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commerce-web is a lightweight library used to integrate Merchants with EMV Secure Remote Commerce and Mastercard's web-based SRC-Initiator with backward compatibility for existing Masterpass integrations. commerce-web facilitates the initiation of the checkout experience and returns the transaction result to the Merchant after completion.

It is very important to configure these values properly on the portal. If these values are not configured in proper format, merchant application will not be able to do successful checkout.

callbackUrl must be configured with an Intent URI. Below is an example format of callbackUrl for a sample merchant application named FancyShop

  • Example format of callbackUrl: intent: //commerce/#Intent;scheme=fancyshop;package=com.mastercard.fancyshop;end
  • Channel: Android

AndroidX version

Please use AndroidX version of our SDK only when your Application uses AndroidX library. For Applications running android support library (API Level 28 and below), we recommend using our support library version instead.

For AndroidX version of our SDK, include the following in build.gradle:


dependencies {
  implementation 'com.mastercard.commerce:commerce-web:1.0.8'

Support library version

For Applications using Android support library (API level 28 and below), include the following in build.gradle:


dependencies {
  implementation 'com.mastercard.commerce:commerce-web:1.0.7'

When initializing CommerceWebSdk, a CommerceConfig and Context object need to be provided.

CommerceConfig requires the following parameters:

  • locale: This is the locale in which the transaction is processing
  • checkoutId: The unique identifier assigned to the merchant during onboarding
  • checkoutUrl: The URL used to load the checkout experience. Note: when testing in the Sandbox environment, use For Production, use
  • allowedCardTypes: The payment networks supported by this merchant (e.g. master, visa, amex, discover, maestro, diner). Currently SRC supports only four cards: master, visa, amex and discover.

Below is a sample code snippet to initialize Sdk for Sandbox environment :

Locale locale=Locale.US;
    String checkoutId="1d45705100044e14b52e71730e71cc5a";
    String checkoutUrl="";
    Set<CardType> allowedCardTypes=new HashSet<>();

    CommerceConfig commerceConfig=new CommerceConfig(locale,checkoutId,checkoutUrl,allowedCardTypes);

Merchant App can Optionally provide a different image to Click2Pay (Checkout) Button. Merchant App Module must have the button images on drawable folders: hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi etc before calling the setCheckoutButtonImage() method on CommerceConfig object.

//Optional - Add the below two lines only if Merchant wants a different image on Checkout button.
Drawable buttonImage=context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.merchant_button);

Initialize CommerceWebSdk


Transactions are initiated using the CheckoutButton object. Below is a method to get the CheckoutButton object.

public CheckoutButton getCheckoutButton(final CheckoutCallback checkoutCallback);

Add this to your layout with LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT for width and height.

CheckoutCallback is an interface in the SDK, designed to receive CheckoutRequest from the merchant. CheckoutRequest is required from the merchant in order to initiate the checkout experience. Below is the method of CheckoutCallback interface, where SDK requests for CheckoutRequest object via CheckoutRequestListener.

void getCheckoutRequest(CheckoutRequestListener listener);

CheckoutRequestListener is a Listener interface to set the CheckoutRequest. Below is a method to set the CheckoutRequest.

void setRequest(CheckoutRequest request);

Here is the sample code snippet to get CheckoutButton object, using getCheckoutRequest method of CheckoutCallback, by setting the CheckoutRequest via setRequest method of CheckoutRequestListener:

CommerceWebSdk.getInstance().getCheckoutButton(new CheckoutCallback(){
@Override public void getCheckoutRequest(CheckoutRequestListener listener){

The implementation of the checkout can be like this:

private CheckoutRequest getSrcCheckoutRequest(){
    Set<Mastercard.MastercardFormat>mastercardFormatSet=new HashSet<>();

    CryptoOptions mastercard=new Mastercard(mastercardFormatSet);

    Set<CryptoOptions> cryptoOptionsSet=new HashSet<>();

    CheckoutRequest request=new CheckoutRequest.Builder()

    return request;

checkoutRequest: Data object with transaction-specific parameters needed to complete checkout. This request can also override existing merchant configurations.

