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Inception : A molecular packing tool; faster and periodic

A molecular packing tool similar to widely popular packmol. But, it is aimed to be faster, and obey periodic boundary conditions.

Table of contents



  • A modern C++ compiler (C++-17) and
  • cmake

Built is tested with GCC-11 and Clang-14.

git clone
cd Inception 
mkdir build && cd build 
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/installation
make && make install 

How to use

toml file is used to interact with the tool.

inception input.toml

A simple example toml file to pack 5000 water molecules into 100 angstrom cubic box. Fig-1 shows the packing.

    tolerance = 3.0
    out_file = "out.gro"

    xlim = [0.0,100.0]
    ylim = [0.0,100.0]
    zlim = [0.0,100.0]

    nitems = 5000

Fig-1: Packing 5000 water molecules using Inception.

toml file mainly has three sections,

  • [config]

    • tolerance = minimium distance between atoms
    • out_file = coordinate file to write output, currently gro, pdb and xyz is supported
    • max_trails = Maximum number of trails to insert a molecules, default is 1000
    • rand_seed = Seed for random number, default is based on OS time.
  • [box]

    • xlim = Limit of box edge along $X$ direction
    • ylim = Limit of box edge along $Y$ direction
    • zlim = Limit of box edge along $Z$ direction

There are two types of packing supported currently,

Type-1: Random insertion

  • [[packing]]
    • file = Coordinate file of molecule [gro, pdb, xyz, and mol].
    • nitems = Number of molecules.
    • xlim = Limit molecule center along $X$ direction.
    • ylim = Limit molecule center along $Y$ direction.
    • zlim = Limit molecule center along $Z$ direction.

Using the packing limit, we can restrict molecular packing to certain region. For example, we can create interface of water and decane.

    tolerance = 3.0
    out_file = "out.gro"

    xlim = [0.0,150.0]
    ylim = [0.0,150.0]
    zlim = [0.0,200.0]

    nitems = 10000
    zlim = [0.0,100.0]

    nitems = 2000
    zlim = [100.0,200.0]

Fig-2: Creating interface between water and decane.

Type-2: Pinned insertion


  • file = Coordinate file of molecule [gro, pdb, xyz, and mol].
  • location = Where to pin the center-of-mass.

User can pin the center-of-mass of molecule into the certain location. Here is an example of pinning a macromolecule into the center of a box.

    tolerance = 3.0
    out_file = "out.gro"

    xlim = [0.0,100.0]
    ylim = [0.0,100.0]
    zlim = [0.0,100.0]

    file = "lignin.gro"
    location = [50.0,50.0,50.0]

    nitems = 8000

Fig-3: Pinning Lignin into a box full of water.


  • Bold options are required.
  • [[packing]] section has double square brakets.
  • toml11 expects floating point number has decimal point.
  • If location keyword presents in [[packing]], pinned insertion is assumed.

Performance benchmark

Inception is typically extremely fast for larger molecule. But for small molecules (natoms <= 3), packmol is faster. Benchmark is carried out in macbook pro M2 and both software is compiled with gcc-11, and -O optimization flag. Plots are showing time required to complete packing (smaller is better).

Case-1: Packing interface as shown in Fig-2. Inception is order of magnitude faster than packmol.

Inception input file
    tolerance = 3.0
    out_file = "out.gro"

    xlim = [0.0,150.0]
    ylim = [0.0,150.0]
    zlim = [0.0,200.0]

    nitems = 10000
    zlim = [0.0,100.0]

    nitems = 2000
    zlim = [100.0,200.0]
Packmol input file
tolerance 3.0
filetype pdb
output out_packmol.pdb

structure ./water.pdb
  number 5000
  inside box 0. 0. 0. 150. 150. 100.
end structure

structure ./decane.pdb
  number 2000
  inside box 0. 0. 100. 150. 150. 200.
end structure

Case-2: Packing 20000 water into 200 angstrom cubic box. For smaller molecule, packmol is still a faster option.

Inception input file
    tolerance = 3.0
    out_file = "out.gro"

    xlim = [0.0,200.0]
    ylim = [0.0,200.0]
    zlim = [0.0,200.0]

    nitems = 20000
Packmol input file
tolerance 3.0
filetype pdb
output out_packmol.pdb

structure ./water.pdb
  number 20000
  inside box 0. 0. 0. 200. 200. 200.
end structure

Case-3: Packing a very large molecule, which has 65 atoms per molecule. Here, Inception is blazing fast 🔥 !

Inception input file
    tolerance = 3.0
    out_file = "out.gro"

    xlim = [0.0,300.0]
    ylim = [0.0,300.0]
    zlim = [0.0,300.0]

    nitems = 5000
Packmol input file
tolerance 3.0
filetype pdb
output out_packmol.pdb

structure ./fmoc.pdb
  number 5000
  inside box 0. 0. 0. 300. 300. 300.
end structure

Upcoming features

  • Supporting triclinic box.
  • Python bindings for easy workflow using pybind11.
  • Solvating protein in dodecahedron box with pre-equilibrated solvent.
  • Building membrane.


Following third party libraries are used for parsing and progressbar.


Blazingly fast molecular packing







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