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Matchbox is a framework for building apps with web techonlogies. It's aim is to help manage fron-end code. It provides a cli tool for bootstrapping, a standardized directory structure to organise source files, and a config file that ties all this together.

Other modules built on top of it can provide solutions for views, models and everything else.


Usage: matchbox [options] [command]


    init                      initialize a config file
    bootstrap [packages...]   bootstrap dirs from the project or a package
    gen <generator> <target>  use a generator to populate a target directory
    add-gen <name>            create a generator


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

Read more about the cli in the docs.


Running matchbox init, among other things, will generate you a directory structure. You can select which namespaces your project uses, so the ones that are not relevant won't cluter your project.

The root may be the same as the project root, but you can also use it to isolate front-end code from the rest of the code.

Read more about namespaces in the docs.


config file


Running matchbox init will generate a config file in the cwd. The namespace, root, and name fields will be populated with the values you provided during the init process.

Read more about the config file in the docs.

  "name": "",
  "root": "",
  "namespace": {},
  "generators": {},
  "dirs": {}


Feel free to send PRs to any of the matchbox repos here. Many of the repos contain eslint configs; follow them to maintain a consistend style.


A big thanks for sorribas for handing over the namespace for this project! If you're looking for the transaction and invoice utiliy for emails, it is still available as the 1.0.2 release. Just npm install matchbox@1.0.2 to get it.

From 2.0.0 this module contains the matchbox project.




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