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An R package that implements a flexible multivariate nonstationary cross-covariance function model based on the differential operators approach defined in 3-dimensional (3D) space. A defining feature of the model is that it can accommodate nonstationarity in the variances, colocated correlations, and other spatial features of a multivariate Gaussian random field, and is particularly flexible along the vertical dimension. With the implemented cross-covariance function model, users can simulate synthetic multivariate Gaussian random fields. Inference for model parameters is done via maximum likelihood estimation. Predictions at locations with no observations can also be performed.


This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available at


To install the package:

  • Clone the DiffOp package from here by running the following commands on the terminal: git clone
  • Build the package by running the following commands on the terminal: R CMD build DiffOp. A .tar.gz file will appear with filename DiffOp_1.0.0.tar.gz.
  • Install the package by running the following commands on the terminal: R CMD INSTALL DiffOp_1.0.0.tar.gz or R CMD INSTALL DiffOp_1.0.0.tar.gz --library=/home/salvanmo/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/ when need to install in specific directory. The package is ready to be used in R and will be loaded when you run the code library(DiffOp) in R. If the installation directory is different from the default, change .libPaths() in R by running the command: .libPaths("/home/salvanmo/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/").

Sample R codes using the DiffOp package

Synthetic data generation and model fitting



x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 10)
y <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 10)
loc2d <- expand.grid(x, y) %>% as.matrix()

depth <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 10)
loc3d <- cbind(rep(loc2d[, 1], each = length(depth)),
               rep(loc2d[, 2], each = length(depth)), depth)

earthRadiusKm = 6371
BETA = 0.5
A1 = A2 = 0.00001
B1 = B2 = 0.00001
C1 <- sin((loc3d[, 3] + 0.1) * pi / 0.5)
C2 <- cos((loc3d[, 3] + 0.1) * pi / 0.5)
D1 = D2 = 0

cov_mat <- cov_bi_differential(location = loc3d, beta = BETA,
                               scale_horizontal = SCALE_HORIZONTAL, scale_vertical = SCALE_VERTICAL,
                               a1 = A1, b1 = B1, c1 = C1, d1 = D1, a2 = A2, b2 = B2, c2 = C2, d2 = D2,
                               radius = earthRadiusKm)


Z <- mvrnorm(1, mu = rep(0, ncol(cov_mat)), Sigma = cov_mat)
Z1 <- Z[1:nrow(loc3d)]
Z2 <- Z[nrow(loc3d) + 1:nrow(loc3d)]

INIT_A1 = INIT_A2 = 0
INIT_B1 = INIT_B2 = 0
INIT_D1 = INIT_D2 = 0

INNER_KNOTS1 <- c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)
INNER_KNOTS2 <- c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)


no_of_c1_coef = length(INNER_KNOTS1) + SPLINES_DEGREE + 1
no_of_c2_coef = length(INNER_KNOTS2) + SPLINES_DEGREE + 1

INIT_C1_COEF <- runif(no_of_c1_coef, -0.1, 0.1)

INIT_C2_COEF <- runif(no_of_c2_coef, -0.1, 0.1)

#Fitting a stationary model

est_params_mle <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z,
                                          location = loc3d, init_beta = 0,
                                          init_scale_horizontal = log(0.1),
                                          init_scale_vertical = log(0.1),
                                          init_a1 = INIT_A1, init_b1 = INIT_B1,
                                          init_c1_coef = rep(0, 6), init_d1 = 1,
                                          init_a2 = INIT_A2, init_b2 = INIT_B2,
                                          init_c2_coef = rep(0, 6), init_d2 = 1,
                                          a1_scaling = 1e-3, b1_scaling = 1e-3,
                                          a2_scaling = 1e-3, b2_scaling = 1e-3,
                                          beta_fix = T, #scale_horizontal_fix = T, scale_vertical_fix = T,
                                          a1_fix = T, b1_fix = T, a2_fix = T, b2_fix = T,
                                          c1_fix = T, c2_fix = T,
                                          radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                          splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                          inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                          inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                          iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

