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Github Pull Request Metrics

Grafana Example

Available Metrics

Tables Description Graphite Path
Time to merge The exported data points represent the number of seconds elapsed between the creation of the pull request and the merging of the pull request. github.{OWNER}.{REPO}.pull_requests.{SIZE}.time_to_merge


  • OWNER: the owner of the repo (e.g. facebook)
  • REPO: the repository name (e.g. react)
  • SIZE: size calculated based on the total lines of code changed (additions and deletions).

Pull Request Sizes

The pull request size calculated based on the total lines of code changed (total additions + total deletions).

Name Description
size_XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines.
size_S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines.
size_m Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines.
size_l Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines.
size_xl Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines.
size_xxl Denotes a PR that changes 1000+ lines.


# Create a personal access tokens (
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=github-token

# Path to the SQLite db file to store the collected data
$ export DATABASE_PATH=data/github.db

$ npm install

# Collect data from GitHub
# npm start collect <owner> <repository>
$ npm start collect facebook react

# Push data to graphite
# npm start export <owner> <repository>
$ npm start export:graphite facebook react | nc localhost 2003

# The generated time series will be written to `stdout`.
# github.facebook.react.pull_requests.size_m.time_to_merge 3450 1554125772
# github.facebook.react.pull_requests.size_xxl.time_to_merge 935617 1553187544
# ...

You can run the complete stack using Docker Compose, just set your environment variables in the .env file in the root project according to the example .env.example and run docker-compose up.

For example:

# Note that the `./data` directory is mounted to the docker container, to keep your data persistent place your sqlite database in here
$ cat > .env <<EOL
GITHUB_TOKEN=create a new token here
DATABASE_PATH=path to your sqlite3 database e.g. data/github.db

$ docker-compose up


# Add your GitHub token and database path to the .env or export them
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=github-token
$ export DATABASE_PATH=data/github.db

# Run the collector
$ make collect owner=facebook repository=react

# Pipe the data to Graphite
$ make export-graphite owner=facebook repository=react | nc localhost 2003