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Migration and seeding for CodeIgniter framework

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Simple and easy database migration and seeding for CodeIgniter framework


Simply put the two classes into application/controllers directory of your CodeIgniter project.


Create a migration file

php index.php migrate create MIGRATION_NAME

Eg. php index.php migrate create users will create a file called xxx_users.php in application/migrations directory, where xxx is current integer timestamps.

The file will contain following code:

return [
"up" => function($dbforge, $db) {
    //code here
"down" => function($dbforge, $db) {
    //code here

The file returns an associative array containing:

  • "up":callback for actual migration (up)
  • "down": callback for reverting the "up" process

Both "up" and "down" callback functions are equipped with:


return [
"up" => function($dbforge, $db) {
        'username' => ['type' => 'varchar(30)'],
        'name' => ['type' => 'varchar(50)'],
        'password' => ['type' => 'varchar(100)']
"down" => function($dbforge, $db) {
      $dbforge->drop_table('users', true);

Run the migration

Running php index.php migrate in terminal console will run in sequence all migration files that have not been run.

To run migration certain steps ahead, you can use php index.php migrate run NUMBER_OF_STEPS command. Eg. php index.php migrate run 3 will run 3 next migration files

Revert (rollback) the migration

Running php index.php migrate rollback in console will revert all migration files in inverse direction.

To revert certain steps back, you can use php index.php migrate rollback NUMBER_OF_STEPS Eg. php index.php migrate rollback 1 will revert just 1 migration file that has already been run before.

List of migrations

  • php index.php migrate past to get list of migrations that already run successfully before.

Result eg.

2019-12-14 09:40:21 1576052117_users.php
2019-12-14 09:40:21 1576052137_roles.php
2019-12-14 09:40:21 1576052148_user_roles.php
  • php index.php migrate future to get list of migrations that has not run.

Result eg.



Seed files are actually contains normal PHP codes, so you can literally put anything in there, including the expected purpose - seeding your database.

Create a seed file

Run php index.php seed create FILE_NAME in console.

Eg. php index.php seed create Users will create a file called Users.php in application/seed directory of your project with following content:

return function($db) {
  //code here

The function is equipped with $db which is CodeIgniter's database object.


return function($db) {
  $admin = new Models\User();
  $admin->username = $username;
  $admin->name = 'Admin';
  $admin->password = 'admin';

Above example uses syntax of Eloquent ORM for the callback.

Run the seed

  • Run php index.php seed run SEED_NAME in console will run a seed file

Eg. php index.php seed run AdminUsers

  • php index.php seed SEED_NAME1-SEED_NAME2-SEED_NAME3 will run many seed files at once

Eg. php index.php seed run AdminUsers-AdminPermissions

  • php index.php seed will run all seed files

List of seeds

php index.php seed list to get list of all available seed files.

Result eg.


Running Migrations and Seeds in Web Browser

Thanks to nature of CodeIgniter, all functions above can be run in your web browser as well.

So instead of running php index.php migrate run 3 in console, you can open http://YOUR_DOMAIN/migrate/run/3 URL in web browser.

php index.php seed run Users command is also accessible by using http://YOUR_DOMAIN/seed/run/Users in web browser.


This is open source, so it's all yours. But maybe the most important things to custom are:

  • MIGRATION_TABLE constant of Migration class: name of table to store history of migrations that already successfully executed, defaults to 'migrations'.
  • MIGRATION_DIR constant of Migration class: directory to put all migration files, defaults to APPPATH.'migrations'.
  • DIR constant of Seed class: directory to put all seed files, defaults to APPPATH.'seeds'.


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