#Fitting a nonstationary model, such that we fix the scale_horizontal and scale_vertical
#  parameters to the estimates above. 

est_params_mle <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z,
                                          location = loc3d, init_beta = 0,
                                          init_scale_horizontal = log(0.004154042),
                                          init_scale_vertical = log(0.3120303),
                                          init_a1 = INIT_A1, init_b1 = INIT_B1,
                                          init_c1_coef = rep(0, 6), init_d1 = INIT_D1,
                                          init_a2 = INIT_A2, init_b2 = INIT_B2,
                                          init_c2_coef = rep(0, 6), init_d2 = INIT_D2,
                                          a1_scaling = 1e-3, b1_scaling = 1e-3,
                                          a2_scaling = 1e-3, b2_scaling = 1e-3,
                                          scale_horizontal_fix = T, scale_vertical_fix = T,
                                          a1_fix = T, b1_fix = T, a2_fix = T, b2_fix = T,
                                          d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                          splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                          inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                          inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                          iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

Argo data analysis and model fitting

ind_pred <- 1:50

Ref_Loc = 1

if(Ref_Loc == 1){
  loc3d <- cbind(argo_ref_loc1$Longitude, argo_ref_loc1$Latitude,

  Z_insample <- c(argo_ref_loc1$TemperatureResiduals[-ind_pred],

  Z_outsample <- c(argo_ref_loc1$TemperatureResiduals[ind_pred],

}else if(Ref_Loc == 2){
  loc3d <- cbind(argo_ref_loc2$Longitude, argo_ref_loc2$Latitude,

  Z_insample <- c(argo_ref_loc2$TemperatureResiduals[-ind_pred],

  Z_outsample <- c(argo_ref_loc2$TemperatureResiduals[ind_pred],

}else if(Ref_Loc == 3){
  loc3d <- cbind(argo_ref_loc3$Longitude, argo_ref_loc3$Latitude,

  Z_insample <- c(argo_ref_loc3$TemperatureResiduals[-ind_pred],

  Z_outsample <- c(argo_ref_loc3$TemperatureResiduals[ind_pred],

}else if(Ref_Loc == 4){
  loc3d <- cbind(argo_ref_loc4$Longitude, argo_ref_loc4$Latitude,

  Z_insample <- c(argo_ref_loc4$TemperatureResiduals[-ind_pred],

  Z_outsample <- c(argo_ref_loc4$TemperatureResiduals[ind_pred],

}else if(Ref_Loc == 5){
  loc3d <- cbind(argo_ref_loc5$Longitude, argo_ref_loc5$Latitude,

  Z_insample <- c(argo_ref_loc5$TemperatureResiduals[-ind_pred],

  Z_outsample <- c(argo_ref_loc5$TemperatureResiduals[ind_pred],

}else if(Ref_Loc == 6){
  loc3d <- cbind(argo_ref_loc6$Longitude, argo_ref_loc6$Latitude,

  Z_insample <- c(argo_ref_loc6$TemperatureResiduals[-ind_pred],

  Z_outsample <- c(argo_ref_loc6$TemperatureResiduals[ind_pred],


locs_insample <- loc3d[-ind_pred, ]
locs_outsample <- loc3d[ind_pred, ]

