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php composer.phar install
bin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force


php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === '756890a4488ce9024fc62c56153228907f1545c228516cbf63f885e036d37e9a59d27d63f46af1d4d07ee0f76181c7d3') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"

php composer.phar update

php composer.phar require symfony/apache-pack

sudo php bin/console cache:clear

if the copy does not work, try without https.

on the server => /usr/local/php74/bin/php composer.phar update update composer.json with the correct version of php nano composer.json


free -m

total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 2048 357 1690 0 0 237 -/+ buffers/cache: 119 1928 Swap: 0 0 0

To enable the swap you can use for example:

/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.1 bs=1M count=1024 /sbin/mkswap /var/swap.1 /bin/chmod 0600 /var/swap.1 /sbin/swapon /var/swap.1

#Local version Mathieu


symfony server:start

#migrer user

INSERT INTO `User` (`id`, `username`, `roles`, `password`)
	(6, 'mathieu', CONVERT(X'blablabla' using utf8mb4), 'passwordcryptonite');

#request to deactivate inactive user

SELECT * FROM Player WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT idPlayer1 AS idPlayer FROM Matchs WHERE date>"2019-04-19" UNION SELECT DISTINCT idPlayer2 AS idPlayer FROM Matchs WHERE date>"2019-04-19" ) 

#Database // FIRST SAVE the src/Entity file to check the differences after generation (git diff).

// generate the Entity file based on the database
php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import 'App\Entity' annotation --path=src/Entity --filter=Matchs
// generates getter/setter methods
php bin/console make:entity --regenerate App


sudo apt install php8.2-mysql sudo apt install php8.2-xml


php bin/console app:generate-tennis-single-rankings YYYY-MM-DD

DEV (local)

sudo apt-install mysql-server sudo apt-install phpmyadmin CREATE DATABASE atlstege; sudo mysql atlstege < 2024-02-26.atl-stege.sql CREATE USER 'atlstegen'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'atlstegen'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON atlstege.* TO 'atlstegen'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;


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