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CAPI Output Panel for LispWorks

An output-panel is a subclass of both output-pane and collection. It also mimics the behavior of choice. You can think of an output-panel as a very efficient version of a column-layout filled with output-pane elements and can select them.

It takes care of all drawing, scrolling, input and selection (:no-selection, :single-selection, and :multiple-selection).

Treat it like you would a list-panel, but where you can draw anything you want for each item.

In addition to being a general list of things, output-panel can automatically filter, sort, and paginate!


:interaction This is the selection interaction style. It follows other CAPI conventions and can be nil, :no-selection, :single-selection, or :multiple-selection (:extended-selection is treated the same as :multiple-selection). The default value is nil.

:item-height This is the height (in pixels) that each item in the collection will require to display itself.

:item-display-callback This is called during the display of the panel. Each item that is within the panel's visible border will have this called with the panel, item, width, height, and a generalized boolean indicating whether or not the item is currently selected.

:item-action-callback This is called with the panel and the item in the event that the item is double clicked.

:item-selected-callback This is called whenever the item has been selected by the user or programmatically. It takes the panel and the item as parameters.

:item-retract-callback This is called whenever the item has been removed from the current selection by the user or programmatically. It takes the panel and the item as parameters. It is not called if the collection changes.

:item-menu This is a menu that will be displayed when an item (or multiple items) is selected and right-clicked.

:selected-background This is the color to use when drawing the background of a selected item. It defaults to :color_highlight.

:selected-foreground This is the color to use when drawing the foreground of a selected item. It defaults to :color_highlighttext.

:selection-callback This is called whenever the selection changes. This is called in addition to the :item-selected-callback

:filter-function This is a predicate function that is called with the panel and an item once per item. It should return nil if the item should be hidden. Hidden items cannot be selected.

:sort-function This is a predicate function that's sent to stable-sort with the list of visible items whenever the filter is updated.

:visible-items This is an array of item indices that are visible. If you want to ignore the filter-function and just determine visibility yourself, use this. It is rare to use this.

:paginate Set this to T if you'd like the items to be paginated. If it's nil then all items are visible.

:page This is the current page (0-based) of items visible. This parameter is ignored if :paginate is nil.

:items-per-page This is the number of items visible per page. This parameter is ignored if :paginate is nil. Changing this value after the panel is visible will always reset the current page back to 0.

:empty-display-callback If there are no visible items, this callback is optionally called allowing you to draw whatever you like in the panel to inform the user that there's nothing there. The only argument is the panel.




(output-panel-selected-item-p panel item) returns T if item is currently selected. Remember that item is tested against the currently selected items with collection-test-function.

(output-panel-select-all panel) selects all the items in the collection if the :interaction is :multiple-selection. Otherwise no change to the selection is made.

(output-panel-retract-all panel) is just a helper for setting the selection to nil.

(output-panel-update-filter panel) tells the panel that something outside the panel has changed and each item needs to be re-filtered and sorted. This is called automatically if the filter or sort functions change or if the items in the collection change.


Unlike the choice class, when getting the current selection a list will always be returned - even if :single-selection is the interaction style.

The output-panel-selection accessor returns item indices, while output-panel-selected-items returns the actual items. Both are setf-able. But, when setting the selected items, search-for-item will be used to find the index, which uses the collection-test-function. If you have multiple items in then collection that test equal, the first one will be selected.

When your item is being drawn, its draw area is transformed and masked by the panel. This means that (0,0) is the upper-left coordinate of the item's visible area (and not the upper-left of the panel). It also means that if you draw outside the visible area of the item it will be clipped.

A paginated output-panel will never keep selections across pages. If you change the items-per-page or page such that some (or all) of the current selection is no longer visible, those items will be removed from the selection.

If you decide to set the output-panel-visible-items yourself, you can use any sequence of indices, but a vector is what will always be stored.


(defun draw-item (panel item w h selected-p)
  (let ((y (gp:get-font-ascent panel)))
	(gp:draw-string panel (princ-to-string item) 0 y)))

(defun selection-changed (panel)
  (let ((items (output-panel-selected-items panel)))
    (display-message "Selected items:~{~%~s~}" items)))

(defun filter-item (panel item)
  (oddp item))
(contain (make-instance
          :interaction :multiple-selection
          :selection-callback 'selection-changed
          :filter-function 'filter-item
          :sort-function '>
          :paginate t
          :items-per-page 40
          :item-height 20
          :item-display-callback 'draw-item
          :items (loop for i below 100 collect i)))

For fun, once the panel is open, try selecting things (click, shift-click, and command-click). Also try changing some things on the fly:

(setf (output-panel-sort-function panel) '<)
(setf (output-panel-page panel) 2)
(setf (output-panel-items-per-page panel) 15)


CAPI Output Panel Pane for LispWorks







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