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Masatake YAMATO edited this page Jul 23, 2015 · 2 revisions

Strategy for sharing code between geany tagmanager and universal-ctags

Author: Masatake YAMATO <>


Both geany tagmanager and universal ctags are derived from exuberant ctags. Currently they are maintained separately.

To utilize developers resource maximally, and minimize maintenance cost, the merging two code base into one is better. In other hand geany and u-ctags focus different use case. Completely merging two into one is not realistic.

In stead of merging, sharing parsers related code between two projects are realistic. In this document I report my research about the way for sharing parsers.


ctags source can be separted into two parts; parsers related code and the rest parts.

The rest parts are very different between geany and u-ctags. The differences in parsers related code are rather small.

So sharing parsers related code is reasonable.


Parsers only in u-ctags

Ada Ant Asp Awk Basic Clojure DosBatch Eiffel Falcon Flex Lisp MatLab OCaml REXX Scheme SLang SML SystemVerilog Tex Vera VHDL Vim WindRes YACC

Parsers only in geany

Abaqus Abc ActionScript Asciidoc Conf Diff Docbook F77 Ferite FreeBasic GLSL Haskell Haxe LaTeX Literate Haskell Markdown Matlab NSIS R Txt2tags Vala Vhdl



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