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Angular Sidebar


First you need to install package for sidebar and icons:

npm i @martinstf/ngx-commander-sidebar @ng-icons/core @ng-icons/heroicons

In your module or standalone component you need to import SidebarComponent

    imports: [

Don't forget to include NgIconsModule. You can read more about it here



You can find example here

      logo: {
        url: './../assets/full-logo.png',
        height: '50px',
        width: 'auto'
      collapsedLogo: {
        url: './../assets/full-logo.png',
        height: '30px',
        width: 'auto'


Name Type Description Default
height string Sidebar height. You can use any CSS unit here.
logoConfig object You can set logo options for expanded sidebar but also you can set different logo options when sidebar is collapsed.
smallSidebarConfig object Config contains routes key with list of small sidebar items. undefined
smallSidebarDefaultIndex number Predefine selected item for small sidebar. undefined
sidebarConfig object Config contains routes key with list of sidebar items and title for sidebar title if you need it. undefined



You have SidebarTheme enum with all suported themes for sidebar.


If you dont want to show sidebar (e.g. when you just want small sidebar) just dont provide sidebarConfig property to <c-sidebar/> component.

You can adjust height of each sidebar part (header, body, footer) with CSS flex propery. Default values are shown in exaple below. Also if you dont need header or footer in sidebar you can set show key to false. Default is true for all.

  largeSidebar: LargeSidebarConfig = {
    theme: SidebarTheme.Angular,
    title: 'Sidebar example',
    layout: {
      header: {
        show: true,
        flex: 1,
      body: {
        flex: 8,
      footer: {
        show: false,
        flex: 1,
    routes: [...],
Small sidebar

If you dont want to show small sidebar just dont provide smallSidebarConfig property to <c-sidebar/> component.

  smallSidebar: SmallSidebarConfig = {
    style: {
      width: '55px',
    routes: [...],
Logo config

If you dont want to show logo part of sidebar just dont provide logoConfig property to <c-sidebar/> component.

logo config will be shown when sidebar is expanded and collapsedLogo when sidebar is colapsed.

  logoConfig: SidebarLogoConfig = {
    logo: {
      url: './../assets/full-logo.png',
      height: '50px',
      width: 'auto'
    collapsedLogo: {
      url: './../assets/full-logo.png',
      height: '30px',
      width: 'auto'
Name Description Return
onItemClick When item is selected. This include both small sidebar and regular sidebar items Object of selected item with type of selected item and type of sidebar.

Sidebar item types

      routes: [
        // Sidebar items

In routes you can pass diferent types of items.

Section title

    title: 'General'

Single sidebar item

    path: ['statistics','users'], // This array will be transformed to 'statistics/users'
    title: 'Statistics',
    icon: 'heroArrowTrendingUp', // Icon from @ng-icons/core

Sidebar dropdown

    opened: false,
    title: 'Customers',
    type: 'dropdown',
    icon: 'heroUsers',
    children: [
        path: ['users'],
        title: 'Users',
        icon: 'heroUsers',

Custom content

You can add custom content instade of predefined to: small sidebar, header and footer. Just use ng-container element with proper name:

    // All configuration props here...

    <ng-container smallSidebar>
      <p>Small sidebar custom content</p>

    <ng-container header>
      <p>Header custom content</p>

    <ng-container footer>
      <p>Footer custom content</p>



If you have additional styling or change positions of burger menu button on mobile you can target class .CMND-mobile-sidebar-btn

If you want to change icon for button you can do it like this:



If you want different colors you can overide this CSS variables

:root {
  // Small sidebar
  --ngx-commander-small-sidebar-background: #f5f7f9;
  --ngx-commander-small-sidebar-active-text: #215bde;
  --ngx-commander-small-sidebar-text: black;
  --ngx-commander-small-sidebar-item-active-background: #e6ebef;
  --ngx-commander-small-sidebar-item-background: #e6ebef;
  --ngx-commander-small-sidebar-active-border: #215bde;
  --ngx-commander-small-sidebar-font: 'Inter', sans-serif;

  // Large sidebar
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-background: #fff;
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-icon: #9194a1;
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-active-icon: #215bde;
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-active-text: #215bde;
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-text: #9194a1;
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-item-active-background: #f0f4f6;
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-item-background: #fff;
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-font: 'Inter', sans-serif;
  --ngx-commander-large-sidebar-menu-btn-color: #215bde;


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