earthRadiusKm = 6371

INIT_A1 = INIT_A2 = 0
INIT_B1 = INIT_B2 = 0
INIT_D1 = INIT_D2 = 0

est_params_mle_step1 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                          location = locs_insample, init_beta = 1,
                                          init_scale_horizontal = INIT_SCALE_HORIZONTAL,
                                          init_scale_vertical = INIT_SCALE_VERTICAL,
                                          init_a1 = INIT_A1, init_b1 = INIT_B1,
                                          init_c1_coef = 1, init_d1 = 0,
                                          init_a2 = INIT_A2, init_b2 = INIT_B2,
                                          init_c2_coef = 1, init_d2 = 0,
                                          a1_scaling = 1e-3, b1_scaling = 1e-3,
                                          a2_scaling = 1e-3, b2_scaling = 1e-3,
                                          beta_fix = T, scale_horizontal_fix = F, scale_vertical_fix = F,
                                          a1_fix = F, b1_fix = F, a2_fix = F, b2_fix = F,
                                          c1_fix = F, c2_fix = F,
                                          d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T,
                                          radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                          splines_degree = 0,
                                          iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

INNER_KNOTS1 <- seq(100, 1000, by = 100)
INNER_KNOTS2 <- seq(100, 1000, by = 100)


no_of_c1_coef = length(INNER_KNOTS1) + SPLINES_DEGREE + 1
no_of_c2_coef = length(INNER_KNOTS2) + SPLINES_DEGREE + 1

INIT_C1_COEF <- runif(no_of_c1_coef, -4, 4)
INIT_C2_COEF <- runif(no_of_c2_coef, -4, 4)

if(Ref_Loc == 1){
  theta0 = c(-2.70950674,-3.77722728,-0.33322087,0.64934099,-1.56910791,0.1343135,-0.05123194,1.45223232)
}else if(Ref_Loc == 2){
  theta0 = c(-0.72757067,-3.35485089,-1.21335399,0.09396995,0.98711837,0.00341892,0.0298925,1.83250218)
}else if(Ref_Loc == 3){
  theta0 = c(-0.07978493,-3.52471197,-2.18843356,0.06819902,3.35163571,0.00177261,0.01285092,-0.03846718)

est_params_mle_step2 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                location = locs_insample, init_beta = 0,
                                                init_scale_horizontal = exp(theta0[1]),
                                                init_scale_vertical = theta0[2],
                                                init_a1 = exp(theta0[3]) * 1e-3, init_b1 = theta0[4] * 1e-3,
                                                init_c1_coef = INIT_C1_COEF, init_d1 = 0,
                                                init_a2 = theta0[6] * 1e-3, init_b2 = theta0[7] * 1e-3,
                                                init_c2_coef = INIT_C2_COEF, init_d2 = 0,
                                                beta_fix = T,
                                                scale_horizontal_fix = T, scale_vertical_fix = F,
                                                a1_fix = T, b1_fix = T, a2_fix = T, b2_fix = T,
                                                d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

#When optimization stops because of the prompt "Maximum step size exceeded 5 consecutive times.", just run the MLE again from the last parameter values as starting point. 

theta = c(-4.54829228,-10.05272057,61.04965673,30.74267879,4.19627982,2.88493074,0.66213842,-2.23925472,-0.76777614,0.72800093,-0.06454047,0.06580975,-0.08682927,-5.27339602,-24.74130056,-0.86202454,0.87620473,0.79532046,0.3726627,-0.01850439,-0.0380409,0.05413054,0.12143485,-1.02977559,-0.1421119)

for(ll in 1:100){
  theta <- est_params_mle_step2$theta
  est_params_mle_step2 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                  location = locs_insample, init_beta = 0,
                                                  init_scale_horizontal = exp(theta0[1]),
                                                  init_scale_vertical = theta[1],
                                                  init_a1 = exp(theta0[3]) * 1e-3, init_b1 = theta0[4] * 1e-3,
                                                  init_c1_coef = theta[1 + 1:no_of_c1_coef], init_d1 = 0,
                                                  init_a2 = theta0[6] * 1e-3, init_b2 = theta0[7] * 1e-3,
                                                  init_c2_coef = theta[1 + no_of_c1_coef + 1:no_of_c2_coef], init_d2 = 0,
                                                  beta_fix = T,
                                                  scale_horizontal_fix = T, scale_vertical_fix = F,
                                                  a1_fix = T, b1_fix = T, a2_fix = T, b2_fix = T,
                                                  d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                  splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                  inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                  inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                  iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

