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This is a demo python client for the API of Picture Alliance. It was tested with their API as of Version V.1.1 dated September 10, 2017. It includes a demo command line tool that can be used for downloading metadata and images.


This client is written in Python 3.6. Requirements are listed in the requirements.txt file.

The command line client 

    --search SEARCH [--limit LIMIT] [--startDate STARTDATE] [--endDate ENDDATE] [--lang LANG] [--date DATE] [--download DOWNLOAD] [--destination DESTINATION] [--filename FILENAME] [--metadata METADATA] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL]

SEARCH - the search term. You can also use an image id (usually a number like 12412043), or several ids separated by ",".

[--limit LIMIT] - limit the download to LIMIT images (please use 100 or less).

[--startDate STARTDATE] [--endDate ENDDATE] [--date DATE] - limit the search to DATE or STARTDATE to ENDDATE. Not all dates work, please see "Caveats" below.

[--lang LANG] - search language - de.

[--destination DESTINATION] - specify download directory.

[--download DOWNLOAD] - specify download format. Can be one of thumb,layout,hires or a comma-separated list.

[--filename FILENAME] - specify template for the filename. Default is {}_{format}{ext}.

[--metadata METADATA] - specify METADATA filename, or False for "no metadata download". Default is STDOUT.

[--loglevel LOGLEVEL] - specify Python loglevel, one of DEBUG, INFO, ERROR.

Example 1: Download a thumbnail image of Hamburg's new landmark into the "samples" folder

./ "Elbphilharmonie" --limit=1 --destination=samples/ --download=thumb --metadata=False

INFO:root:samples/66046527_thumb.jpg written

Example 2: Download a layout-sized and a hires-sized image of 2010 or earlier mentioning Hamburg's new landmark into the 'samples' folder, and the metadata into samples/metadata.json.

./ "Elbphilharmonie" --limit=1 --destination=samples/ \
             --download=hires,layout --endDate=2010-12-01 --metadata=samples/metadata.json

INFO:root:samples/57359450_layout.jpg written

Example 3: Print Metadata of the image from example 2 to standard output

./ "Elbphilharmonie" --limit=1 --endDate=2010-12-01 
  "query": "",
  "count": 1,
  "result": [
      "id": "57359450",
      "headline": "Ole von Beust wird 60",
      "description": "ARCHIV - Hamburgs damaliger Bürgermeister Ole von Beust (CDU) spricht am 28.05.2010 in Hamburg in der Elbphilharmonie beim Richtfest.  Am 13.04.2015 feiert Ole von Beust seinen 60. Geburtstag. Foto\\ Maurizio Gambarini/dpa (zu dpa «Hamburgs früherer Bürgermeister Ole von Beust wird 60» vom 12.04.2015) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++",
      "subject": [
          "name": ".Leute",
          "rank": 1
          "name": ".Hamburg",
          "rank": 2
          "name": ".CDU",
          "rank": 3
          "name": ".lno",
          "rank": 4
          "name": ".Parteien",
          "rank": 5
      "creator": "Maurizio Gambarini",
      "date_created": "2010-05-28",
      "credit": "picture alliance / dpa",
      "source": "dpa",
      "rights": "(c) dpa",
      "city": "Hamburg",
      "state": "Hamburg",
      "country": "Deutschland",
      "country_code": "DEU",
      "max_dimensions": {
        "width": 3933,
        "height": 2661
      "resolutions": {
        "hires": {
          "width": 3933,
          "height": 2661,
          "url": ""
        "layout": {
          "url": ""
        "thumb": {
          "url": ""

Example 4: Download two images by id

./ 81454735,81454747 --download=hires --metadata=False
Download:(81454735, 81454747)
INFO:root:./81454735_hires.jpg written
INFO:root:./81454747_hires.jpg written


While implementing this sample client, there were some things I stumbled upon. This list may help others.

  • The API returns HTTP Error Code 403 if your credentials are correct, but your IP address is not whitelisted by the API.

  • The /search endpoint parameters startDate, date, endDate do not work with GET. POST works.

  • Some values of --date, --endDate and --startDate do not work from the command line (but they work when directly using the picturalliance module included in this repository). This is an unexpected behaviour of fire, the python library used to parse the command line parameters. I've filed an issue with the authors for this, maybe they want to change it. This affects every date that can be read as an arithmetics expression. 2018-10-10 will be resolved to 1998, since 1998 is 2018 minus 10 minus 10. So for example --endDate=2010-12-10 fails, but --endDate=2010-12-09 works.


Demo Client for Picture Alliance API






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