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Merge pull request #2670 from jmmshn/optics
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Optical analysis for VASP
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mkhorton committed Oct 11, 2022
2 parents 5925d41 + bf6996c commit 8ae54c7
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Showing 5 changed files with 20,547 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pymatgen/apps/borg/tests/
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def test_get_data(self):
drone = VaspToComputedEntryDrone()
self.queen = BorgQueen(drone, PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, 1)
data = self.queen.get_data()
self.assertEqual(len(data), 14)
self.assertEqual(len(data), 15)

def test_load_data(self):
drone = VaspToComputedEntryDrone()
Expand Down
336 changes: 336 additions & 0 deletions pymatgen/io/vasp/
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
# Copyright (c) Pymatgen Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
"""Classes for parsing and manipulating VASP optical properties calculations."""
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from monty.json import MSONable
from scipy import constants, special
from tqdm import tqdm

from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin
from import Vasprun, Waveder

au2ang = constants.physical_constants["atomic unit of length"][0] / 1e-10
ryd2ev = constants.physical_constants["Rydberg constant times hc in eV"][0]
edeps = 4 * np.pi * 2 * ryd2ev * au2ang # from in VASP

KB = constants.physical_constants["Boltzmann constant in eV/K"][0]

class DielectricFunctionCalculator(MSONable):
"""Class for postprocessing VASP optical properties calculations.
This objects helps load the different parameters from the vasprun.xml file but allows users to override
them as needed.
The standard vasprun.xml from an ``LOPTICS=.True.`` calculation already contains
the complex frequency dependent dielectric functions. However you have no way to decompose
the different contributions. Since the ``WAVEDER`` file is also written during an optical calculation,
you can reconstruct the dielectric functions purely in Python and have full control over contribution
from different bands and k-points.
VASP's linear optics follow these steps:
- Calculate the imaginary part
- Perform symmetry operations (this is not implemented here)
- Calculate the real part
Currently, this Calculator only works for ``ISYM=0`` calculations since we cannot gauranttee that our
externally defined symmetry operations are the same as VASP's. This can be fixed by printing the
symmetry operators into the vasprun.xml file. If this happens in future versions of VASP,
we can dramatically speed up the calculations here by considering only the irreducible kpoints.

cder: npt.NDArray
eigs: npt.NDArray
kweights: npt.NDArray
nedos: int
deltae: float
ismear: int
sigma: float
efermi: float
cshift: float
ispin: int
volume: float

def from_vasp_objects(cls, vrun: Vasprun, waveder: Waveder):
"""Construct a DielectricFunction from Vasprun, Kpoint, and Waveder objects.
vrun: Vasprun object
kpoint: Kpoint object
waveder: Waveder object
bands = vrun.eigenvalues
sspins = [Spin.up, Spin.down]
eigs = np.stack([bands[spin] for spin in sspins[: vrun.parameters["ISPIN"]]], axis=2)[..., 0]
eigs = np.swapaxes(eigs, 0, 1)
cder = waveder.cder
kweights = vrun.actual_kpoints_weights
nedos = vrun.parameters["NEDOS"]
deltae = vrun.dielectric[0][1]
ismear = vrun.parameters["ISMEAR"]
sigma = vrun.parameters["SIGMA"]
cshift = vrun.parameters["CSHIFT"]
efermi = vrun.efermi
ispin = vrun.parameters["ISPIN"]
volume = vrun.final_structure.volume
if vrun.parameters["ISYM"] != 0:
raise NotImplementedError("ISYM != 0 is not implemented yet")

return DielectricFunctionCalculator(

def from_directory(cls, directory: Path | str):
"""Construct a DielectricFunction from a directory containing vasprun.xml and WAVEDER files."""
d_ = Path(directory)
vrun = Vasprun(d_ / "vasprun.xml")
waveder = Waveder.from_binary(d_ / "WAVEDER")
return cls.from_vasp_objects(vrun, waveder)

def get_epsilon(
idir: int,
jdir: int,
efermi: float = None,
nedos: int = None,
deltae: float = None,
ismear: int = None,
sigma: float = None,
cshift: float = None,
) -> npt.NDArray:
"""Compute the frequency dependent dielectric function.
idir: First direction of the dielectric tensor
jdir: Second direction of the dielectric tensor
efermi: Fermi energy
nedos: Number of points in the DOS
deltae: Energy step in the DOS
ismear: Smearing method (only has 0:gaussian, >0:Methfessel-Paxton)
sigma: Smearing width
cshift: Complex shift used for Kramer-Kronig transformation

