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130 lines (104 loc) · 5.61 KB

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Debugger Configuration Template


Sets the necessary debug configurations and the debug button will work.

If testMate.cpp.debug.configTemplate value is null (default),

it searches for configurations in the workspacefolder's .vscode/launch.json. It will choose the first one which's "request" property is "launch" and has type property with string value starting with cpp, lldb or gdb. (If you don't want this but also don't want to specify you own debug.configTemplate use "extensionOnly" as value.)

In case it hasn't found one it will look after:

  1. vadimcn.vscode-lldb,
  2. webfreak.debug,
  3. ms-vscode.cpptools

extensions in order. If it finds one of it, it will use it automatically. For further details check VSCode launch config.

Remark: This feature to work automatically (value: null) has a lot of requirements which are not listed here. If it works it is good for you. If it isn't.. I suggest to create your own "testMate.cpp.debug.configTemplate" template. If you read the Related documents and still have a question feel free to open an issue. Value "extensionOnly" will cause to skip the search of local launch configurations. Value "name:<name-of-item-in-launch.json>" will try to use the item from local launch configurations which has the name <name-of-item-in-launch.json>.

or user can manually fill it

Note that name and request are filled, if they are undefined, so it is not necessary to set them. type is required.

For ms-vscode.cpptools add something like this to settings.json:

"testMate.cpp.debug.configTemplate": {
  "type": "cppvsdbg",
  "linux": { "type": "cppdbg", "MIMode": "gdb" },
  "darwin": { "type": "cppdbg", "MIMode": "lldb" },
  "win32": { "type": "cppvsdbg" },
  "program": "${exec}",
  "args": "${argsArray}",
  "cwd": "${cwd}",
  "env": "${envObj}",
  "environment": "${envObjArray}",
  "sourceFileMap": "${sourceFileMapObj}",

For vadimcn.vscode-lldb add something like this to settings.json:

"testMate.cpp.debug.configTemplate": {
  "type": "cppdbg",
  "MIMode": "lldb",
  "program": "${exec}",
  "args": "${argsArray}",
  "cwd": "${cwd}",
  "env": "${envObj}",
  "sourceFileMap": "${sourceFileMapObj}",
  "externalConsole": false

Usable variables:

Variable name Value meaning Type
${label} The name of the test. Same as in the Test Explorer. string
${parentLabel} The name of parent suites of the test. Same as in the Test Explorer. string
${exec} The path of the executable. string
${argsArray} The arguments for the executable. string[]
${argsArrayFlat} The arguments for the executable. string[]
${argsStr} Concatenated arguments for the executable. string
${cwd} The current working directory for execution. string
${envObj} The environment variables as object properties. { [prop: string]: string }
${envObjArray} The environment variables as array of objects. (for ms-vscode.cpptools) { name:string, value:string }[]
${sourceFileMapObj} The file path mapping object added to advancedExecutables.sourceFileMap { [prop: string]: string }

These variables will be substituted when a DebugConfiguration is created.

Special fields

testMate.cpp.debug.setEnv (Record<string,string>)

Key-Value map to overwrite the given environment variables for in case of debugging.

Usage example:

"testMate.cpp.debug.configTemplate": {
  "type": "cppvsdbg",
  "linux": { "type": "cppdbg", "MIMode": "gdb" },
  "darwin": { "type": "cppdbg", "MIMode": "lldb" },
  "win32": { "type": "cppvsdbg" },
  "program": "${exec}",
  "args": "${argsArray}",
  "cwd": "${cwd}",
  "env": "${envObj}",
  "environment": "${envObjArray}",
  "sourceFileMap": "${sourceFileMapObj}",
  "testMate.cpp.debug.setEnv": {
    "OVERWRITE_ME": "this env will be added or overwritten with this value",
    "UNSET_ME": null


The lack of type property in the root object raises a warning but actually it is not required if the platform specific version will overwrite it. See example bellow.

"testMate.cpp.debug.configTemplate": {
  "type": "${assert:testMate.cpp.debug.configTemplate doesn't support this platform.}",
  "linux": { "type": "cppdbg", "MIMode": "gdb" },
  "darwin": { "type": "cppdbg", "MIMode": "lldb" },
  "windows": { "type": "cppvsdbg" },

One can put an assertion there: "type": "${assert}" or "type": "${assert:<custom message>}".