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/ cartservice Public archive

My own cartservice coming from the GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo repository

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This cartservice is isolating one of the apps for the Online Boutique repo from Google (aka GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo). The intent here is to illustrate advanced concepts with this .NET app on Kubernetes.

Note: this repo, as my playground for demo purposes, is also a good place for me to test things and give back to the original repo by contributing to it.

This app has those specifications:

  • Is a .NET 6 app
  • Has Dockerfile for Linux
  • Is a gRPC endpoint
  • Talks to redis

What's more in there?

Here are some differences you will find in this current repository which are not in the original one:

  • .github/dependabot.yml
  • Unprivilege container in Dockerfile (non root, etc.)
  • Unit tests run in Dockerfile
  • CI in GitHub actions with advanced tests and controls against the container: .github/workflows/ci.yaml (unit tests, docker run, dockle, trivy and kind)
  • Container pushed in Google Artifact Registry (Container Analysis scan too)
  • Cloud Monitoring dashboard as code in gcloud/monitoring

In addition to this, the deployment part for this application in Kubernetes is defined in that other repository, with some differences from the original one too:

  • Resources Limits and Requests have been reviewed thanks to VerticalAutoScaler to be more accurate
  • Memory store (redis) instead of redis as container
  • livenessProbe is just a simple and more accurate tcp ping
  • NetworkPolicies (calico) to add more security between pods communications
  • Pod Security Context in Kubernetes' Deployment manifest (non root, etc.)
  • Kubernetes Service Account as manifest file
  • Anthos Service Mesh to inject istio-proxy sidecar
  • CI in GitHub actions with advanced tests and controls against the Kubernetes manifests (kubescan and conftest/opa)

Build and run locally

Requirements locally:

  • Docker
cd src
docker build -t cartservice .
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --network host --name redis-cart redis
docker run -d -p 7070:7070 --network host --name cartservice -e REDIS_ADDR="localhost:6379" --read-only --cap-drop=ALL --user=1000 cartservice

CI setup with Google Artifact Registry and GitHub actions

Requirements locally:

Requirements in GCP:

  • GKE
  • Artifact registry

Setup the service Account for GitHub actions:

# Setup the dedicated project
randomSuffix=$(shuf -i 100-999 -n 1)
gcloud projects create $projectId \
    --folder $folderId \
    --name $projectName
projectNumber="$(gcloud projects describe $projectId --format='get(projectNumber)')"
gcloud config set project $projectId
gcloud beta billing accounts list
gcloud beta billing projects link $projectId \
    --billing-account $billingAccountId

# Setup Service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create $saName \
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/tmp/$saName.json \
    --iam-account $saId

# Setup Artifact Registry
gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding $artifactRegistryName \
    --project $artifactRegistryProjectId \
    --location $artifactRegistryLocation \
    --member "serviceAccount:$saId" \
    --role roles/artifactregistry.writer
gcloud services enable
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $artifactRegistryProjectId \
    --member=serviceAccount:$saId \

# Setup GitHub actions variables
gh auth login --web
gh secret set CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PUSH_PRIVATE_KEY < ~/tmp/$saName.json
rm ~/tmp/$saName.json
gh secret set CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PROJECT_ID -b"${artifactRegistryProjectId}"
gh secret set CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME -b"${artifactRegistryName}"
gh secret set CONTAINER_REGISTRY_HOST_NAME -b"${artifactRegistryLocation}"

# Delete the default compute engine service account if you don't have the Org policy iam.automaticIamGrantsForDefaultServiceAccounts in place
projectNumber="$(gcloud projects describe $projectId --format='get(projectNumber)')"
gcloud iam service-accounts delete $ --quiet

Leverage Memorystore (Redis)

gcloud services enable
gcloud redis instances create $redisName --size=1 --region=$gkeRegion --zone=$gkeZone --redis-version=redis_6_x
gcloud redis instances describe $redisName --region=$gkeRegion --format='get(host)'
# Set the `REDIS_ADDR` environment variable with that `host` IP address.
gcloud redis instances get-auth-string $redisName --region=$gkeRegion
# Set the `REDIS_AUTH` environment variable with that auth string.

Note: there is few requirements about how and where create your Memorystore instance to be able to use it with GKE, see here for more information.

Monitoring with Cloud Operations

gcloud monitoring dashboards create --config-from-file=gcloud/monitoring/dashboard.yaml