def _use_default(param, default):
return param if param is not None else default

efermi = _use_default(efermi, self.efermi)
nedos = _use_default(nedos, self.nedos)
deltae = _use_default(deltae, self.deltae)
ismear = _use_default(ismear, self.ismear)
sigma = _use_default(sigma, self.sigma)
cshift = _use_default(cshift, self.cshift)

egrid, eps_imag = epsilon_imag( # type: ignore
efermi=efermi, # type: ignore
nedos=nedos, # type: ignore
deltae=deltae, # type: ignore
ismear=ismear, # type: ignore
sigma=sigma, # type: ignore
# scaling constant: edeps * np.pi / structure.volume
eps_in = eps_imag * edeps * np.pi / self.volume
eps = kramers_kronig(eps_in, nedos=nedos, deltae=deltae, cshift=cshift) # type: ignore
if idir == jdir:
eps += 1.0 + 0.0j
return egrid, eps

def delta_methfessel_paxton(x, n):
D_n (x) = exp -x^2 * sum_i=0^n A_i H_2i(x)
where H is a Hermite polynomial and
A_i = (-1)^i / ( i! 4^i sqrt(pi) )
ii = np.arange(0, n + 1)
A = (-1) ** ii / (special.factorial(ii) * 4**ii * np.sqrt(np.pi))
H = special.eval_hermite(ii * 2, np.tile(x, (len(ii), 1)).T)
return np.exp(-(x * x)) *, H.T)

def step_methfessel_paxton(x, n):
S_n (x) = (1 + erf x)/2 - exp -x^2 * sum_i=1^n A_i H_{2i-1}(x)
where H is a Hermite polynomial and
A_i = (-1)^i / ( i! 4^i sqrt(pi) )
ii = np.arange(1, n + 1)
A = (-1) ** ii / (special.factorial(ii) * 4**ii * np.sqrt(np.pi))
H = special.eval_hermite(ii * 2 - 1, np.tile(x, (len(ii), 1)).T)
return (1.0 + special.erf(x)) / 2.0 - np.exp(-(x * x)) *, H.T)

def delta_func(x, ismear):
"""Replication of VASP's delta function"""
if ismear < -1:
raise ValueError("Delta function not implemented for ismear < -1")
elif ismear == -1:
return step_func(x, -1) * (1 - step_func(x, -1))
elif ismear < 0:
return np.exp(-(x * x)) / np.sqrt(np.pi)
return delta_methfessel_paxton(x, ismear)

def step_func(x, ismear):
"""Replication of VASP's step function"""
if ismear < -1:
raise ValueError("Delta function not implemented for ismear < -1")
elif ismear == -1:
return 1 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x))
elif ismear < 0:
return 0.5 + 0.5 * special.erf(x)
return step_methfessel_paxton(x, ismear)

def get_delta(x0: float, sigma: float, nx: int, dx: float, ismear: int = 3):
"""Get the smeared delta function to be added to form the spectrum.
This replaces the `SLOT` function from VASP. Uses finite differences instead of
evaluating the delta function since the step function is more likely to have analytic form.
x0: The center of the dielectric function.
sigma: The width of the smearing
nx: The number of grid points in the output grid.
dx: The gridspacing of the output grid.
ismear: The smearing parameter used by the ``step_func``.
np.array: Array of size `nx` with delta function on the desired outputgrid.
xgrid = np.arange(0, nx * dx, dx)
xgrid -= x0
x_scaled = (xgrid + (dx / 2)) / sigma
sfun = step_func(x_scaled, ismear)
dfun = np.zeros_like(xgrid)
dfun[1:] = (sfun[1:] - sfun[:-1]) / dx
return dfun

def get_step(x0, sigma, nx, dx, ismear):
"""Get the smeared step function to be added to form the spectrum.
This replaces the `SLOT` function from VASP.
x0: The center of the dielectric function.
sigma: The width of the smearing
nx: The number of grid points in the output grid.
dx: The gridspacing of the output grid.
ismear: The smearing parameter used by the ``step_func``.
np.array: Array of size `nx` with step function on the desired outputgrid.
xgrid = np.arange(0, nx * dx, dx)
xgrid -= x0
x_scaled = (xgrid + (dx / 2)) / sigma
return step_func(x_scaled, ismear)

