#vertex.result, calculations(G, Root, BestVertex)}],
error_logger:info_msg("Found best solution (out of ~p unique results):~n~p~n",
[length(Vertices), Solutions]),

calculations(G, Root, BestVertex) ->
calculations(G, Root, BestVertex, []).

calculations(G, Root, EndVertex, Operations) ->
InEdges = digraph:in_edges(G, EndVertex),
E = hd(InEdges),
{_, SourceVertex, _, Operation} = digraph:edge(G, E),
case SourceVertex of
Root -> [Operation|Operations];
_ -> calculations(G, Root, SourceVertex, [Operation|Operations])

combine_solutions(I, J, Solutions1, Solutions2, A, Target) ->
%% error_logger:info_msg("combine_solutions(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p, _, _)~n", [I, J, Solutions1, Solutions2]),
FT =
fun(_T, Solution2, {Solution1, Array}) ->
NewArray = combine_operators(I, J, Solution1, Solution2, Array, Target),
{Solution1, NewArray}

FS =
fun(_S, Solution1, Array) ->
{Solution1, NewArray} = orddict:fold(FT, {Solution1, Array}, Solutions2),

orddict:fold(FS, A, Solutions1).

combine_operators(I, J, S1, S2, A, Target) ->
F = fun({OpSymbol, OpFn}, Array) ->
case OpFn(S1#solution.result, S2#solution.result) of
not_allowed -> Array;
no_op -> Array;
Result ->
Operator = atom_to_list(OpSymbol),
Expression =
"(" ++ S1#solution.expression ++
Operator ++
S2#solution.expression ++ ")",
Solution = #solution{result=Result, expression=Expression},
Delta = abs(Target - Result),
Index = I bor J,
Entries = array:get(Index, Array),
NewEntries = orddict:store(Delta, Solution, Entries),
array:set(I bor J, NewEntries, Array)
lists:foldl(F, A, ?OPERATORS).

%% @doc: count all defined elements in an array
array_length(A) ->
F = fun(_Index, _Value, Count) -> Count + 1 end,
array:sparse_foldl(F, 0, A).

bitmap_for_index(Index) -> 1 bsl (Index - 1).

%% Operators
Expand All @@ -104,6 +163,7 @@ subtract(N1, N2) when N1 >= N2 -> N1 - N2.
multiply(N1, N2) when N2 =/= 1 -> N1 * N2;
multiply(_N1, _N2) -> no_op.

divide(_N1, N2) when N2 =:= 0 -> not_allowed;
divide(N1, N2) when N1 rem N2 =/= 0 -> not_allowed;
divide(_N1, N2) when N2 =:= 1 -> no_op;
divide(N1, N2) when N1 rem N2 =:= 0 -> N1 div N2.
25 changes: 11 additions & 14 deletions apps/countdown/test/cd_solver_tests.erl
Expand Up @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@

available_indexes_test() ->
?assertEqual([], cd_solver:available_indexes(2,1)),
?assertEqual([1], cd_solver:available_indexes(0,1)),
?assertEqual([2], cd_solver:available_indexes(2,2)),
?assertEqual([3], cd_solver:available_indexes(6,3)).
%% available_indexes_test() ->
%% ?assertEqual([], cd_solver:available_indexes(2,1)),
%% ?assertEqual([1], cd_solver:available_indexes(0,1)),
%% ?assertEqual([2], cd_solver:available_indexes(2,2)),
%% ?assertEqual([3], cd_solver:available_indexes(6,3)).

add_test() ->
?assertEqual(no_op, cd_solver:add(1, 0)),
Expand All @@ -42,12 +42,9 @@ divide_test() ->
?assertEqual(not_allowed, cd_solver:divide(1, 2)),
?assertEqual(1, cd_solver:divide(2, 2)).

solver_test_() ->
%% Solutions: [{actual_result, [n1, op1, n2, op2, ...]}, ...]
{timeout, 600, fun() ->
Solutions1 = cd_solver:solutions(178, [100, 75, 3]),
%% Solutions2 = cd_solver:solutions(203, [50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4]),
[?_assert(proplists:lookup(178, Solutions1) =/= none)
%% ,?_assert(proplists:lookup(203, Solutions2) =/= none)
solver_test() ->
%% Solutions: [{delta, #solution}, ...]
Solutions1 = cd_solver:solutions(178, [100, 75, 3]),
Solutions2 = cd_solver:solutions(203, [50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4]),
?assertMatch([{0, _}], Solutions1),
?assertMatch([{0, _} | _], Solutions2).

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