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Building from source

Adrian Woodhead edited this page Jul 31, 2015 · 1 revision


This page describes the steps needed to get IvySvn set up for development and covers checking out the code and building it from source.



  • Java >=5.0 installed.
  • Ant >= 1.6 installed.

Getting the source

Download a source release

If you want to modify the source code of an official IvySvn release then you should download the "Source release" from the downloads page and unpack it.

Checkout the latest code from SVN

If you want to modify the source code based on the current trunk version you should follow the instructions on the source page. If you do not have SVN commit rights you can still check out the code and create and submit a patch with your changes.

Building from source

Once you have checked out or downloaded and unpacked the source code you can build IvySvn by issuing the command:

ant build

which will build the jar file:


Installing a new build

  • Copy ivysettings.xml.example to ivysettings.xml and modify it to suit your Subversion setup.
  • Then you can run:
ant -Dskip.retrieve=true -Dversion=REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_VERSION install

which will compile the Java source code, build ivysvnresolver.jar into build/dist and then copy this, ivysettings.xml, ivy-common-targets.xml and the required 3rd party libraries to your ANT_HOME/lib folder. Alternatively you can just copy the files mentioned here to wherever you want IvySvn setup.

Testing that it works

  • Edit ivy.xml so that it contains dependencies to artifacts in your repository.
  • Run the following command and the dependent files should be downloaded to the lib folder.
ant retrieve
  • Make sure the "version" property is set and run
ant publish

and the current version of ivysvnresolver.jar should be published to your repository. NOTE: Every time you do a publish you will need to use a different version number (or set the property "publish.overwrite" to true).