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The Protobuf definitions for the statemachine API.

Author License Release

Copyright & Licensing

The code is copyright (c) 2022 All rights reserved


This repository contains the Protobuf definitions for the statemachine API.

The following is divided in two main sections, depending on whether you need to build the Protobuf definitions from scratch, or whether you just need to use the generated code.

If you plan to contribute to the project, please read the Contributing section.

Build Protocol Buffers


To generate the code, you will need to install protoc and, for Go code, the protoc-gen-go plugins; please follow the instructions below before attempting to running any of the make commands.

All the base classes are defined in the api folder and are used to (de)serialize state machines for storage in the database.

See installation instructions for compiling protobufs for Go.

It mostly boils down to the following:

  • Install protoc (the compiler) from here, and install it somewhere on your PATH (and place the included .proto packages in the include folder somewhere where they will be found by protoc).
  • Install the protoc-gen-go plugin, by running go get -u
  • Install the protoc-gen-go-grpc plugin, by running go get -u


We use make to build the code:

make protos && make mod

will do the trick; or just make build will combine the two.


The current version is kept in build.settings, remember to update the version number before releasing; the actual release is handled by the release.yaml workflow, which will automatically create a new release and upload the generated code, upon pushing to the release branch.


Contributions are welcome, and are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

Please make sure you follow Google Code Style guides when contributing, and submit a pull request referencing the issue you are addressing.



The main class is the FiniteStateMachine which, however, is really simple, as it just carries a reference to its Configuration, the current state and a list of Events which have occurred (possibly empty).

A Configuration describes all the states an FSM could go through, as well as the Transitions from one state to the next; a Transition is defined simply as the event (as an opaque string) which will cause the FSM to move from state to state.

While Protobufs cannot define (and even less, enforce) behaviors, the following should be respected by implementations:

  • a Configuration should be immutable; if changes are desired, simply increase the version accordingly (using, e.g., semantic versioning)
  • equally, FiniteStateMachine should be deemed "immutable" and only be changed via ingesting Events (hence, config_id once set should never change)
  • Events are only appended to the history which is never "rewritten"
  • we would expect event_ids to be unique (within a defined namespace or domain)


To use the generated code from a given release, you will need to import the package in your go.mod file:

└─( go get

making sure that the referenced version is one of the Releases; then in the go code, you can import the api package as usual:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // ...
    response, err := client.ConsumeEvent(context.Background(),
                Event: &api.Event{
                    EventId:   uuid.NewString(),
                    Timestamp: timestamppb.Now(),
                    Transition: &api.Transition{
                        Event: *event,
                    Originator: "gRPC Client",
                Dest: *fsmId,

see the Go Statemachine project for an example of how to use the generated code.


For a full description and documentation of the gRPC API, please see the Protocol Buffer definition.

These are the methods that are currently defined (as of version v1beta of the API, release v1.1.0-beta-g1fc5dd8) of the statemachine-proto repository.


It appears that it is currently not possible to export a Postman Collection containing gRPC method calls; we are looking into ways to share example method calls.

Creation methods

  // Creates an immutable Configuration.
  rpc PutConfiguration(Configuration) returns (PutResponse);

  // Creates a new FSM, using the Configuration identified by `config_id`.
  rpc PutFiniteStateMachine(PutFsmRequest) returns (PutResponse);


  1. Creating a Configuration
    "name": "test.orders",
    "version": "v3",
    "starting_state": "start",
    "states": ["start", "stop"],
    "transitions": [
        {"event": "run", "from": "start", "to": "stop"}
  1. Create a FiniteStateMachine
    "id": "12345",
    "fsm": {"config_id": "test.orders:v4"}
  1. Create a FiniteStateMachine omitting the ID, specifying the starting state

    "fsm": {
        "config_id": "test.orders:v2",
        "state": "shipped"


Status code: 0 (OK)

    "id": "b71e000e-3463-4ca9-8719-9bc74e75c173",
    "fsm": {
        "history": [],
        "config_id": "test.orders:v2",
        "state": "shipped"

Lookup methods

  // Retrieves all Configuration names, or versions.
  rpc GetAllConfigurations(google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (ListResponse);

  // Retrieves a Configuration by its ID.
  rpc GetConfiguration(google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (Configuration);

  // Retrieves an FSM by its Configuration `name` and Statemachine `ID`.
  rpc GetFiniteStateMachine(GetFsmRequest) returns (FiniteStateMachine);

  // Looks up all the FSMs in the given `state`
  rpc GetAllInState(GetFsmRequest) returns (ListResponse);


  1. To get all FSMs in the shipped state:
    "config": "test.orders",
    "state": "shipped"
Status Code: 0 (OK)
    "ids": [
  1. To find all configurations available in the store use the GetAllConfigurations with an empty request. The response will have all configuration names:
Status Code: 0 (OK)
    "ids": [

and then to retrieve all versions, pass in the name of the configuration:

{"value": "test.orders"}
Status Code: 0 (OK)
    "ids": [

Streaming methods

  // Streams all the `Configuration` whose name matches the passed in StringValue.
  rpc StreamAllConfigurations(google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (stream Configuration);

  // Streams the full contents of `FiniteStateMachines` in the given `state`
  rpc StreamAllInstate(GetFsmRequest) returns (stream PutResponse);

Event Management

  // Process an Event for an FSM, identified by `id`.
  rpc SendEvent(EventRequest) returns (EventResponse);

  // Get the outcome of an event processing, identified by the `event_id` returned by `ProcessEvent`.
  rpc GetEventOutcome(EventRequest) returns (EventResponse);