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Robot Motion Planning Capstone Project

This project takes inspiration from Micromouse competitions, wherein a robot mouse is tasked with plotting a path from a corner of the maze to its center.

The robot mouse may make multiple runs in a given maze. In the first run, the robot mouse tries to map out the maze to not only find the center, but also figure out the best paths to the center. In subsequent runs, the robot mouse attempts to reach the center in the fastest time possible, using what it has previously learned. This video (Youtube) is an example of a Micromouse competition.

In this project, you will create functions to control a virtual robot to navigate a virtual maze. A simplified model of the world is provided along with specifications for the maze and robot; your goal is to obtain the fastest times possible in a series of test mazes.


  • Python 2.7.x
  • Numpy


    This script establishes the robot class. This is the only script that you should be modifying, and the main script that you will be submitting with your project.
    This script contains functions for constructing the maze and for checking for walls upon robot movement or sensing.
    This script will be run to test the robot’s ability to navigate mazes.
    This script can be used to create a visual demonstration of what a maze looks like.
  • test_maze_##.txt:
    These files provide three sample mazes upon which to test your robot. Feel free to create your own mazes using the specifications above.


  • To run the tester, you can do so from the command line with a command like the following:
     python test_maze_01.txt
  • The maze visualization follows a similar syntax, e.g.
     python test_maze_01.txt
  • The script uses the turtle module to visualize the maze; you can click on the window with the visualization after drawing is complete to close the window.

You can use specific algorithms with each given maze.

sh astar astar 01 script with given astar exploration, astar search algorithm on maze 01.

Following parameter combinations are possible (01 is maze number and applicable to 02 and 03 as well):

  • random random 01
  • recursive recursive 01
  • recursive astar 01
  • recursive dp 01
  • astar astar 01
  • astar dp 01

Project Description

Maze Specifications

  • The maze exists on an n x n grid of squares, n even.
  • The minimum value of n is twelve, the maximum sixteen.
  • Along the outside perimeter of the grid, and on the edges connecting some of the internal squares, are walls that block all movement. The robot will start in the square in the bottom- left corner of the grid, facing upwards.
  • The starting square will always have a wall on its right side (in addition to the outside walls on the left and bottom) and an opening on its top side.
  • In the center of the grid is the goal room consisting of a 2 x 2 square; the robot must make it here from its starting square in order to register a successful run of the maze.

Robot Specifications

  • The robot can be considered to rest in the center of the square it is currently located in, and points in one of the cardinal directions of the maze.
  • The robot has three obstacle sensors, mounted on the front of the robot, its right side, and its left side.
  • Obstacle sensors detect the number of open squares in the direction of the sensor; for example, in its starting position, the robot’s left and right sensors will state that there are no open squares in those directions and at least one square towards its front.
  • On each time step of the simulation, the robot may choose to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise ninety degrees, then move forwards or backwards a distance of up to three units.
  • It is assumed that the robot’s turning and movement is perfect. If the robot tries to move into a wall, the robot stays where it is. After movement, one time step has passed, and the sensors return readings for the open squares in the robot’s new location and/or orientation to start the next time unit.
  • The “next_move” function must then return two values indicating the robot’s rotation and movement on that timestep. Rotation is expected to be an integer taking one of three values: -90, 90, or 0, indicating a counterclockwise, clockwise, or no rotation, respectively.
  • Movement follows rotation, and is expected to be an integer in the range [-3, 3] inclusive.
  • The robot will attempt to move that many squares forward (positive) or backwards (negative), stopping movement if it encounters a wall.


  • On each maze, the robot must complete two runs.
  • In the first run, the robot is allowed to freely roam the maze to build a map of the maze.
  • It must enter the goal room at some point during its exploration, but is free to continue exploring the maze after finding the goal.
  • After entering the goal room, the robot may choose to end its exploration at any time.
  • The robot is then moved back to the starting position and orientation for its second run.
  • Its objective now is to go from the start position to the goal room in the fastest time possible.
  • The robot’s score for the maze is equal to the number of time steps required to execute the second run, plus one thirtieth the number of time steps required to execute the first run.
  • A maximum of one thousand time steps are allotted to complete both runs for a single maze.


Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree - Project Capstone






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