#Plotting the c1 and c2 functions using MLE values when BETA is not estimated

basis1 <- bsplineBasis(locs_insample[, 3], SPLINES_DEGREE, INNER_KNOTS1)
nb1 <- ncol(basis1)
basis2 <- bsplineBasis(locs_insample[, 3], SPLINES_DEGREE, INNER_KNOTS1)
nb2 <- ncol(basis2)

c1_coef = theta[1 + 1:no_of_c1_coef]
c2_coef = theta[1 + no_of_c1_coef + 1:no_of_c2_coef]

c1 <- basis1 %*% matrix(c1_coef, ncol = 1)
c2 <- basis2 %*% matrix(c2_coef, ncol = 1)

#Plotting the marginal variances and colocated correlations using MLE values when BETA is not estimated
cov_mat <- cov_bi_differential(location = locs_insample, beta = 1,
                               scale_horizontal = exp(theta0[1]), 
                               scale_vertical = exp(theta[1]),
                               a1 = exp(theta0[3]) * 1e-3, b1 = theta0[4] * 1e-3,
                               c1_coef = c1_coef, d1 = 0,
                               a2 = theta0[6] * 1e-3, b2 = theta0[7] * 1e-3,
                               c2_coef = c2_coef, d2 = 0,
                               radius = earthRadiusKm, splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                               inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1, inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2)

plot(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 1:50]))
plot(diag(cov_mat[2450 + 1:50, 2450 + 1:50]))
plot(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 2450 + 1:50]) / sqrt(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 1:50]) * diag(cov_mat[2450 + 1:50, 2450 + 1:50])))

est_params_mle_step3 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                location = locs_insample, init_beta = 1,
                                                init_scale_horizontal = exp(-3.11236305),
                                                init_scale_vertical = theta[1],
                                                init_a1 = 0, init_b1 = 0,
                                                init_c1_coef = theta[1 + 1:no_of_c1_coef], init_d1 = 0,
                                                init_a2 = 0, init_b2 = 0,
                                                init_c2_coef = theta[1 + no_of_c1_coef + 1:no_of_c2_coef], init_d2 = 0,
                                                beta_fix = T,
                                                scale_horizontal_fix = T, scale_vertical_fix = F,
                                                a1_fix = T, b1_fix = T, a2_fix = T, b2_fix = T,
                                                d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

theta = c(0.15019512,-6.25458377,2.24001292,0.87437213,0.61737954,0.54898486,0.76691706,-1.63272199,-1.03754793,0.108616,0.11708141,0.17958341,-0.07896985,-0.80414386,0.28430938,0.0485981,0.04592502,0.03571524,0.02850088,-0.05094608,0.14608396,-0.01668441,-0.01876493,-0.03023349,0.01300819)

for(ll in 1:100){
  theta <- est_params_mle_step3$theta
  est_params_mle_step3 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                  location = locs_insample, init_beta = 1,
                                                  init_scale_horizontal = exp(-3.11236305),
                                                  init_scale_vertical = theta[1],
                                                  init_a1 = 0, init_b1 = 0,
                                                  init_c1_coef = theta[1 + 1:no_of_c1_coef], init_d1 = 0,
                                                  init_a2 = 0, init_b2 = 0,
                                                  init_c2_coef = theta[1 + no_of_c1_coef + 1:no_of_c2_coef], init_d2 = 0,
                                                  beta_fix = T,
                                                  scale_horizontal_fix = T, scale_vertical_fix = F,
                                                  a1_fix = T, b1_fix = T, a2_fix = T, b2_fix = T,
                                                  d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                  splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                  inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                  inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                  iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

c1_coef = theta[1 + 1:no_of_c1_coef]
c2_coef = theta[1 + no_of_c1_coef + 1:no_of_c2_coef]

c1 <- basis1 %*% matrix(c1_coef, ncol = 1)
c2 <- basis2 %*% matrix(c2_coef, ncol = 1)

