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added electrode builder
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jmmshn committed Feb 3, 2021
1 parent 1fdeaae commit b9c52fd
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Showing 2 changed files with 403 additions and 7 deletions.
394 changes: 394 additions & 0 deletions emmet-builders/emmet/builders/materials/
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@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
import operator
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import groupby, chain
from typing import Iterable, Dict, List, Any

from emmet.core.structure_group import StructureGroupDoc
from import Builder, MapBuilder
from maggma.stores import MongoStore
from numpy import unique
from pymatgen import Composition
from pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher import StructureMatcher, ElementComparator
from pymatgen.apps.battery.insertion_battery import InsertionElectrode
from pymatgen.core import Structure

__author__ = "Jimmy Shen"
__email__ = ""

from pymatgen.entries.computed_entries import ComputedEntry

def s_hash(el):

MatDoc = namedtuple("MatDoc", ["task_id", "structure", "formula_pretty", "framework"])


WORKING_IONS = ["Li", "Be", "Na", "Mg", "K", "Ca", "Rb", "Sr", "Cs", "Ba"]


sg_fields = ["number", "hall_number", "international", "hall", "choice"]

def generic_groupby(list_in, comp=operator.eq):
Group a list of unsortable objects
list_in: A list of generic objects
comp: (Default value = operator.eq) The comparator
[int] list of labels for the input list
list_out = [None] * len(list_in)
label_num = 0
for i1, ls1 in enumerate(list_out):
if ls1 is not None:
list_out[i1] = label_num
for i2, ls2 in list(enumerate(list_out))[i1 + 1 :]:
if comp(list_in[i1], list_in[i2]):
if list_out[i2] is None:
list_out[i2] = list_out[i1]
list_out[i1] = list_out[i2]
label_num -= 1
label_num += 1
return list_out

class StructureGroupBuilder(Builder):
def __init__(
materials: MongoStore,
sgroups: MongoStore,
working_ion: str,
query: dict = None,
ltol: float = 0.2,
stol: float = 0.3,
angle_tol: float = 5.0,
check_newer: bool = True,
Aggregate materials entries into sgroups that are topotactically similar to each other.
This is an incremental builder that makes ensures that each materials id belongs to one StructureGroupDoc document
materials (Store): Store of materials documents that contains the structures
sgroups (Store): Store of grouped material ids
query (dict): dictionary to limit materials to be analyzed ---
only applied to the materials when we need to group structures
the phase diagram is still constructed with the entire set
self.materials = materials
self.sgroups = sgroups
self.working_ion = working_ion
self.query = query if query else {}
self.ltol = ltol
self.stol = stol
self.angle_tol = angle_tol
self.check_newer = check_newer
super().__init__(sources=[materials], targets=[sgroups], **kwargs)

def prechunk(self, number_splits: int) -> Iterable[Dict]:
TODO can implement this for distributed runs by adding filters

def get_items(self):
Summary of the steps:
- query the materials database for different chemical systems that satisfies the base query
"contains redox element and working ion"
- Get the full chemsys list of interest
- The main loop is over all these chemsys. within the main loop:
- get newest timestamp for the material documents (max_mat_time)
- get the oldest timestamp for the target documents (min_target_time)
- if min_target_time is < max_mat_time then nuke all the target documents

# All potentially interesting chemsys must contain the working ion
base_query = {
"$and": [
{"elements": {"$in": REDOX_ELEMENTS + [self.working_ion]}},
self.logger.debug(f"Initial Chemsys QUERY: {base_query}")

# get a chemsys that only contains the working ion since the working ion
# must be present for there to be voltage steps
all_chemsys = self.materials.distinct("chemsys", criteria=base_query)
# Contains the working ion but not ONLY the working ion
all_chemsys = [
lambda x: self.working_ion in x and len(x) > 1,
[chemsys_.split("-") for chemsys_ in all_chemsys],

f"Performing initial checks on {len(all_chemsys)} chemical systems containing redox elements with or without the Working Ion."
) = len(all_chemsys)

for chemsys_l in all_chemsys:
chemsys = "-".join(sorted(chemsys_l))
chemsys_wo = "-".join(sorted(set(chemsys_l) - {self.working_ion}))
chemsys_query = {
"chemsys": {"$in": [chemsys_wo, chemsys]},
"_sbxn": {"$in": ["core"]},
self.logger.debug(f"QUERY: {chemsys_query}")

all_mats_in_chemsys = list(
properties=MAT_PROPS + [self.materials.last_updated_field],
f"Found {len(all_mats_in_chemsys)} materials in {chemsys_wo}"
if self.check_newer:
all_target_docs = list(
f"Found {len(all_target_docs)} Grouped documents in {chemsys_wo}"

mat_times = [
for mat_doc in all_mats_in_chemsys
max_mat_time = max(mat_times, default=datetime.min)
f"The newest material doc was generated at {max_mat_time}."

target_times = [
for g_doc in all_target_docs
min_target_time = min(target_times, default=datetime.max)
f"The newest GROUP doc was generated at {min_target_time}."

mat_ids = set([mat_doc["task_id"] for mat_doc in all_mats_in_chemsys])

# If any material id is missing or if any material id has been updated
target_mat_ids = set()
for g_doc in all_target_docs:
target_mat_ids |= set(g_doc["grouped_task_ids"])

f"There are {len(mat_ids)} material ids in the source database vs {len(target_mat_ids)} in the target database."
if mat_ids == target_mat_ids and max_mat_time < min_target_time:
f"Nuking all {len(target_mat_ids)} documents in chemsys {chemsys} in the target database."

