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Chris edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 3 revisions


This page has moved to the new repository. Please add information to the new repository since this one is abandoned.

All release binaries (hex files) can be found in the releases section.

Release files use a naming convention similar to BLHeli: {T}_{M}_{D}_{P}_{V}.hex.

{ } Values Description
T A - Z Target ESC layout
M L or H MCU type: L (BB1 24MHz), H (BB2 48MHz)
D 0 - 90 Dead time (0 only for ESCs with built-in dead time)
P 24, 48 or 96 PWM frequency [kHz]
V E.g. v0.13 Bluejay version tag

The files are automatically downloaded and flashed when using a configurator such as ESC Configurator.

Flashing can be done using BLHeli bootloader, EFM8 factory bootloader, or the C2 interface.

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