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Comparing Swift and C#

"Swift and C# Quick Reference – Language Equivalents and Code Examples"


Variables Swift C#
boolean Bool bool
constant let const
declaration var var
float Float, Double float, double
integer Int int
optional value type ? (optional) ? (nullable)
optional ref type ? (optional) planned
tuple tuple System.Tuple
string String (value) string (reference)
Operators Swift C#
arithmetic +, -, *, /, % +, -, *, /, %
assignment = =
bitwise <<, >>, &, |, ~, ^, <<, >>, <<=, >>= &, |, ^, ~
overflow &+, &-, &*, &/, &% checked unchecked
overloading overloading overloading
range a..<b, a…b (no equivalent)
relational ==, !=, >, < ==, !=, >, <
Programs Swift C#
attribute Non user definable attibutes User defined attributes
memory management automatic reference counting tree-based garbage collection
module module library
namespace (no equivalent) namespace
preprocessor directives compiler directives, diagnostic-directives preprocessor directives
Control flow Swift C#
break, continue break, continue break, continue
do-while repeat-while do-while
for for for
for-in for-in foreach-in
if if if
locking (no equivalent) lock
queries (no equivalent) LINQ
switch switch, fallthrough switch
try-catch, throw assert, try-catch, throw try-catch, throw
using (no equivalent) using
unsafe (no equivalent) unsafe
while while while
yield (no equivalent) yield
Classes Swift C#
constructor init constructor
class class class
partial class (no equivalent) partial class
delegate function types, lambdas (swift calls them closures) delegate, lambdas
destructor deinit destructor
extension extension (most types) extension (only class but swift like extension planned )
indexing subscript indexer
inheritance : :
access private, fileprivate, internal, public, open public, private, protected, interal
object AnyObject (reference), Any (value) object
self self this
type casting is, as, as? is, cast, dynamic, as
type alias typealias (supports Generics) using
Types Swift C#
enumerations enum enum
functions top level func (no equivalent) maybe delegates
protocol protocol interface
struct struct struct
Functions Swift C#
anonymous closures lambdas
class method static static
method func method
overloaded overloading overloading
override override override
ref parameter inout, & ref, &
parameter array params, T... parameter array
return return return
Collections Swift C#
dictionary Dictionary<Key, Value> Dictionary<S,T>
initialization object initializer object initializer
list Array List<T>
set Set HashSet<T>
Math Swift C#
minimum min Min
maximum max Max
power pow Pow
random numbers random Random.Next
trigonometry sin Sin
Generics Swift C#
function generic functions generic functions
type generic types generic types


Comparing Swift and C#






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