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Clean Hexagonal Frontend

(this is a work in progress)

A example of using Clean Architecture on the Frontend. Read more about it here

Running it locally

Install all dependencies with:

npm install

Install NX Cli globally:

npm i -g add nx

Start the Micro-Front with

nx run @clean-front/{package}

Packages and Stacks

  • Monorepo

  • @clean-front/cat

    Vue 3, Vite, Partytown, TS
  • @clean-front/dog

    React, Vite, TS
  • @clean-front/duck

    Remix, TS
  • @clean-front/landing

    Qwik, TS


  • (x) Add i18n
  • (x) Add a page to add your own dog (should have a form using Formik)
  • (x) Add Zod validation to the form
  • (x) Add a component library
  • (x) Make it look not so ugly
  • (x) Add nw and make it a monorepo
  • (x) Add a Vue.js app for cat
  • (x) Add a home page with cat pics
  • (x) Add a Qwick app
  • ( ) Add a home page with links for Dog and Cat MF's
  • ( ) Deploy it as github pages
  • ( ) Refine what needs to be improved