yield {"chemsys": chemsys, "materials": all_mats_in_chemsys}

def update_targets(self, items: List):
items = list(filter(None, chain.from_iterable(items)))
if len(items) > 0:"Updating {} sgroups documents".format(len(items)))
for k in items:
k[self.sgroups.last_updated_field] = datetime.utcnow()
self.sgroups.update(docs=items, key=["task_id"])
else:"No items to update")

def _entry_from_mat_doc(self, mdoc):
# Note since we are just structure grouping we don't need to be careful with energy or correction
# All of the energy analysis is left to other builders
d_ = {
"entry_id": mdoc["task_id"],
"structure": mdoc["structure"],
"energy": -math.inf,
"correction": -math.inf,
return ComputedStructureEntry.from_dict(d_)

def process_item(self, item: Any) -> Any:
entries = [*map(self._entry_from_mat_doc, item["materials"])]
s_groups = StructureGroupDoc.from_ungrouped_structure_entries(
# append the working_ion to the group ids
for sg in s_groups:
sg.task_id = f"{sg.task_id}_{self.working_id}"
return s_groups

def _remove_targets(self, rm_ids):
self.sgroups.remove_docs({"task_id": {"$in": rm_ids}})

# class InsertionElectrodeBuilder(MapBuilder):
# def __init__(
# self,
# grouped_materials: MongoStore,
# insertion_electrode: MongoStore,
# thermo: MongoStore,
# material: MongoStore,
# **kwargs,
# ):
# self.grouped_materials = grouped_materials
# self.insertion_electrode = insertion_electrode
# self.thermo = thermo
# self.material = material
# super().__init__(
# source=self.grouped_materials,
# target=self.insertion_electrode,
# query={"structure_matched": True, "has_distinct_compositions": True},
# **kwargs,
# )
# def get_items(self):
# """"""
# @lru_cache(None)
# def get_working_ion_entry(working_ion):
# with self.thermo as store:
# working_ion_docs = [*store.query({"chemsys": working_ion})]
# best_wion = min(
# working_ion_docs, key=lambda x: x["thermo"]["energy_per_atom"]
# )
# return best_wion
# def modify_item(item):
# self.logger.debug(
# f"Looking for {len(item['grouped_task_ids'])} task_ids in the Thermo DB."
# )
# with self.thermo as store:
# thermo_docs = [
# *store.query(
# {
# "$and": [
# {"task_id": {"$in": item["grouped_task_ids"]}},
# {"_sbxn": {"$in": ["core"]}},
# ]
# },
# properties=["task_id", "_sbxn", "thermo"],
# )
# ]
# with self.material as store:
# material_docs = [
# *store.query(
# {
# "$and": [
# {"task_id": {"$in": item["grouped_task_ids"]}},
# {"_sbxn": {"$in": ["core"]}},
# ]
# },
# properties=["task_id", "structure"],
# )
# ]
# self.logger.debug(f"Found for {len(thermo_docs)} Thermo Documents.")
# working_ion_doc = get_working_ion_entry(item["working_ion"])
# return {
# "task_id": item["task_id"],
# "working_ion_doc": working_ion_doc,
# "entry_data": item["entry_data"],
# "thermo_docs": thermo_docs,
# "material_docs": material_docs,
# }
# yield from map(modify_item, super().get_items())
# def unary_function(self, item):
# """
# - Add volume information to each entry to create the insertion electrode document
# - Add the host structure
# - TODO parse the structures in the different materials documents and create a simple migration graph
# """
# entries = [tdoc_["thermo"]["entry"] for tdoc_ in item["thermo_docs"]]
# entries = list(map(ComputedEntry.from_dict, entries))
# working_ion_entry = ComputedEntry.from_dict(
# item["working_ion_doc"]["thermo"]["entry"]
# )
# working_ion = working_ion_entry.composition.reduced_formula
# decomp_energies = {
# d_["task_id"]: d_["thermo"]["e_above_hull"] for d_ in item["thermo_docs"]
# }
# for ient in entries:
# if (
# Composition(item["entry_data"][ient.entry_id]["composition"])
# != ient.composition
# ):
# raise RuntimeError(
# f"In {item['task_id']}: the compositions for task {ient.entry_id} are matched between the StructureGroup DB and the Thermo DB "
# )
#["volume"] = item["entry_data"][ient.entry_id]["volume"]
#["decomposition_energy"] = decomp_energies[ient.entry_id]
# failed = False
# try:
# ie = InsertionElectrode.from_entries(entries, working_ion_entry)
# except:
# failed = True
# if failed or ie.num_steps < 1:
# res = {"task_id": item["task_id"], "has_step": False}
# else:
# res = {"task_id": item["task_id"], "has_step": True}
# res.update(ie.get_summary_dict())
# res["InsertionElectrode"] = ie.as_dict()
# least_wion_ent = min(
# entries, key=lambda x: x.composition.get_atomic_fraction(working_ion)
# )
# mdoc_ = next(
# filter(
# lambda x: x["task_id"] == least_wion_ent.entry_id,
# item["material_docs"],
# )
# )
# host_structure = Structure.from_dict(mdoc_["structure"])
# res["host_structure"] = host_structure.as_dict()
# return res

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