#Plotting the marginal variances and colocated correlations using MLE values when BETA is not estimated
cov_mat <- cov_bi_differential(location = locs_insample, beta = 1,
                               scale_horizontal = exp(-3.11236305), 
                               scale_vertical = exp(theta[1]),
                               a1 = 0, b1 = 0,
                               c1_coef = c1_coef, d1 = 0,
                               a2 = 0, b2 = 0,
                               c2_coef = c2_coef, d2 = 0,
                               radius = earthRadiusKm, splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                               inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1, inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2)

plot(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 1:50]))
plot(diag(cov_mat[2450 + 1:50, 2450 + 1:50]))
plot(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 2450 + 1:50]) / sqrt(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 1:50]) * diag(cov_mat[2450 + 1:50, 2450 + 1:50])))

est_params_mle_step4 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                location = locs_insample, init_beta = 1,
                                                init_scale_horizontal = -3.11236305,
                                                init_scale_vertical = theta[1],
                                                init_a1 = -5, init_b1 = 0,
                                                init_c1_coef = theta[1 + 1:no_of_c1_coef], init_d1 = 0,
                                                init_a2 = 0, init_b2 = 0,
                                                init_c2_coef = theta[1 + no_of_c1_coef + 1:no_of_c2_coef], init_d2 = 0,
                                                a1_scaling = 1e-3, b1_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                a2_scaling = 1e-3, b2_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                beta_fix = T,
                                                d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

theta = c(-3.42105397,-0.21997347,-4.93710457,-1.06456362,-6.37252549,2.4780107,0.91733552,0.97038443,0.72557895,1.13128118,-2.45214204,-0.12614455,-0.08491882,0.04194524,-0.01074239,0.00197165,-0.01648366,0.21956774,-1.31815829,0.50766958,0.05434622,0.08307006,0.05388051,0.0535619,-0.10349724,0.00130945,-0.01237015,0.01137579,-0.00457665,0.00120058)

for(ll in 1:100){
  theta <- est_params_mle_step4$theta
  est_params_mle_step4 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                  location = locs_insample, init_beta = 1,
                                                  init_scale_horizontal = theta[1],
                                                  init_scale_vertical = theta[2],
                                                  init_a1 = theta[3], init_b1 = theta[4],
                                                  init_c1_coef = theta[4 + 1:no_of_c1_coef], init_d1 = 0,
                                                  init_a2 = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 1], init_b2 = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 2],
                                                  init_c2_coef = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 2 + 1:no_of_c2_coef], init_d2 = 0,
                                                  a1_scaling = 1e-3, b1_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                  a2_scaling = 1e-3, b2_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                  beta_fix = T,
                                                  d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                  splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                  inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                  inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                  iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

theta = c(-3.48527854,0.24169356,-4.92278845,-0.72326213,-6.79419858,2.66599146,0.64186052,0.59032403,0.46862795,0.6973586,-1.49856207,-0.11336609,-0.10788059,0.05508508,-0.01320305,0.00441382,-0.01147506,0.1660411,-1.34784128,0.51991251,0.04017273,0.04797895,0.03415032,0.03293791,-0.06478336,0.00859539,0.00214539,0.00118551,-0.00171117,9.54e-05)

for(ll in 1:100){
  theta <- est_params_mle_step4$theta
  est_params_mle_step4 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                  location = locs_insample, init_beta = 0.99,
                                                  init_scale_horizontal = theta[1],
                                                  init_scale_vertical = theta[2],
                                                  init_a1 = theta[3], init_b1 = theta[4],
                                                  init_c1_coef = theta[4 + 1:no_of_c1_coef], init_d1 = 0,
                                                  init_a2 = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 1], init_b2 = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 2],
                                                  init_c2_coef = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 2 + 1:no_of_c2_coef], init_d2 = 0,
                                                  a1_scaling = 1e-3, b1_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                  a2_scaling = 1e-3, b2_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                  beta_fix = T,
                                                  d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                  splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                  inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                  inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                  iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

c1_coef = theta[4 + 1:no_of_c1_coef]
c2_coef = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 2 + 1:no_of_c2_coef]

c1 <- basis1 %*% matrix(c1_coef, ncol = 1)
c2 <- basis2 %*% matrix(c2_coef, ncol = 1)

