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plasterer is a fast GPU plotter for MASS.


plasterer provides a way to plot spaces that are compatible with massminerd.

plasterer-help cooperates with plasterer, it automatically generates config files for plasterer and initializes massminerd.

massminerd is the MassNet full-node miner, see MassNet-miner.

All you will need to do is as simple as:

  1. Run plasterer-help: generate config files for plasterer and initialize massminerd.

  2. Run plasterer: plot all preset spaces.

  3. Run massminerd: enjoy your solo mining!

Attention: plasterer only plots 32 GiB (BitLength = 32) massdb files.


Here lists the hardware and software requirements to run plasterer:

Item Requirement
OS Ubuntu 16.04 or newer
CPU 6 cores and 12 threads
GPU GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB
Memory at least 64 GB
System Disk at least 64 GB
Data Disk at least 1 TB
CUDA matched with GPU


Preparation Stage

Build or Download plasterer, plasterer-helper and massminerd. Put them into a directory like ~/massminer/.

Follow instructions on MASS Docs to create a config file (e.g. ~/massminer/config.json) for massminerd.

Or you can use this sample:

  "app": {
    "pub_password": "yourPubPassword"
  "network": {
    "p2p": {
      "seeds": ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",
      "listen_address": "tcp://"
    "api": {
      "api_port_grpc": "9685",
      "api_port_http": "9686"
  "log": {
    "log_level": "info",
    "disable_cprint": false
  "miner": {
    "spacekeeper_backend": "spacekeeper.plasterer",
    "mining_addr": [],
    "generate": false,
    "private_password": "yourPrivatePassword"

Up to now, you should have plasterer, plasterer-helper, massminerd and config.json in directory ~/massminer/.

Initialization Stage

Run plasterer-helper as:

./plasterer-helper init --miner_config <miner_config_file> --miner_priv_pass <miner_private_password> --db_dirs <dir1,dir2,dirN> --db_numbers <num1,num2,numN>

The detailed specification for init flags is:

Usage of init:
  -db_dirs string
        directories for massdb files, separated by comma
  -db_numbers string
        number of massdb files for each directory, separated by comma
  -miner_config string
        miner config file (default "config.json")
  -miner_priv_pass string
        miner private password

As plasterer only plots 32 GiB (BitLength = 32) massdb files, so you may need to estimate the number of massdb files for each directory.

Or if you leave -db_numbers empty, plasterer-helper would automatically calculate the proper db_numbers.

After you successfully called plaster-helper init, it prints advice to modify miner_config_file, please follow it.

Attention: plasterer-help ignores a directory if the free disk space is less than 128 GiB. Because plasterer-helper doesn't make use of all disk space, it always leaves some spare space (3 * 32 GiB = 96 GiB) for each directory.

Tip: you can also run ./plasterer-help doctor --miner_config <miner_config_file> --db_dirs <dir1,dir2,dirN> to check the status of your config file and db_dirs.


./plasterer-helper doctor --miner_config config.json --db_dirs /root/db_dir1/,/root/db_dir2/

Running plasterer-helper doctor...

db_dir: /root/db_dir1
available disk size: 204 GiB
max db number: 3

db_dir: /root/db_dir2
available disk size: 268 GiB
max db number: 5

This is the end of doctor report.
./plasterer-helper init --miner_config config.json --miner_priv_pass 12345678 --db_dirs /root/db_dir1/,/root/db_dir2/ --db_numbers 2,4

initializing poc wallet: miner
poc wallet initialized: ac10vkeh2xgk9g4lws8v2grszlskxg4pw4xzvu0dmy

Successfully initialized massminerd by plasterer-helper!

Summary for generation:
"directory": /root/db_dir1, "number": 2
"directory": /root/db_dir2, "number": 4

Please manually modify the following items in your miner config file (config.json):
  "miner": {
    "spacekeeper_backend": "spacekeeper.plasterer",
    "proof_dir": [
    "private_password": "12345678"

Attention: DO NOT run massminerd while plasterer is running, or massdb files may be corrupted.

Plotting Stage

Once you have finished initialization, Run plasterer to plot:

./plasterer -q /path/to/db_dir/ -a

Usually, nohup is recommended to use:

nohup ./plasterer -q /path/to/db_dir/ -a > nohup.out 2>&1 &

You should run plasterer for each directory to finish plotting stage.

Tips: plasterer would generate a core file if any error occurred, you can manually remove it.


./plasterer -q /root/db_dir1/ -a


b cost time:144009926 us, a cost time:93138431 us


b cost time:141718666 us, a cost time:88635845 us
create success, cost time:484590457 us

Mining Stage

Attention: DO NOT run massminerd while plasterer is running, or massdb files could be corrupted.

Once you have finished plotting, Run massminerd to enjoy your solo mining:



plasterer-helper is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information or see


plasterer is a fast GPU plotter for MASS







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