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Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 1 column 20
title: June 24 2011: Types
author: Carl Mäsak
created: 2011-07-02T00:24:17+02:00

I can put a string value in a variable:

my $greeting = "Hello again!";

The type of the string value is Str. That's the kind of value it is; it's different from Int and Regex, for example.

If I want to make sure that all that ever ends up in that variable is a string value, I can write it like this:

my Str $greeting = "Hello again!";

In a very real sense, my Str $greeting means "here's the new variable $greeting, and it will only ever contain Str values". If we later try to do this:

$greeting = 5;    # not a Str

...then Perl 6 will throw a fit and say that it expected a Str but got an Int. Clever implementations might even do this during program compilation, i.e. before it even runs.

That's types. They catch mistakes in the code, like variables that are supposed to contain one type of value but gets assigned another. They're like little checkpoints that make sure everything's OK.

A reasonable question at this point is: yes, but what good are they? You never make mistakes when you code, right? (Right, right?) Well, even under the assumption that our own code is perfect and free of bugs all the time, there's always... other programmers. They use your variables and your subroutines all wrong, because they don't know better. And you can restrict that misuse by giving the variables types.

Yes, subroutine parameters can be given types as well:

sub duplicate(Str $s) {
    return $s ~ $s;

Now people have to call your duplicate subroutine with a Str value.

say duplicate("hi!");      # "hi!hi!"
duplicate(42);             # Expected Str, got Int

Actually, we might decide that a type error there is a bit harsh. After all, Perl figures out that 42 ~ 42 is a string concatenation of two things that happen to be Ints, so why shouldn't duplicate? We'd like to loosen the restriction a little, be a bit more forgiving. That's when we use the Cool type:

sub duplicate(Cool $s) {
    return $s ~ $s;

say duplicate("hi!");       # "hi!hi!"
say duplicate(42);          # "4242"

Cool is a type that brings together all those values in Perl that traditionally are exchangable for one another: Str, Int, Num, Bool, Array, Hash. Not all scalar values are Cool; Regex isn't Cool, for example.

We're starting to see that some types "contain" other types, in the sense that a Str value is always a Cool value, but a Cool value doesn't have to be a Str value. The tree of all such containments is called the type hierarchy, and the bits we've talked about so far hang like this in that hierarchy:

                     |                  |
                     |                  |
                    Any              Junction
             |                 |       |
             |                 |       |
           Cool             Whatever Routine
             |                         |
             |                         |
 +----+---+---+----+-----+        +----+----+
 |    |   |   |    |     |        |         |
 |    |   |   |    |     |        |         |
Bool Int Num Str Array Hash      Sub      Regex

Many important types are collected under Cool. Cool contains a great many useful methods, that are thereby all accessible from the subtypes of Cool.

The Whatever type contains one value: the * that we've seen in array indexings and substr calls. Sub is the type of subroutines, Regex is the type of regexes, and both of these belong to a type called Routine. (There are more types of Routine, but we haven't introduced them yet. Soon, young padwan.)

All normal types are subtypes of Any. In fact, if you don't give a variable a type declaration, Any is the type it will have. Any is in many senses the top type of the "normal" type system.

The only thing that lies outside of it is Junction, the special scalar value that can act like many values simultaneously. Junctions with their autothreading and inside-out behaviors may appear magical at times, but all that magic really stems from the fact that they're outside of the "normal" type hierarchy.

At the very top, uniting the normal Any and the abnormal Junction, sits the ur-type... Mu. It is the mother of all types, the emptiness from which the world sprang forth. It is the silent lowing of the cosmic cow, a disturbing ripple in the fabric of existence itself. It is the riddle of emptiness in a world of chaos. It is nothing, and everything.

In practice, Mu doesn't show up much in code. The silent lowing kinda gets to you after a while. :-) In the majority of cases, Any is adequate.

We'll let our old friend the smartmatch operator (~~) make a final reappearance in this post:

  say Str      ~~ Cool;  # "Bool::True"
  say Regex    ~~ Cool;  # "Bool::False"
  say Array    ~~ Any;   # "Bool::True"
  say Any      ~~ Any;   # "Bool::True"
  say Junction ~~ Any;   # "Bool::False"

Indeed, this is the usual way to test for type matching.
