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title author created
November 5 2010 — aim for the eye!
Carl Mäsak
2010-11-05 23:54:00 +0100

454 years ago today, the (second) Battle of Panipat was joined in northern India. The Wikipedia entry could use some editing, but here's the interesting strategic part of the battle:

It seemed Hemu was on a winning track and Akbar's army would rout. However, Khan Zaman I, the veteran of many a wars and an able general had planned otherwise. With a much smaller army, his plan was clear. The warriors of that time, including Hemu wore armour completely covering their body specially the vulnerable organs except the eyes. After repeated attempts a stray arrow struck Hemu's eye and he was knocked down senseless, almost dead in his howda (elephant seat) on the elephant. Not seeing Hemu in his howda, Hemu’s army was in disarray and defeated in the ensuing confusion.

Some nice things about this: (1) they were using elephants in battle, that's got to look impressive; (2) one of the combatants is named Akbar. But he's on the winning side, so it does not make much sense for him to yell "it's a trap!". Neither was he a admiral; he was an emperor.

Instead of taking eight minutes to munch generate stuff for my blog, my static page generator now takes slightly above three minutes.

The change I made is adding in this subroutine, which returns True if a given $target file doesn't exist, or if it is older than its corresponding $source file.

sub nonexistent-or-older($target, :than($source)!) {
    return $target.IO !~~ :e
           || $target.IO.changed before $source.IO.changed;

I especially like the last line. I read it out loud as "or target IO changed before source IO changed", which is pretty much what the code is doing. I took a teeny bit of a liberty in using before rather than <, because it reads better. Generally I don't like that kind of catering to English-like code, but here it seemed too good to resist. Note that I kept || in favor of or — even I have my limits.

Anyway, it turned out that the subroutine was generalized and lost its pretty perfectly-readable last line; some files like index.html and feed.atom are composed from several source files, and they all need to be checked against the target. So the final version I ended up with was this:

sub nonexistent-or-older($target, :than(@sources)!) {
    return $target.IO !~~ :e
           || any map { $target.IO.changed before $_.IO.changed }, @sources;

[Addendum: sorear++ points out that I should be writing the above as $target.IO.changed before any(@sources).IO.changed. Clearly that's what the above code wants to look like, platonically speaking. And we're back at extreme readability. I have much to learn still about the wonders of Perl 6.]

Much of the work that remains with psyde is pushing calls such as this into a data structure so that whatever code the user produces, things like this will be called automatically. Right now I do it manually, and my psyde script is ~200 lines long. When everything is stacked neatly into an API, I might get away with as little as ~40. Maybe less.