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[M3][SearchBar][SearchView] Added developer documentation.
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raajkumars authored and drchen committed Nov 18, 2022
1 parent d5b41c1 commit 4d4a2e2
Showing 1 changed file with 352 additions and 0 deletions.
352 changes: 352 additions & 0 deletions docs/components/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
title: "Search"
layout: detail
section: components
excerpt: "A navigation pattern that leverages Google's iconic 'Search' feature."
iconId: search
path: /catalog/search/

# Search Bar

Search is a navigation pattern that leverages Google's most iconic feature,
search. This floating search field is a product-specific element that also
provides a surface for additional navigation icons.

![search bar light](assets/search/search-bar-light.png)


* [Using search components](#using-search-components)
* [Search Bar](#search-bar)
* [Search View](#search-view)
* [Putting it all together](#putting-it-all-together)

## Using search components

Before you can use the Material Search components, you need to add a dependency to
the Material Components for Android library. For more information, go to the
[Getting started](
### Making Search Components accessible

You should set a content description on a search bar and search view components
via the `android:contentDescription` attribute or `setContentDescription` method
so that screen readers such as TalkBack are able to announce their purpose or
action. Text rendered in these components are automatically provided to
accessibility services, so additional content labels are usually unnecessary.

## Search Bar

The `SearchBar` component provides an implementation of the floating search
field. It extends `Toolbar`, so it supports a navigation icon, menu items, and
any other `Toolbar` APIs. Additionally, the `SearchBar` comes with a hint
`TextView` and supports nesting a centered branding element.

Since `SearchBar` extends `Toolbar`, you can set up your `SearchBar` as an
`ActionBar` via [`AppCompatActivity#setSupportActionBar`](, and inflate a menu by
overriding the `onCreateOptionsMenu` method. However, if using the default
magnifying glass `navigationIcon`, you may need to set
`app:forceDefaultNavigationOnClickListener="true"` on your `SearchBar` so that
the search icon doesn't act as a back button due to the Activity's `ActionBar`
setup flow.

Alternatively, you can choose to not set up your `SearchBar` as an `ActionBar`,
and instead just use `Toolbar`'s `inflateMenu` and `setOnMenuItemClickListener`

menuItem -> {
// Handle menuItem click.
return true;

Note: `SearchBar` aims to provide a consistent search bar across all apps, so
it does not support setting a custom background via `android:background`.

### Anatomy and key properties

The following is an anatomy diagram for the search bar:

![Search bar anatomy diagram](assets/search/search-bar-anatomy.png)

1. Container
2. Leading icon button
3. Input text Supporting text
4. Avatar (optional)
5. Supporting text
6. Trailing icon button (optional)

### Attributes

The following attributes can be changed for `SearchBar`:

Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value
--------- | --------------- | ----------------------------------------- | -------------
**Min height** | `android:minHeight` | `setMinHeight`<br/>`getMinHeight` | `@dimen/m3_searchbar_height`
**Search text appearance** | `android:textAppearance` | `setTextAppearance`<br/>`getTextAppearance` | `@style/TextAppearance.Material3.SearchBar`
**Search text** | `android:text` | `setText`<br/>`getText` | `null`
**Search hint** | `android:hint` | `setHint`<br/>`getHint` | `null`
**Flag for default margins** | `app:defaultMarginsEnabled` | -- | `true`
**Flag for navigation icon** | `app:hideNavigationIcon` | -- | `false`

## Styles

Element | Style
----------------- | ------------------------------------------------
**Search Bar Default style** | `Widget.Material3.SearchBar`

Default search bar style theme attribute: `?attr/searchBarStyle`.

### Scrolling Behavior

The `SearchBar` can either be used as a fixed or scroll-away search field.

#### Fixed Mode

To set up the fixed mode, simply position the `SearchBar` on top of the rest of
your layout's contents and do not set up any scrolling behaviors. It will remain
in place as the content is scrolled beneath it.

#### Scroll-away Mode

To set up the scroll-away mode, use a top-level `CoordinatorLayout` and place
the `SearchBar` within an `AppBarLayout`. Then, place the `AppBarLayout` below
the scrolling view (usually a `RecyclerView` or `NestedScrollView`) in the
`CoordinatorLayout`, and set
`app:layout_behavior="@string/searchbar_scrolling_view_behavior"` on the
scrolling view. This scrolling behavior makes the `AppBarLayout` transparent and
not elevated so there are no undesirable shadows. It also adjusts the scrolling
child so that the `SearchBar` will overlap the rest of your content and appear
to be floating above it. See the [XML usage](#usage) section below for an
example of how to set up this behavior.

### Toolbar Transitions

The `SearchBar` component also provides transitions to and from a `Toolbar`,
e.g., for a contextual multi-select flow. These transitions are implemented as
expand and collapse animations, and can be started by calling `SearchBar#expand`
and `SearchBar#collapse`, respectively. Additionally, if you are using an
`AppBarLayout` in conjunction with the `SearchBar`, you may pass in a reference
to your `AppBarLayout` to these methods so that its visibility and offset can be
taken into account for the animations.

Lastly, make sure to add the following to your back pressed handling method, in
order to collapse the contextual `Toolbar` into the `SearchBar` when the user
presses the system back button:

if (searchBar.collapse(contextualToolbar, appBarLayout)) {
// Clear selection.

## API and source code

* [Class definition](
* [Class source](

## Search View

The `SearchView` component provides an implementation of a full-screen search
view which can be used to display back navigation, a search hint and text, menu
items, and search suggestions and results. It also comes with a clear text
button that shows and hides depending on whether the user has entered text.