def epsilon_imag(
cder: npt.NDArray,
eigs: npt.NDArray,
kweights: npt.ArrayLike,
efermi: float,
nedos: int,
deltae: float,
ismear: int,
sigma: float,
idir: int,
jdir: int,
"""Replicate the EPSILON_IMAG function of VASP.
cder: The data written to the WAVEDER (nbands, nbands, nkpoints, nspin, diri, dirj)
eigs: The eigenvalues (nbands, nkpoints, nspin)
kweights: The kpoint weights (nkpoints)
efermi: The fermi energy
nedos: The sampling of the energy values
deltae: The energy grid spacing
ismear: The smearing parameter used by the ``step_func``.
sigma: The width of the smearing
np.array: Array of size `nedos` with the imaginary part of the dielectric function.
norm_kweights = np.array(kweights) / np.sum(kweights)
egrid = np.arange(0, nedos * deltae, deltae)
eigs_shifted = eigs - efermi
# np.subtract.outer results in a matrix of shape (nband, nband)
rspin = 3 - cder.shape[3]

# for the transition between two bands at one kpoint the contributions is:
# (fermi[band_i] - fermi[band_j]) * rspin * normalized_kpoint_weight
epsdd = np.zeros_like(egrid, dtype=np.complex128)
for ib, jb, ik, ispin in tqdm(np.ndindex(cder.shape[:4]),[:4])):
# print(f"ib={ib}, jb={jb}, ik={ik}, ispin={ispin}")
fermi_w_i = step_func((eigs_shifted[ib, ik, ispin]) / sigma, ismear)
fermi_w_j = step_func((eigs_shifted[jb, ik, ispin]) / sigma, ismear)
weight = (fermi_w_j - fermi_w_i) * rspin * norm_kweights[ik]
decel = eigs[jb, ik, ispin] - eigs[ib, ik, ispin]
A = cder[ib, jb, ik, ispin, idir] * np.conjugate(cder[ib, jb, ik, ispin, jdir])
# Reproduce the `SLOT` function calls in VASP:
# The conjugate part is not needed since we are running over all pairs of ib, jb
# vasp just does the conjugate trick to save loop time
smeared = get_delta(x0=decel, sigma=sigma, nx=nedos, dx=deltae, ismear=ismear) * weight * A
epsdd += smeared
return egrid, epsdd

def kramers_kronig(
eps: npt.ArrayLike,
nedos: int,
deltae: float,
cshift: float = 0.1,
) -> npt.NDArray:
"""Perform the Kramers-Kronig transformation.
Perform the Kramers-Kronig transformation exactly as VASP does it.
The input eps should be complex and the imaginary part of the dielectric function
should be stored as the real part of the complex input array.
The output should be the complex dielectric function.
eps: The dielectric function with the imaginary part stored as the real part and nothing in the imaginary part.
nedos: The sampling of the energy values
deltae: The energy grid spacing
cshift: The shift of the imaginary part of the dielectric function.
np.array: Array of size `nedos` with the complex dielectric function.
egrid = np.linspace(0, deltae * nedos, nedos)
csfhit = cshift * 1.0j
cdiff = np.subtract.outer(egrid, egrid) + csfhit
csum = np.add.outer(egrid, egrid) + csfhit
vals = -0.5 * ((eps / cdiff) - (np.conj(eps) / csum))
return np.sum(vals, axis=1) * 2 / np.pi * deltae
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions pymatgen/io/vasp/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import numpy as np

from import DielectricFunctionCalculator
from import Vasprun
from pymatgen.util.testing import PymatgenTest

__author__ = "Jimmy-Xuan Shen"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, The Materials Project"
__email__ = ""

class VasprunTest(PymatgenTest):
def test_optics(self):
eps_data_path = self.TEST_FILES_DIR / "reproduce_eps"
vrun = Vasprun(eps_data_path / "vasprun.xml")
dfc = DielectricFunctionCalculator.from_directory(eps_data_path)
egrid, eps = dfc.get_epsilon(0, 0)

_, eps_real_ref, eps_imag_ref = vrun.dielectric
eps_real_ref = np.array(eps_real_ref)[:, 0]
eps_imag_ref = np.array(eps_imag_ref)[:, 0]
assert np.max(np.abs(eps_real_ref - np.real(eps))) / np.max(np.abs(np.real(eps))) < 0.01

_, eps = dfc.get_epsilon(0, 1)
assert np.max(np.abs(eps)) < 0.1
Binary file added test_files/reproduce_eps/WAVEDER
Binary file not shown.

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