#Plotting the marginal variances and colocated correlations using MLE values when BETA is not estimated
cov_mat <- cov_bi_differential(location = locs_insample, beta = 1,
                               scale_horizontal = exp(theta[1]), 
                               scale_vertical = exp(theta[2]),
                               a1 = exp(theta[3]) * 1e-3, b1 = theta[4] * 1e-3,
                               c1_coef = c1_coef, d1 = 0,
                               a2 = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 1] * 1e-3, b2 = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 2] * 1e-3,
                               c2_coef = c2_coef, d2 = 0,
                               radius = earthRadiusKm, splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                               inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1, inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2)

plot(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 1:50]))
plot(diag(cov_mat[2450 + 1:50, 2450 + 1:50]))
plot(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 2450 + 1:50]) / sqrt(diag(cov_mat[1:50, 1:50]) * diag(cov_mat[2450 + 1:50, 2450 + 1:50])))

est_params_mle_step5 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                location = locs_insample, init_beta = 3,
                                                init_scale_horizontal = theta[1],
                                                init_scale_vertical = theta[2],
                                                init_a1 = theta[3], init_b1 = theta[4],
                                                init_c1_coef = theta[4 + 1:no_of_c1_coef], init_d1 = 0,
                                                init_a2 = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 1], init_b2 = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 2],
                                                init_c2_coef = theta[4 + no_of_c1_coef + 2 + 1:no_of_c2_coef], init_d2 = 0,
                                                a1_scaling = 1e-3, b1_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                a2_scaling = 1e-3, b2_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)
theta = c(2.99040182,-3.64478926,0.0221553,-4.92203355,-0.48270247,-6.75170909,2.64818355,0.75358981,0.77471752,0.58570833,0.73901246,-1.54939328,-0.21214685,-0.25640979,0.11925807,0.04373158,-0.01422013,-0.01866081,0.11900666,-1.16879932,0.44851599,0.05615836,0.06553443,0.04333696,0.04119297,-0.08635852,0.03618699,0.03543677,-0.01634629,-0.00410632,0.00173156)

for(ll in 1:100){
  theta <- est_params_mle_step5$theta
  est_params_mle_step5 <- est_bi_differential_mle(residuals = Z_insample,
                                                  location = locs_insample, init_beta = theta[1],
                                                  init_scale_horizontal = theta[2],
                                                  init_scale_vertical = theta[3],
                                                  init_a1 = theta[4], init_b1 = theta[5],
                                                  init_c1_coef = theta[5 + 1:no_of_c1_coef], init_d1 = 0,
                                                  init_a2 = theta[5 + no_of_c1_coef + 1], init_b2 = theta[5 + no_of_c1_coef + 2],
                                                  init_c2_coef = theta[5 + no_of_c1_coef + 2 + 1:no_of_c2_coef], init_d2 = 0,
                                                  a1_scaling = 1e-3, b1_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                  a2_scaling = 1e-3, b2_scaling = 1e-3,
                                                  d1_fix = T, d2_fix = T, radius = earthRadiusKm,
                                                  splines_degree = SPLINES_DEGREE,
                                                  inner_knots1 = INNER_KNOTS1,
                                                  inner_knots2 = INNER_KNOTS2,
                                                  iterlim = 1000, stepmax = 1, hessian = F)

