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Matan Maron edited this page May 13, 2024 · 3 revisions

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Othello is a digital adaptation of the classic board game Reversi, also known as Othello. Developed as a school project for a C# class, this digital version offers dynamic board sizes ranging from 6x6 to 12x12, allowing players to customize their gaming experience. Players can choose to play against an AI opponent or challenge another human player in a battle of wits.


In Othello, players take turns placing their colored discs on the board with the goal of flipping their opponent's discs to their own color. The game ends when the board is filled, or no more legal moves can be made. The player with the most discs of their color on the board at the end of the game wins.


Dynamic Board Size: Othello offers customizable board sizes, allowing players to choose between 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, or 12x12 grids to suit their preferences. Player Options: Players can opt to play against an AI opponent or challenge another human player in local multiplayer mode. Classic Gameplay: Stay true to the rules and mechanics of the traditional Othello game, providing players with an authentic and familiar gaming experience.


Othello was developed as a school project for a C# class. Utilizing their programming skills, Matan implemented the game mechanics, designed the user interface, and tested the functionality of the game. Through this project, Matan demonstrated proficiency in software development and game design, showcasing their ability to create engaging and interactive experiences using C#. Othello stands as a testament to Matan's dedication to learning and improving their skills in game development.


As a digital adaptation of the classic board game Othello, this project serves as a testament to Matan's passion for game development and his dedication to learning and improving his skills. Othello provides players with an opportunity to enjoy a timeless game in a digital format while also serving as a valuable learning tool for aspiring programmers and game developers.


Maron, Matan. (2019). "Othello." | |


Video Games | C# | Board Games

See Also

Reversi | C# | Matan Maron

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