Here are the required and optional fields:

Parameter Type Required Description
amount Double Yes The transaction total to be authorized
cartId String Yes Randomly generated UUID used as a transaction id
currency String Yes Currency of the transaction
callbackUrl String No URL used to communicate back to the merchant application
cryptoOptions Set<CryptoOptions> No Cryptogram formats accepted by this merchant
cvc2Support Boolean No Enable or disable support for CVC2 card security
shippingLocationProfile String No Shipping locations available for this merchant
suppress3Ds Boolean No Enable or disable 3DS verification
suppressShippingAddress Boolean No Enable or disable shipping options. Typically for digital goods or services, this will be set to true
unpredictableNumber String No For tokenized transactions, unpredictableNumber is required for cryptogram generation
validityPeriodMinutes Integer No The expiration time of a generated cryptogram, in minutes

Once the checkout is complete, the result of transaction is returned to the application via an Intent containing the transactionId. In order to receive the result, the application must declare an intent-filter in the merchant application.

This intent filter is declared in AndroidManifest.xml for the Activity receiving the Intent. As mentioned in Configuration on Merchant Portal section above, if the callbackUrl is configured like intent://commerce/#Intent;scheme=fancyshop;package=com.mastercard.fancyshop;end, then value of android:host will be commerce and value of android:scheme will be fancyshop. Following is an example:

<activity android:name=".CheckoutActivity">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <data android:host="commerce" android:path="/" android:scheme="fancyshop" />

In CheckoutActivity you would override onCreate() to parse the Intent for the transaction data. The activity is started with the Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP flag.

When the Intent is received, the transactionId is returned by the stringExtra CommerceWebSdk.COMMERCE_TRANSACTION_ID

Intent intent=getIntent();
    String transactionId=intent.getStringExtra(CommerceWebSdk.COMMERCE_TRANSACTION_ID);

//complete transaction

Please update the configurations on merchant portal as specified in Configuration on Merchant Portal section.

Note: masterpass-merchant APIs are deprecated in commerce-web and will be removed in subsequent versions. It is encouraged to migrate to the APIs above.

commerce-web provides API compatibility for masterpass-merchant:2.8.x. Existing applications using masterpass-merchant can easily migrate to commerce-web with minimal changes. Consider the following when migrating from masterpass-merchant to commerce-web.

All classes and interfaces used with masterpass-merchant are packaged with commerce-web. This means that when switching to commerce-web, existing class imports can remain unchanged. There are changes to the functionality of some APIs in order to support future payment platforms.

Merchant Configuration

MasterpassMerchantConfiguration has 2 new required fields

  • allowedNetworkTypes : The payment networks supported by this merchant (e.g. master, visa , amex). Note: this is moved from MasterpassCheckoutRequest
  • checkoutUrl : The URL used to load the checkout experience. This parameter replaces environment from masterpass-merchant.
Environment URL
Masterpass Sandbox
Masterpass Production

**If using an older version of Masterpass than 2.8.x, please start over the

integration here**

Note: this method is deprecated

public static void addMasterpassPaymentMethod(PaymentMethodCallback paymentMethodCallback);

For commerce-web, this method provides a single MasterpassPaymentMethod object which can be displayed and used for paymentMethodCheckout(). It is configured with the following fields

  • paymentMethodLogo The masterpass logo as Bitmap
  • pairingTransactionId : ""
  • paymentMethodLastFourDigits : ""

Note: this method is deprecated

public static void paymentMethodCheckout(String paymentMethodId,
    MasterpassCheckoutCallback masterpassCheckoutCallback);

paymentMethodCheckout() initiates the standard checkout flow using masterpassCheckoutCallback.getCheckoutRequest().

Note: this method is deprecated

public static void pairing(boolean isCheckoutWithPairingEnabled,MasterpassCheckoutCallback masterpassCheckoutCallback);

pairing(isCheckoutWithPairingEnabled, callback) initiates the standard checkout flow if isCheckoutWithPairingEnabled is true. Otherwise, checkoutCallback.onCheckoutError(MasterpassError) is called with MasterpassError.ERROR_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED.


Android wrapper for Mastercard's web SRC Initiator







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