To set up a menu for your `SearchView`, you can use the `inflateMenu` and
`setOnMenuItemClickListener` methods:

menuItem -> {
// Handle menuItem click.
return true;

Additionally, here is an example of how you can carry over the search text to
the `SearchBar`, as well as hide the `SearchView` when the user finishes typing
and presses enter:

(v, actionId, event) -> {
return false;

### Anatomy and key properties

The following is an anatomy diagram for the search view:

![Search view anatomy diagram](assets/search/search-view-anatomy.png)

1. Container
2. Header
3. Leading icon button
4. Supporting text
5. Trailing icon button
6. Input text
7. Divider

### Attributes

The following attributes can be changed for `SearchView`:

Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value
--------- | --------------- | ----------------------------------------- | -------------
**Search text appearance** | `android:textAppearance` | `setTextAppearance`<br/>`getTextAppearance` | `@style/TextAppearance.Material3.SearchBar`
**Search text** | `android:text` | `setText`<br/>`getText` | `null`
**Search hint** | `android:hint` | `setHint`<br/>`getHint` | `null`
**Flag for navigation icon** | `app:hideNavigationIcon` | -- | `true`
**Flag for `DrawerArrowDrawable`** | `app:useDrawerArrowDrawable` | -- | `false`
**Flag for soft keyboard** | `app:autoShowKeyboard` | -- | `true`

## Styles

Element | Style
----------------- | ------------------------------------------------
**Search View Default style** | `Widget.Material3.SearchView`

Default search view style theme attribute: `?attr/searchViewStyle`.

### Expand and Collapse Animations

One of the biggest advantages of using the `SearchView` in conjunction with an
`SearchBar` is that you will get the expand and collapse animations for free. If
you are just using a standalone `SearchView` without an `SearchBar`, then
showing or hiding the `SearchView` will result in slide up and slide down

### Transition Listeners

If you want to get callbacks for when the `SearchView` transitions between its
different animation states, you can add an `SearchView.TransitionListener` via
the `SearchView#addTransitionListener` method. E.g.:

(searchView, previousState, newState) -> {
if (newState == TransitionState.SHOWING) {
// Handle search view opened.

### Soft Input Modes

The recommended `windowSoftInputMode` when using an `SearchBar` and an
`SearchView` is `adjustNothing`. There are a couple reasons for this:

1. The `adjustResize` mode causes the screen to resize when the keyboard is
shown, which can cause glitchiness during the expand and collapse
animations. `SearchView` does address this by staggering the showing and
hiding of the keyboard with the animations; however, the preferred approach
is to use `adjustNothing` so the keyboard can be shown and hidden
2. Resizing the screen is not usually helpful to the user during search. The
user can either keep typing to see more results or start scrolling, in which
case the `SearchView` will automatically dismiss the keyboard to show the
rest of the screen.

On initial render, the `SearchView` will get the soft input mode from the
`Window`, so that it can set up the above behavior. If you change the soft input
mode at runtime, make sure to also invoke the `SearchView#setSoftInputMode`
method so that the `SearchView` can adjust its behavior accordingly.

Lastly, if you don't want the soft keyboard to show automatically when the
`SearchView` is shown, you can set `app:autoShowKeyboard="false"` on your

### Translucent Status Bar

`SearchBar` and `SearchView` come with support for a translucent status bar.

To make sure that the `SearchBar` doesn't appear underneath the translucent
status bar, you can wrap it in a `FrameLayout` which has the
`android:fitsSystemWindows` attribute set to `true`. For an example of how to
set this up in XML, take a look at the
[Search Bar Maps demo][search-bar-usage-maps].

Additionally, you should not set the `android:fitsSystemWindows` attribute on
the `SearchView`. If you are using either `FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS`
(`android:windowTranslucentStatus`) or `FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS`, then the
`SearchView` will automatically add an extra spacer surface so that it fills the
space underneath the translucent status bar.

### Menu to Back Arrow Animation

If you are using the `SearchBar` with a `NavigationDrawer`, you can set the
`app:useDrawerArrowDrawable` attribute to `true` on your `SearchView` to enable
the "hamburger" menu to back arrow icon animation. This animation will happen
during the expand and collapse of the `SearchView`.

### Search Prefix

If you would like to show some prefix text before the main search `EditText`,
you can make use of the `app:searchPrefixText` attribute. For example, setting
`app:searchPrefixText="To:"` on your `SearchView` will result in the fixed text
label, "To:", being shown before the search `EditText`.

Additionally, with this pattern it is common to hide the back button to reduce
clutter, as navigation can be handled outside of the search view. This can be
accomplished by setting `app:hideNavigationIcon="true"` on your `SearchView`.

## Putting it all together

Putting it all together and using the scroll-away mode, the `SearchBar` and
`SearchView` widgets can be used in your layout as such:


<!-- NestedScrollingChild goes here (NestedScrollView, RecyclerView, etc.). -->
<!-- Screen content goes here. -->

android:hint="@string/searchbar_hint" />

<!-- Search suggestions/results go here (ScrollView, RecyclerView, etc.). -->

By placing the `SearchBar` and `SearchView` within a `CoordinatorLayout` and
using the `app:layout_anchor` tag, they will get automatically hooked up. This
sets up the behavior of showing the `SearchView` when the `SearchBar` is tapped,
as well as the expand and collapse animations. If you can't use a
`CoordinatorLayout`, instead you can call the `SearchView#setUpWithSearchBar`
method to achieve the same result.

## API and source code

* [Class definition](
* [Class source](

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