How to install the DiffOp package

  1. Install the necessary software:

    • R:
      • For Apple silicon (M1/M2) Macs, make sure you installed the R binary for Apple silicon arm64. You can download R-4.3.1-arm64.pkg from CRAN.
      • In University of Houston (UH) Carya cluster, simply load the R module by running the following command on the terminal:
      module load R/4.2.0-foss-2021b
    • OpenMPI:
      • For Apple silicon (M1/M2) Macs, OpenMPI can be installed using brew by running the following command on the terminal:
      brew install open-mpi
      • In UH Carya cluster, loading the R module above automatically loads OpenMPI. No need to run any additional commands.
    • gfortran:
      • For Apple silicon (M1/M2) Macs, gfortran can be installed using brew by running the following command on the terminal:
      brew install gcc
      • In UH Carya cluster, loading the R module above automatically loads gcc. No need to run any additional commands.
    • GSL:
      • For Apple silicon (M1/M2) Macs, GSL can be installed using brew by running the following command on the terminal:
      brew install gsl
      • In UH Carya cluster, loading the R module above automatically loads GSL. No need to run any additional commands.
  2. Create a Makevars file and define the paths to the source files of the software in Step #1:

    mkdir ~/.R
    vi ~/.R/Makevars

    Inside ~/.R/Makevars, add the following:

    export CPATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gsl/2.7.1/include/
    export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gsl/2.7.1/lib/
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gsl/2.7.1/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    FC = /usr/local/gfortran/bin/gfortran
    F77 = /usr/local/gfortran/bin/gfortran
    FLIBS = -L/usr/local/gfortran/lib
  3. Download the necessary R packages from Github:

    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
  4. Install the R packages in Step #2 in the following order:

    R CMD build pbdMPI	#This will create the `pbdMPI_0.4-7.tar.gz` file which you will INSTALL next.
    R CMD INSTALL pbdMPI_0.4-7.tar.gz
    R CMD build pbdSLAP	#This will create the `pbdSLAP_0.3-2.tar.gz` file which you will INSTALL next.
    R CMD INSTALL pbdSLAP_0.3-2.tar.gz
    R CMD build pbdBASE	#This will create the `pbdBASE_0.5-3.tar.gz` file which you will INSTALL next.
    R CMD INSTALL pbdBASE_0.5-3.tar.gz
    R CMD build pbdDMAT	#This will create the `pbdDMAT_0.5-2.tar.gz` file which you will INSTALL next.
    R CMD INSTALL pbdDMAT_0.5-2.tar.gz
  5. Download the github repository:

    git clone
  6. Build the R package:

    R CMD build DiffOp

    This will create the DiffOp_1.0.0.tar.gz file.

  7. Install the R package:

    • For general laptops, run the command:
    R CMD INSTALL DiffOp_1.0.0.tar.gz
    • In UH Carya cluster, run the command:
    R CMD INSTALL DiffOp_1.0.0.tar.gz --library=/project/jun/msalvana/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.2/

Sample job script to run in UH Carya the R codes using the DiffOp package

#SBATCH -p batch

#SBATCH --time=10:00:00
#SBATCH -o %j.out
#SBATCH -e %j.err
#SBATCH --mem=100GB

#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20
#SBATCH -n 1

echo "Starting at `date`"
echo "Running on hosts: $SLURM_NODELIST"
echo "Running on $SLURM_NNODES nodes."
echo "Running $SLURM_NTASKS tasks."
echo "Current working directory is `pwd`"

module load R/4.2.0-foss-2021b

# set path variable
path=`pwd -P`


mpiexec -np $SLURM_NTASKS Rscript ./testing_diffop_package.R 

Save the job script in a file named job.sub.

How to run the R code

  1. Submit the job script:
    sbatch job.sub

This command will generate a job ID number that you can use to monitor the job.

  1. View the R codes output:

    tail -f job_id_number.out


    vi job_id_number.out
  2. To check error logs from R code runs:

    vi job_id_number.err


DiffOp is authored and maintained by:


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